Protein Analysis and Proteomics

Beatriz Manso


There are 5 essential substances for living organisms: proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, water, and carbohydrates.

They are coded from the DNA and perform a range of essential biological functions including structural roles (e.g., actin contributes to the cytoskeleton), enzymic roles (proteins that catalyze biochemical reactions, typically increasing a reaction rate by several orders of magnitude), and transport roles carrying materials within and between cells.

Proteins are polypeptide polymers consisting of a linear arrangement of amino acids.

In this practical we will learn how to analyse proteins using databases such as UniProt, InterPro through the biomaRt package.


Set working directory:

setwd("C:/Users/manso/OneDrive - University of West London/MSc Bioinformatics - UWL/5.BFG - Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics/Practicals")
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

Retrieve the protein sequence for hemoglobin beta (HBB):

# load the package

mart <- useMart(biomart="ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
seq = getSequence(id="HBB", type="hgnc_symbol", seqType="peptide", 
1                                                                                                                                 Sequence unavailable
2                                                                                             MVHLTPEEKSAVTALWGKVNVDEVGGCWWSTLGPRGSLSPLGICPLLMLLWATLR*
1         HBB
2         HBB
3         HBB
4         HBB
5         HBB

Find the InterPro database identifiers and descriptions for the proteins of a list of gene symbols

listMarts() # This displays >60 available databases
               biomart                version
1 ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL      Ensembl Genes 106
2   ENSEMBL_MART_MOUSE      Mouse strains 106
3     ENSEMBL_MART_SNP  Ensembl Variation 106
4 ENSEMBL_MART_FUNCGEN Ensembl Regulation 106
ensembl = useMart("ensembl")

1     abrachyrhynchus_gene_ensembl
2         acalliptera_gene_ensembl
3       acarolinensis_gene_ensembl
4        acchrysaetos_gene_ensembl
5        acitrinellus_gene_ensembl
6        amelanoleuca_gene_ensembl
7          amexicanus_gene_ensembl
8          anancymaae_gene_ensembl
9          aocellaris_gene_ensembl
10           apercula_gene_ensembl
11     aplatyrhynchos_gene_ensembl
12      apolyacanthus_gene_ensembl
13    applatyrhynchos_gene_ensembl
14       atestudineus_gene_ensembl
15            bbbison_gene_ensembl
16         bgrunniens_gene_ensembl
17           bihybrid_gene_ensembl
18          bmusculus_gene_ensembl
19             bmutus_gene_ensembl
20         bsplendens_gene_ensembl
21            btaurus_gene_ensembl
22        cabingdonii_gene_ensembl
23              catys_gene_ensembl
24           cauratus_gene_ensembl
25         ccapucinus_gene_ensembl
26            ccarpio_gene_ensembl
27           cccarpio_gene_ensembl
28       cdromedarius_gene_ensembl
29           celegans_gene_ensembl
30        cgchok1gshd_gene_ensembl
31             cgobio_gene_ensembl
32          charengus_gene_ensembl
33            chircus_gene_ensembl
34         choffmanni_gene_ensembl
35     chyarkandensis_gene_ensembl
36      cintestinalis_gene_ensembl
37           cjacchus_gene_ensembl
38          cjaponica_gene_ensembl
39          clanigera_gene_ensembl
40            cldingo_gene_ensembl
41       clfamiliaris_gene_ensembl
42            clumpus_gene_ensembl
43             cmilii_gene_ensembl
44           cpbellii_gene_ensembl
45         cporcellus_gene_ensembl
46           cporosus_gene_ensembl
47           csabaeus_gene_ensembl
48          csavignyi_gene_ensembl
49        csemilaevis_gene_ensembl
50          csyrichta_gene_ensembl
51        cvariegatus_gene_ensembl
52           cwagneri_gene_ensembl
53        dclupeoides_gene_ensembl
54            dlabrax_gene_ensembl
55            dleucas_gene_ensembl
56      dmelanogaster_gene_ensembl
57      dnovemcinctus_gene_ensembl
58             dordii_gene_ensembl
59             drerio_gene_ensembl
60           eaasinus_gene_ensembl
61           eburgeri_gene_ensembl
62          ecaballus_gene_ensembl
63       ecalabaricus_gene_ensembl
64        eelectricus_gene_ensembl
65         eeuropaeus_gene_ensembl
66            elucius_gene_ensembl
67          etelfairi_gene_ensembl
68        falbicollis_gene_ensembl
69             fcatus_gene_ensembl
70      fheteroclitus_gene_ensembl
71         gaculeatus_gene_ensembl
72          gevgoodei_gene_ensembl
73            gfortis_gene_ensembl
74            ggallus_gene_ensembl
75           ggorilla_gene_ensembl
76            gmorhua_gene_ensembl
77           hburtoni_gene_ensembl
78             hcomes_gene_ensembl
79           hgfemale_gene_ensembl
80             hhucho_gene_ensembl
81           hsapiens_gene_ensembl
82         ipunctatus_gene_ensembl
83  itridecemlineatus_gene_ensembl
84           jjaculus_gene_ensembl
85        kmarmoratus_gene_ensembl
86          lafricana_gene_ensembl
87          lbergylta_gene_ensembl
88        lcalcarifer_gene_ensembl
89         lchalumnae_gene_ensembl
90            lcrocea_gene_ensembl
91       llaticaudata_gene_ensembl
92       lleishanense_gene_ensembl
93          loculatus_gene_ensembl
94           marmatus_gene_ensembl
95           mauratus_gene_ensembl
96            mcaroli_gene_ensembl
97         mdomestica_gene_ensembl
98      mfascicularis_gene_ensembl
99         mgallopavo_gene_ensembl
100      mleucophaeus_gene_ensembl
101        mlucifugus_gene_ensembl
102         mmmarmota_gene_ensembl
103        mmonoceros_gene_ensembl
104      mmoschiferus_gene_ensembl
105          mmulatta_gene_ensembl
106          mmurdjan_gene_ensembl
107          mmurinus_gene_ensembl
108         mmusculus_gene_ensembl
109       mnemestrina_gene_ensembl
110      mochrogaster_gene_ensembl
111           mpahari_gene_ensembl
112            mpfuro_gene_ensembl
113       mspicilegus_gene_ensembl
114          mspretus_gene_ensembl
115            mzebra_gene_ensembl
116        nbrichardi_gene_ensembl
117          neugenii_gene_ensembl
118          nfurzeri_gene_ensembl
119           ngalili_gene_ensembl
120       nleucogenys_gene_ensembl
121             nnaja_gene_ensembl
122         nscutatus_gene_ensembl
123            nvison_gene_ensembl
124         oanatinus_gene_ensembl
125     oarambouillet_gene_ensembl
126            oaries_gene_ensembl
127        ocuniculus_gene_ensembl
128            odegus_gene_ensembl
129        ogarnettii_gene_ensembl
130        ojavanicus_gene_ensembl
131          okisutch_gene_ensembl
132          olatipes_gene_ensembl
133       omelastigma_gene_ensembl
134           omykiss_gene_ensembl
135        oniloticus_gene_ensembl
136         oprinceps_gene_ensembl
137         osinensis_gene_ensembl
138      otshawytscha_gene_ensembl
139           pabelii_gene_ensembl
140           panubis_gene_ensembl
141         pcapensis_gene_ensembl
142          pcatodon_gene_ensembl
143         pcinereus_gene_ensembl
144        pcoquereli_gene_ensembl
145          pformosa_gene_ensembl
146       pkingsleyae_gene_ensembl
147        platipinna_gene_ensembl
148              pleo_gene_ensembl
149            pmajor_gene_ensembl
150          pmarinus_gene_ensembl
151         pmbairdii_gene_ensembl
152          pmuralis_gene_ensembl
153        pnattereri_gene_ensembl
154         pnyererei_gene_ensembl
155         ppaniscus_gene_ensembl
156           ppardus_gene_ensembl
157       preticulata_gene_ensembl
158            psimus_gene_ensembl
159         psinensis_gene_ensembl
160            psinus_gene_ensembl
161         ptaltaica_gene_ensembl
162         ptextilis_gene_ensembl
163      ptroglodytes_gene_ensembl
164         pvampyrus_gene_ensembl
165            rbieti_gene_ensembl
166    rferrumequinum_gene_ensembl
167       rnorvegicus_gene_ensembl
168        rroxellana_gene_ensembl
169          saraneus_gene_ensembl
170           saurata_gene_ensembl
171     sbboliviensis_gene_ensembl
172          scanaria_gene_ensembl
173       scaustralis_gene_ensembl
174       scerevisiae_gene_ensembl
175         sdumerili_gene_ensembl
176         sformosus_gene_ensembl
177          sgrahami_gene_ensembl
178       shabroptila_gene_ensembl
179         sharrisii_gene_ensembl
180        sldorsalis_gene_ensembl
181       slucioperca_gene_ensembl
182          smaximus_gene_ensembl
183         smerianae_gene_ensembl
184         spartitus_gene_ensembl
185        spunctatus_gene_ensembl
186            ssalar_gene_ensembl
187           ssbamei_gene_ensembl
188       ssberkshire_gene_ensembl
189           sscrofa_gene_ensembl
190       sshampshire_gene_ensembl
191          ssjinhua_gene_ensembl
192        sslandrace_gene_ensembl
193      sslargewhite_gene_ensembl
194         ssmeishan_gene_ensembl
195        sspietrain_gene_ensembl
196       ssrongchang_gene_ensembl
197         sstibetan_gene_ensembl
198          ssusmarc_gene_ensembl
199       sswuzhishan_gene_ensembl
200           strutta_gene_ensembl
201         svulgaris_gene_ensembl
202        tbelangeri_gene_ensembl
203       tctriunguis_gene_ensembl
204          tguttata_gene_ensembl
205     tnigroviridis_gene_ensembl
206         trubripes_gene_ensembl
207        ttruncatus_gene_ensembl
208       uamericanus_gene_ensembl
209        umaritimus_gene_ensembl
210          uparryii_gene_ensembl
211            vpacos_gene_ensembl
212          vursinus_gene_ensembl
213           vvulpes_gene_ensembl
214        xmaculatus_gene_ensembl
215       xtropicalis_gene_ensembl
1                          Pink-footed goose genes (ASM259213v1)
2                               Eastern happy genes (fAstCal1.2)
3                                Green anole genes (AnoCar2.0v2)
4                                Golden eagle genes (bAquChr1.2)
5                                 Midas cichlid genes (Midas_v5)
6                                Giant panda genes (ASM200744v2)
7                   Mexican tetra genes (Astyanax_mexicanus-2.0)
8                             Ma's night monkey genes (Anan_2.0)
9                            Clown anemonefish genes (AmpOce1.0)
10                              Orange clownfish genes (Nemo_v1)
11                                   Mallard genes (ASM874695v1)
12                             Spiny chromis genes (ASM210954v1)
13                                      Duck genes (CAU_duck1.0)
14                             Climbing perch genes (fAnaTes1.2)
15                           American bison genes (Bison_UMD1.0)
16                           Domestic yak genes (LU_Bosgru_v3.0)
17                    Hybrid - Bos Indicus genes (UOA_Brahman_1)
18                                Blue whale genes (mBalMus1.v2)
19                                  Wild yak genes (BosGru_v2.0)
20                      Siamese fighting fish genes (fBetSpl5.2)
21                                        Cow genes (ARS-UCD1.2)
22            Abingdon island giant tortoise genes (ASM359739v1)
23                               Sooty mangabey genes (Caty_1.0)
24                                  Goldfish genes (ASM336829v1)
25                           Capuchin genes (Cebus_imitator-1.0)
26                        Common carp genes (common_carp_genome)
27                            Common carp genes (Cypcar_WagV4.0)
28                                 Arabian camel genes (CamDro2)
29          Caenorhabditis elegans (PRJNA13758) genes (WBcel235)
30                  Chinese hamster CHOK1GS genes (CHOK1GS_HDv1)
31                        Channel bull blenny genes (fCotGob3.1)
32                            Atlantic herring genes (Ch_v2.0.2)
33                                             Goat genes (ARS1)
34                                         Sloth genes (choHof1)
35                                   Yarkand deer genes (CEY_v1)
36                                     C.intestinalis genes (KH)
37              White-tufted-ear marmoset genes (mCalJac1.pat.X)
38                  Japanese quail genes (Coturnix_japonica_2.0)
39                      Long-tailed chinchilla genes (ChiLan1.0)
40                                     Dingo genes (ASM325472v1)
41                                      Dog genes (ROS_Cfam_1.0)
42                                 Lumpfish genes (fCycLum1.pri)
43              Elephant shark genes (Callorhinchus_milii-6.1.3)
44           Painted turtle genes (Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3)
45                                  Guinea Pig genes (Cavpor3.0)
46           Australian saltwater crocodile genes (CroPor_comp1)
47                                  Vervet-AGM genes (ChlSab1.1)
48                                   C.savignyi genes (CSAV 2.0)
49                                  Tongue sole genes (Cse_v1.0)
50                        Tarsier genes (Tarsius_syrichta-2.0.1)
51                    Sheepshead minnow genes (C_variegatus-1.0)
52                    Chacoan peccary genes (CatWag_v2_BIUU_UCD)
53                           Denticle herring genes (fDenClu1.1)
54                          European seabass genes (dlabrax2021)
55                              Beluga whale genes (ASM228892v3)
56                      Drosophila melanogaster genes (BDGP6.32)
57                                   Armadillo genes (Dasnov3.0)
58                                 Kangaroo rat genes (Dord_2.0)
59                                      Zebrafish genes (GRCz11)
60                                    Donkey genes (ASM303372v1)
61                                  Hagfish genes (Eburgeri_3.2)
62                                       Horse genes (EquCab3.0)
63                                   Reedfish genes (fErpCal1.1)
64                      Electric eel genes (Ee_SOAP_WITH_SSPACE)
65                                      Hedgehog genes (eriEur1)
66                                 Northern pike genes (Eluc_v4)
67                         Lesser hedgehog tenrec genes (TENREC)
68                         Collared flycatcher genes (FicAlb1.5)
69                                   Cat genes (Felis_catus_9.0)
70                 Mummichog genes (Fundulus_heteroclitus-3.0.2)
71                                  Stickleback genes (BROAD S1)
72              Goodes thornscrub tortoise genes (rGopEvg1_v1.p)
73                        Medium ground-finch genes (GeoFor_1.0)
74                                        Chicken genes (GRCg6a)
75                                       Gorilla genes (gorGor4)
76                                Atlantic cod genes (gadMor3.0)
77                       Burton's mouthbrooder genes (AstBur1.0)
78                    Tiger tail seahorse genes (H_comes_QL1_v1)
79               Naked mole-rat female genes (HetGla_female_1.0)
80                                    Huchen genes (ASM331708v1)
81                                      Human genes (GRCh38.p13)
82                            Channel catfish genes (IpCoco_1.2)
83                                    Squirrel genes (SpeTri2.0)
84                      Lesser Egyptian jerboa genes (JacJac1.0)
85                          Mangrove rivulus genes (ASM164957v1)
86                                    Elephant genes (Loxafr3.0)
87                              Ballan wrasse genes (BallGen_V1)
88                  Barramundi perch genes (ASB_HGAPassembly_v1)
89                                    Coelacanth genes (LatCha1)
90                     Large yellow croaker genes (L_crocea_2.0)
91                      Blue-ringed sea krait genes (latLat_1.0)
92                        Leishan spiny toad genes (ASM966780v1)
93                                   Spotted gar genes (LepOcu1)
94                                Zig-zag eel genes (fMasArm1.2)
95                              Golden Hamster genes (MesAur1.0)
96                          Ryukyu mouse genes (CAROLI_EIJ_v1.1)
97                                      Opossum genes (ASM229v1)
98           Crab-eating macaque genes (Macaca_fascicularis_6.0)
99                                     Turkey genes (Turkey_5.1)
100                                    Drill genes (Mleu.le_1.0)
101                                   Microbat genes (Myoluc2.0)
102                              Alpine marmot genes (marMar2.1)
103                                Narwhal genes (NGI_Narwhal_1)
104                Siberian musk deer genes (MosMos_v2_BIUU_UCD)
105                                      Macaque genes (Mmul_10)
106                      Pinecone soldierfish genes (fMyrMur1.1)
107                                 Mouse Lemur genes (Mmur_3.0)
108                                         Mouse genes (GRCm39)
109                          Pig-tailed macaque genes (Mnem_1.0)
110                               Prairie vole genes (MicOch1.0)
111                          Shrew mouse genes (PAHARI_EIJ_v1.1)
112                                  Ferret genes (MusPutFur1.0)
113                                 Steppe mouse genes (MUSP714)
114                          Algerian mouse genes (SPRET_EiJ_v1)
115                            Zebra mbuna genes (M_zebra_UMD2a)
116                           Lyretail cichlid genes (NeoBri1.0)
117                                     Wallaby genes (Meug_1.0)
118                     Turquoise killifish genes (Nfu_20140520)
119 Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat genes (S.galili_v1.0)
120                                      Gibbon genes (Nleu_3.0)
121                                 Indian cobra genes (Nana_v5)
122                     Mainland tiger snake genes (TS10Xv2-PRI)
123                              American mink genes (NNQGG.v01)
124                               Platypus genes (mOrnAna1.p.v1)
125                           Sheep genes (Oar_rambouillet_v1.0)
126                               Sheep (texel) genes (Oar_v3.1)
127                                     Rabbit genes (OryCun2.0)
128                                       Degu genes (OctDeg1.0)
129                                     Bushbaby genes (OtoGar3)
130                           Javanese ricefish genes (OJAV_1.1)
131                                  Coho salmon genes (Okis_V2)
132                     Japanese medaka HdrR genes (ASM223467v1)
133                           Indian medaka genes (Om_v0.7.RACA)
134                         Rainbow trout genes (USDA_OmykA_1.1)
135                    Nile tilapia genes (O_niloticus_UMD_NMBU)
136                                   Pika genes (OchPri2.0-Ens)
137                           Chinese medaka genes (ASM858656v1)
138                             Chinook salmon genes (Otsh_v1.0)
139                       Sumatran orangutan genes (Susie_PABv2)
140                              Olive baboon genes (Panubis1.0)
141                                        Hyrax genes (proCap1)
142                              Sperm whale genes (ASM283717v2)
143                               Koala genes (phaCin_unsw_v4.1)
144                           Coquerel's sifaka genes (Pcoq_1.0)
145                  Amazon molly genes (Poecilia_formosa-5.1.2)
146                  Paramormyrops kingsleyae genes (PKINGS_0.1)
147                        Sailfin molly genes (P_latipinna-1.0)
148                                       Lion genes (PanLeo1.0)
149                             Great Tit genes (Parus_major1.1)
150                                 Lamprey genes (Pmarinus_7.0)
151             Northern American deer mouse genes (HU_Pman_2.1)
152                        Common wall lizard genes (PodMur_1.0)
153      Red-bellied piranha genes (Pygocentrus_nattereri-1.0.2)
154                      Makobe Island cichlid genes (PunNye1.0)
155                                     Bonobo genes (panpan1.1)
156                                    Leopard genes (PanPar1.0)
157                            Guppy genes (Guppy_female_1.0_MT)
158                      Greater bamboo lemur genes (Prosim_1.0)
159                  Chinese softshell turtle genes (PelSin_1.0)
160                                 Vaquita genes (mPhoSin1.pri)
161                                      Tiger genes (PanTig1.0)
162                     Eastern brown snake genes (EBS10Xv2-PRI)
163                               Chimpanzee genes (Pan_tro_3.0)
164                                      Megabat genes (pteVam1)
165                  Black snub-nosed monkey genes (ASM169854v1)
166                  Greater horseshoe bat genes (mRhiFer1_v1.p)
167                                        Rat genes (mRatBN7.2)
168                     Golden snub-nosed monkey genes (Rrox_v1)
169                                        Shrew genes (sorAra1)
170                         Gilthead seabream genes (fSpaAur1.1)
171                   Bolivian squirrel monkey genes (SaiBol1.0)
172                                   Common canary genes (SCA1)
173                           African ostrich genes (ASM69896v1)
174                     Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes (R64-1-1)
175                            Greater amberjack genes (Sdu_1.0)
176                          Asian bonytongue genes (fSclFor1.1)
177             Golden-line barbel genes (SAMN03320097.WGS_v1.1)
178                                 Kakapo genes (bStrHab1_v1.p)
179                          Tasmanian devil genes (mSarHar1.11)
180                          Yellowtail amberjack genes (Sedor1)
181                                Pike-perch genes (SLUC_FBN_1)
182                                  Turbot genes (ASM1334776v1)
183             Argentine black and white tegu genes (HLtupMer3)
184          Bicolor damselfish genes (Stegastes_partitus-1.0.2)
185                                  Tuatara genes (ASM311381v1)
186                            Atlantic salmon genes (Ssal_v3.1)
187                             Pig - Bamei genes (Bamei_pig_v1)
188                     Pig - Berkshire genes (Berkshire_pig_v1)
189                                      Pig genes (Sscrofa11.1)
190                     Pig - Hampshire genes (Hampshire_pig_v1)
191                           Pig - Jinhua genes (Jinhua_pig_v1)
192                       Pig - Landrace genes (Landrace_pig_v1)
193                      Pig - Largewhite genes (Large_White_v1)
194                         Pig - Meishan genes (Meishan_pig_v1)
195                       Pig - Pietrain genes (Pietrain_pig_v1)
196                     Pig - Rongchang genes (Rongchang_pig_v1)
197                         Pig - Tibetan genes (Tibetan_Pig_v2)
198                                Pig USMARC genes (USMARCv1.0)
199                         Pig - Wuzhishan genes (minipig_v1.0)
200                               Brown trout genes (fSalTru1.1)
201                     Eurasian red squirrel genes (mSciVul1.1)
202                                   Tree Shrew genes (tupBel1)
203              Three-toed box turtle genes (T_m_triunguis-2.0)
204                            Zebra finch genes (bTaeGut1_v1.p)
205                              Tetraodon genes (TETRAODON 8.0)
206                                      Fugu genes (fTakRub1.2)
207                                      Dolphin genes (turTru1)
208                      American black bear genes (ASM334442v1)
209                                Polar bear genes (UrsMar_1.0)
210                   Arctic ground squirrel genes (ASM342692v1)
211                                       Alpaca genes (vicPac1)
212      Common wombat genes (bare-nosed_wombat_genome_assembly)
213                                    Red fox genes (VulVul2.2)
214                       Platyfish genes (X_maculatus-5.0-male)
215         Tropical clawed frog genes (Xenopus_tropicalis_v9.1)
1                         ASM259213v1
2                          fAstCal1.2
3                         AnoCar2.0v2
4                          bAquChr1.2
5                            Midas_v5
6                         ASM200744v2
7              Astyanax_mexicanus-2.0
8                            Anan_2.0
9                           AmpOce1.0
10                            Nemo_v1
11                        ASM874695v1
12                        ASM210954v1
13                        CAU_duck1.0
14                         fAnaTes1.2
15                       Bison_UMD1.0
16                     LU_Bosgru_v3.0
17                      UOA_Brahman_1
18                        mBalMus1.v2
19                        BosGru_v2.0
20                         fBetSpl5.2
21                         ARS-UCD1.2
22                        ASM359739v1
23                           Caty_1.0
24                        ASM336829v1
25                 Cebus_imitator-1.0
26                 common_carp_genome
27                     Cypcar_WagV4.0
28                            CamDro2
29                           WBcel235
30                       CHOK1GS_HDv1
31                         fCotGob3.1
32                          Ch_v2.0.2
33                               ARS1
34                            choHof1
35                             CEY_v1
36                                 KH
37                     mCalJac1.pat.X
38              Coturnix_japonica_2.0
39                          ChiLan1.0
40                        ASM325472v1
41                       ROS_Cfam_1.0
42                       fCycLum1.pri
43          Callorhinchus_milii-6.1.3
44       Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3
45                          Cavpor3.0
46                       CroPor_comp1
47                          ChlSab1.1
48                           CSAV 2.0
49                           Cse_v1.0
50             Tarsius_syrichta-2.0.1
51                   C_variegatus-1.0
52                 CatWag_v2_BIUU_UCD
53                         fDenClu1.1
54                        dlabrax2021
55                        ASM228892v3
56                           BDGP6.32
57                          Dasnov3.0
58                           Dord_2.0
59                             GRCz11
60                        ASM303372v1
61                       Eburgeri_3.2
62                          EquCab3.0
63                         fErpCal1.1
64                Ee_SOAP_WITH_SSPACE
65                            eriEur1
66                            Eluc_v4
67                             TENREC
68                          FicAlb1.5
69                    Felis_catus_9.0
70        Fundulus_heteroclitus-3.0.2
71                           BROAD S1
72                      rGopEvg1_v1.p
73                         GeoFor_1.0
74                             GRCg6a
75                            gorGor4
76                          gadMor3.0
77                          AstBur1.0
78                     H_comes_QL1_v1
79                  HetGla_female_1.0
80                        ASM331708v1
81                         GRCh38.p13
82                         IpCoco_1.2
83                          SpeTri2.0
84                          JacJac1.0
85                        ASM164957v1
86                          Loxafr3.0
87                         BallGen_V1
88                ASB_HGAPassembly_v1
89                            LatCha1
90                       L_crocea_2.0
91                         latLat_1.0
92                        ASM966780v1
93                            LepOcu1
94                         fMasArm1.2
95                          MesAur1.0
96                    CAROLI_EIJ_v1.1
97                           ASM229v1
98            Macaca_fascicularis_6.0
99                         Turkey_5.1
100                       Mleu.le_1.0
101                         Myoluc2.0
102                         marMar2.1
103                     NGI_Narwhal_1
104                MosMos_v2_BIUU_UCD
105                           Mmul_10
106                        fMyrMur1.1
107                          Mmur_3.0
108                            GRCm39
109                          Mnem_1.0
110                         MicOch1.0
111                   PAHARI_EIJ_v1.1
112                      MusPutFur1.0
113                           MUSP714
114                      SPRET_EiJ_v1
115                     M_zebra_UMD2a
116                         NeoBri1.0
117                          Meug_1.0
118                      Nfu_20140520
119                     S.galili_v1.0
120                          Nleu_3.0
121                           Nana_v5
122                       TS10Xv2-PRI
123                         NNQGG.v01
124                     mOrnAna1.p.v1
125              Oar_rambouillet_v1.0
126                          Oar_v3.1
127                         OryCun2.0
128                         OctDeg1.0
129                           OtoGar3
130                          OJAV_1.1
131                           Okis_V2
132                       ASM223467v1
133                      Om_v0.7.RACA
134                    USDA_OmykA_1.1
135              O_niloticus_UMD_NMBU
136                     OchPri2.0-Ens
137                       ASM858656v1
138                         Otsh_v1.0
139                       Susie_PABv2
140                        Panubis1.0
141                           proCap1
142                       ASM283717v2
143                  phaCin_unsw_v4.1
144                          Pcoq_1.0
145            Poecilia_formosa-5.1.2
146                        PKINGS_0.1
147                   P_latipinna-1.0
148                         PanLeo1.0
149                    Parus_major1.1
150                      Pmarinus_7.0
151                       HU_Pman_2.1
152                        PodMur_1.0
153       Pygocentrus_nattereri-1.0.2
154                         PunNye1.0
155                         panpan1.1
156                         PanPar1.0
157               Guppy_female_1.0_MT
158                        Prosim_1.0
159                        PelSin_1.0
160                      mPhoSin1.pri
161                         PanTig1.0
162                      EBS10Xv2-PRI
163                       Pan_tro_3.0
164                           pteVam1
165                       ASM169854v1
166                     mRhiFer1_v1.p
167                         mRatBN7.2
168                           Rrox_v1
169                           sorAra1
170                        fSpaAur1.1
171                         SaiBol1.0
172                              SCA1
173                        ASM69896v1
174                           R64-1-1
175                           Sdu_1.0
176                        fSclFor1.1
177             SAMN03320097.WGS_v1.1
178                     bStrHab1_v1.p
179                       mSarHar1.11
180                            Sedor1
181                        SLUC_FBN_1
182                      ASM1334776v1
183                         HLtupMer3
184          Stegastes_partitus-1.0.2
185                       ASM311381v1
186                         Ssal_v3.1
187                      Bamei_pig_v1
188                  Berkshire_pig_v1
189                       Sscrofa11.1
190                  Hampshire_pig_v1
191                     Jinhua_pig_v1
192                   Landrace_pig_v1
193                    Large_White_v1
194                    Meishan_pig_v1
195                   Pietrain_pig_v1
196                  Rongchang_pig_v1
197                    Tibetan_Pig_v2
198                        USMARCv1.0
199                      minipig_v1.0
200                        fSalTru1.1
201                        mSciVul1.1
202                           tupBel1
203                 T_m_triunguis-2.0
204                     bTaeGut1_v1.p
205                     TETRAODON 8.0
206                        fTakRub1.2
207                           turTru1
208                       ASM334442v1
209                        UrsMar_1.0
210                       ASM342692v1
211                           vicPac1
212 bare-nosed_wombat_genome_assembly
213                         VulVul2.2
214              X_maculatus-5.0-male
215           Xenopus_tropicalis_v9.1
ensembl = useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl", mart=ensembl)
filters = listFilters(ensembl)
1                         chromosome_name
2                                   start
3                                     end
4                              band_start
5                                band_end
6                            marker_start
7                              marker_end
8                           encode_region
9                                  strand
10                     chromosomal_region
11                           with_biogrid
12                              with_ccds
13                            with_chembl
14                            with_dbass3
15                            with_dbass5
16             with_entrezgene_trans_name
17                              with_embl
18                      with_arrayexpress
19                            with_genedb
20                                with_go
21                        with_goslim_goa
22                              with_hgnc
23                               with_hpa
24                        with_protein_id
25                            with_merops
26                          with_mim_gene
27                        with_mim_morbid
28                           with_mirbase
29                with_mirbase_trans_name
30                        with_entrezgene
31                               with_pdb
32                          with_reactome
33                     with_reactome_gene
34               with_reactome_transcript
35                       with_refseq_mrna
36             with_refseq_mrna_predicted
37                      with_refseq_ncrna
38            with_refseq_ncrna_predicted
39                    with_refseq_peptide
40          with_refseq_peptide_predicted
41                              with_rfam
42                   with_rfam_trans_name
43                        with_rnacentral
44                   with_hgnc_trans_name
45                              with_ucsc
46                           with_uniparc
47                        with_uniprot_gn
48                   with_uniprot_isoform
49                  with_uniprotswissprot
50                   with_uniprotsptrembl
51                          with_wikigene
52                        ensembl_gene_id
53                ensembl_gene_id_version
54                  ensembl_transcript_id
55          ensembl_transcript_id_version
56                     ensembl_peptide_id
57             ensembl_peptide_id_version
58                        ensembl_exon_id
59                     external_gene_name
60               external_transcript_name
61                       external_synonym
62                                biogrid
63                                   ccds
64                                 chembl
65                            dbass3_name
66                              dbass3_id
67                            dbass5_name
68                              dbass5_id
69                  entrezgene_trans_name
70                                   embl
71                           arrayexpress
72                                 genedb
73                                     go
74                             goslim_goa
75                                hgnc_id
76                            hgnc_symbol
77                          hpa_accession
78                                 hpa_id
79                             protein_id
80                                 merops
81                     mim_gene_accession
82                   mim_morbid_accession
83                      mirbase_accession
84                             mirbase_id
85                     mirbase_trans_name
86                   entrezgene_accession
87                          entrezgene_id
88                                    pdb
89                               reactome
90                          reactome_gene
91                    reactome_transcript
92                            refseq_mrna
93                  refseq_mrna_predicted
94                           refseq_ncrna
95                 refseq_ncrna_predicted
96                         refseq_peptide
97               refseq_peptide_predicted
98                                   rfam
99                        rfam_trans_name
100                            rnacentral
101                       hgnc_trans_name
102                                  ucsc
103                               uniparc
104                     uniprot_gn_symbol
105                         uniprot_gn_id
106                       uniprot_isoform
107                      uniprotswissprot
108                       uniprotsptrembl
109                         wikigene_name
110                           wikigene_id
111                     with_affy_hc_g110
112                    with_affy_hg_focus
113                    with_affy_hg_u133a
114                  with_affy_hg_u133a_2
115                    with_affy_hg_u133b
116              with_affy_hg_u133_plus_2
117                     with_affy_hg_u95a
118                   with_affy_hg_u95av2
119                     with_affy_hg_u95b
120                     with_affy_hg_u95c
121                     with_affy_hg_u95d
122                     with_affy_hg_u95e
123                     with_affy_hta_2_0
124          with_affy_ht_hg_u133_plus_pm
125              with_affy_huex_1_0_st_v2
126                    with_affy_hugenefl
127            with_affy_hugene_1_0_st_v1
128            with_affy_hugene_2_0_st_v1
129            with_affy_hugene_2_1_st_v1
130                   with_affy_primeview
131                    with_affy_u133_x3p
132                  with_agilent_cgh_44b
133                 with_agilent_gpl26966
134                  with_agilent_gpl6848
135    with_agilent_sureprint_g3_ge_8x60k
136 with_agilent_sureprint_g3_ge_8x60k_v2
137              with_agilent_wholegenome
138     with_agilent_wholegenome_4x44k_v1
139     with_agilent_wholegenome_4x44k_v2
140                with_codelink_codelink
141           with_illumina_humanht_12_v3
142           with_illumina_humanht_12_v4
143           with_illumina_humanref_8_v3
144            with_illumina_humanwg_6_v1
145            with_illumina_humanwg_6_v2
146            with_illumina_humanwg_6_v3
147                 with_phalanx_onearray
148                          affy_hc_g110
149                         affy_hg_focus
150                         affy_hg_u133a
151                       affy_hg_u133a_2
152                         affy_hg_u133b
153                   affy_hg_u133_plus_2
154                          affy_hg_u95a
155                        affy_hg_u95av2
156                          affy_hg_u95b
157                          affy_hg_u95c
158                          affy_hg_u95d
159                          affy_hg_u95e
160                          affy_hta_2_0
161               affy_ht_hg_u133_plus_pm
162                   affy_huex_1_0_st_v2
163                         affy_hugenefl
164                 affy_hugene_1_0_st_v1
165                 affy_hugene_2_0_st_v1
166                 affy_hugene_2_1_st_v1
167                        affy_primeview
168                         affy_u133_x3p
169                       agilent_cgh_44b
170                      agilent_gpl26966
171                       agilent_gpl6848
172         agilent_sureprint_g3_ge_8x60k
173      agilent_sureprint_g3_ge_8x60k_v2
174                   agilent_wholegenome
175          agilent_wholegenome_4x44k_v1
176          agilent_wholegenome_4x44k_v2
177                     codelink_codelink
178                illumina_humanht_12_v3
179                illumina_humanht_12_v4
180                illumina_humanref_8_v3
181                 illumina_humanwg_6_v1
182                 illumina_humanwg_6_v2
183                 illumina_humanwg_6_v3
184                      phalanx_onearray
185         transcript_count_greater_than
186            transcript_count_less_than
187                               biotype
188                    transcript_biotype
189                                source
190                     transcript_source
191                        transcript_tsl
192              transcript_gencode_basic
193                     transcript_appris
194               transcript_is_canonical
195                           mane_select
196                    mane_plus_clinical
197                 phenotype_description
198                      phenotype_source
199                        go_parent_term
200                        go_parent_name
201                      go_evidence_code
202                 with_hsapiens_paralog
203              with_cabingdonii_homolog
204              with_scaustralis_homolog
205                 with_mspretus_homolog
206                   with_vpacos_homolog
207                with_mmmarmota_homolog
208                 with_pformosa_homolog
209                  with_bbbison_homolog
210              with_uamericanus_homolog
211                   with_nvison_homolog
212             with_cdromedarius_homolog
213                 with_uparryii_homolog
214                with_smerianae_homolog
215            with_dnovemcinctus_homolog
216                with_sformosus_homolog
217                  with_gmorhua_homolog
218                with_charengus_homolog
219                   with_ssalar_homolog
220                 with_cporosus_homolog
221                with_lbergylta_homolog
222              with_lcalcarifer_homolog
223                  with_dleucas_homolog
224                with_spartitus_homolog
225                   with_rbieti_homolog
226                with_bmusculus_homolog
227             with_llaticaudata_homolog
228            with_sbboliviensis_homolog
229                with_ppaniscus_homolog
230                  with_strutta_homolog
231                 with_hburtoni_homolog
232               with_ogarnettii_homolog
233            with_cintestinalis_homolog
234                with_csavignyi_homolog
235                 with_celegans_homolog
236               with_ccapucinus_homolog
237                   with_fcatus_homolog
238                 with_cwagneri_homolog
239                   with_cgobio_homolog
240               with_ipunctatus_homolog
241                  with_ggallus_homolog
242             with_ptroglodytes_homolog
243              with_cgchok1gshd_homolog
244                with_osinensis_homolog
245                with_psinensis_homolog
246             with_otshawytscha_homolog
247             with_atestudineus_homolog
248               with_aocellaris_homolog
249               with_lchalumnae_homolog
250                 with_okisutch_homolog
251              with_falbicollis_homolog
252                 with_scanaria_homolog
253                 with_cccarpio_homolog
254                 with_pmuralis_homolog
255                 with_vursinus_homolog
256               with_pcoquereli_homolog
257                  with_btaurus_homolog
258            with_mfascicularis_homolog
259                   with_odegus_homolog
260              with_dclupeoides_homolog
261                  with_cldingo_homolog
262             with_clfamiliaris_homolog
263               with_ttruncatus_homolog
264               with_bgrunniens_homolog
265                 with_eaasinus_homolog
266             with_mleucophaeus_homolog
267            with_dmelanogaster_homolog
268          with_applatyrhynchos_homolog
269                with_ptextilis_homolog
270              with_acalliptera_homolog
271              with_eelectricus_homolog
272                with_lafricana_homolog
273                   with_cmilii_homolog
274                with_svulgaris_homolog
275                  with_dlabrax_homolog
276                   with_mpfuro_homolog
277                with_trubripes_homolog
278             with_amelanoleuca_homolog
279              with_nleucogenys_homolog
280                  with_saurata_homolog
281                  with_chircus_homolog
282                 with_mauratus_homolog
283             with_acchrysaetos_homolog
284               with_rroxellana_homolog
285                 with_sgrahami_homolog
286                 with_cauratus_homolog
287                with_gevgoodei_homolog
288                 with_ggorilla_homolog
289                   with_pmajor_homolog
290                with_sdumerili_homolog
291                   with_psimus_homolog
292           with_rferrumequinum_homolog
293            with_acarolinensis_homolog
294               with_cporcellus_homolog
295              with_preticulata_homolog
296                 with_eburgeri_homolog
297               with_eeuropaeus_homolog
298                with_ecaballus_homolog
299                   with_hhucho_homolog
300                 with_bihybrid_homolog
301                with_pcapensis_homolog
302                    with_nnaja_homolog
303              with_omelastigma_homolog
304                 with_olatipes_homolog
305                with_cjaponica_homolog
306               with_ojavanicus_homolog
307              with_shabroptila_homolog
308                   with_dordii_homolog
309                with_pcinereus_homolog
310                 with_pmarinus_homolog
311                  with_lcrocea_homolog
312             with_lleishanense_homolog
313                  with_ppardus_homolog
314                 with_jjaculus_homolog
315                with_etelfairi_homolog
316                     with_pleo_homolog
317                with_clanigera_homolog
318                  with_clumpus_homolog
319               with_nbrichardi_homolog
320               with_anancymaae_homolog
321                 with_mmulatta_homolog
322                with_nscutatus_homolog
323                with_pnyererei_homolog
324              with_kmarmoratus_homolog
325                  with_gfortis_homolog
326                with_pvampyrus_homolog
327               with_amexicanus_homolog
328               with_mlucifugus_homolog
329             with_acitrinellus_homolog
330                with_mmusculus_homolog
331                 with_mmurinus_homolog
332            with_fheteroclitus_homolog
333                 with_hgfemale_homolog
334               with_mmonoceros_homolog
335               with_oniloticus_homolog
336                with_pmbairdii_homolog
337                  with_elucius_homolog
338                  with_panubis_homolog
339               with_mdomestica_homolog
340                 with_apercula_homolog
341                 with_cpbellii_homolog
342              with_pkingsleyae_homolog
343                  with_sscrofa_homolog
344              with_mnemestrina_homolog
345                with_oprinceps_homolog
346              with_slucioperca_homolog
347                 with_mmurdjan_homolog
348          with_abrachyrhynchus_homolog
349               with_xmaculatus_homolog
350                with_oanatinus_homolog
351               with_umaritimus_homolog
352             with_mochrogaster_homolog
353               with_ocuniculus_homolog
354                  with_omykiss_homolog
355              with_rnorvegicus_homolog
356                  with_vvulpes_homolog
357               with_pnattereri_homolog
358             with_ecalabaricus_homolog
359                  with_mcaroli_homolog
360              with_scerevisiae_homolog
361               with_platipinna_homolog
362            with_oarambouillet_homolog
363              with_cvariegatus_homolog
364                 with_saraneus_homolog
365                  with_mpahari_homolog
366               with_bsplendens_homolog
367             with_mmoschiferus_homolog
368               with_choffmanni_homolog
369                    with_catys_homolog
370                 with_pcatodon_homolog
371            with_apolyacanthus_homolog
372                with_loculatus_homolog
373        with_itridecemlineatus_homolog
374              with_mspicilegus_homolog
375               with_gaculeatus_homolog
376                  with_pabelii_homolog
377                with_csyrichta_homolog
378                with_sharrisii_homolog
379            with_tnigroviridis_homolog
380              with_tctriunguis_homolog
381                with_ptaltaica_homolog
382                   with_hcomes_homolog
383              with_csemilaevis_homolog
384               with_tbelangeri_homolog
385              with_xtropicalis_homolog
386               with_spunctatus_homolog
387                 with_smaximus_homolog
388               with_mgallopavo_homolog
389                 with_nfurzeri_homolog
390                  with_ngalili_homolog
391                   with_psinus_homolog
392                 with_csabaeus_homolog
393                 with_neugenii_homolog
394                 with_cjacchus_homolog
395                   with_bmutus_homolog
396           with_chyarkandensis_homolog
397               with_sldorsalis_homolog
398                 with_tguttata_homolog
399                   with_mzebra_homolog
400                   with_drerio_homolog
401                 with_marmatus_homolog
402                         with_interpro
403                 with_alphafold_import
404                              with_cdd
405                           with_gene3d
406                            with_hamap
407                       with_mobidblite
408                           with_ncoils
409                       with_hmmpanther
410                             with_pfam
411                            with_pirsf
412                           with_prints
413                      with_scanprosite
414                           with_pfscan
415                              with_seg
416                             with_sfld
417                     with_sifts_import
418                          with_signalp
419                            with_smart
420                      with_superfamily
421                          with_tigrfam
422                            with_tmhmm
423                              interpro
424                                   cdd
425                                gene3d
426                                 hamap
427                            hmmpanther
428                                  pfam
429                                 pirsf
430                                prints
431                           scanprosite
432                                pfscan
433                                  sfld
434                                 smart
435                           superfamily
436                               tigrfam
437            germ_line_variation_source
438              somatic_variation_source
439                    with_validated_snp
440                   so_mini_parent_name
1                                                                        Chromosome/scaffold name
2                                                                                           Start
3                                                                                             End
4                                                                                      Band Start
5                                                                                        Band End
6                                                                                    Marker Start
7                                                                                      Marker End
8                                                                                   Encode region
9                                                                                          Strand
10                                                         e.g. 1:100:10000:-1, 1:100000:200000:1
11           With BioGRID Interaction data, The General Repository for Interaction Datasets ID(s)
12                                                                                With CCDS ID(s)
13                                                                              With ChEMBL ID(s)
14                                                With DataBase of Aberrant 3' Splice Sites ID(s)
15                                                With DataBase of Aberrant 5' Splice Sites ID(s)
16                                                          With EntrezGene transcript name ID(s)
17                                                         With European Nucleotide Archive ID(s)
18                                                                    With Expression Atlas ID(s)
19                                                                              With GeneDB ID(s)
20                                                                                  With GO ID(s)
21                                                                          With GOSlim GOA ID(s)
22                                                                         With HGNC Symbol ID(s)
23                                                                 With Human Protein Atlas ID(s)
24                                                                    With INSDC protein ID ID(s)
25                                                     With MEROPS - the Peptidase Database ID(s)
26                                                                            With MIM gene ID(s)
27                                                                          With MIM morbid ID(s)
28                                                                             With miRBase ID(s)
29                                                             With miRBase transcript name ID(s)
30                                                     With NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) ID(s)
31                                                                                 With PDB ID(s)
32                                                                            With Reactome ID(s)
33                                                                       With Reactome gene ID(s)
34                                                                 With Reactome transcript ID(s)
35                                                                         With RefSeq mRNA ID(s)
36                                                               With RefSeq mRNA predicted ID(s)
37                                                                        With RefSeq ncRNA ID(s)
38                                                              With RefSeq ncRNA predicted ID(s)
39                                                                      With RefSeq peptide ID(s)
40                                                            With RefSeq peptide predicted ID(s)
41                                                                                With RFAM ID(s)
42                                                                With RFAM transcript name ID(s)
43                                                                          With RNAcentral ID(s)
44                                                                     With Transcript name ID(s)
45                                                                      With UCSC Stable ID ID(s)
46                                                                             With UniParc ID(s)
47                                                                 With UniProtKB Gene Name ID(s)
48                                                                   With UniProtKB isoform ID(s)
49                                                                With UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID(s)
50                                                                    With UniProtKB/TrEMBL ID(s)
51                                                                            With WikiGene ID(s)
52                                                       Gene stable ID(s) [e.g. ENSG00000000003]
53                                       Gene stable ID(s) with version [e.g. ENSG00000000003.15]
54                                                 Transcript stable ID(s) [e.g. ENST00000000233]
55                                 Transcript stable ID(s) with version [e.g. ENST00000000233.10]
56                                                    Protein stable ID(s) [e.g. ENSP00000000233]
57                                     Protein stable ID(s) with version [e.g. ENSP00000000233.5]
58                                                              Exon ID(s) [e.g. ENSE00000000003]
59                                                                      Gene Name(s) [e.g. MT-TF]
60                                                            Transcript Name(s) [e.g. MT-TF-201]
61                                                                Gene Synonym(s) [e.g. 0808y08y]
62  BioGRID Interaction data, The General Repository for Interaction Datasets ID(s) [e.g. 106523]
63                                                                       CCDS ID(s) [e.g. CCDS10]
64                                                              ChEMBL ID(s) [e.g. CHEMBL1075092]
65                                      DataBase of Aberrant 3' Splice Sites name(s) [e.g. ABCR ]
66                                            DataBase of Aberrant 3' Splice Sites ID(s) [e.g. 1]
67                                      DataBase of Aberrant 5' Splice Sites name(s) [e.g. BRCA1]
68                                          DataBase of Aberrant 5' Splice Sites ID(s) [e.g. 382]
69                                               EntrezGene transcript name ID(s) [e.g. AA06-201]
70                                                European Nucleotide Archive ID(s) [e.g. A06800]
71                                                  Expression Atlas ID(s) [e.g. ENSG00000000003]
72                                                           GeneDB ID(s) [e.g. Smp_009580.1:pep]
73                                                                     GO ID(s) [e.g. GO:0000002]
74                                                             GOSlim GOA ID(s) [e.g. GO:0000003]
75                                                                     HGNC ID(s) [e.g. HGNC:100]
76                                                                     HGNC symbol(s) [e.g. A1BG]
77                                              Human Protein Atlas accession(s) [e.g. CAB000001]
78                                                             Human Protein Atlas ID(s) [e.g. 1]
79                                                            INSDC protein ID(s) [e.g. AAA02489]
80                                           MEROPS - the Peptidase Database ID(s) [e.g. A01.001]
81                                                            MIM gene accession(s) [e.g. 100640]
82                                                          MIM morbid accession(s) [e.g. 100100]
83                                                          miRBase accession(s) [e.g. MI0000060]
84                                                              miRBase ID(s) [e.g. hsa-let-7a-1]
85                                        miRBase transcript name ID(s) [e.g. hsa-mir-1253.1-201]
86                                       NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) accession(s) [e.g. A1BG]
87                                                 NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) ID(s) [e.g. 1]
88                                                                          PDB ID(s) [e.g. 10GS]
89                                                            Reactome ID(s) [e.g. R-HSA-1059683]
90                                                       Reactome gene ID(s) [e.g. R-HSA-1059683]
91                                                 Reactome transcript ID(s) [e.g. R-HSA-1059683]
92                                                             RefSeq mRNA ID(s) [e.g. NM_000014]
93                                                RefSeq mRNA predicted ID(s) [e.g. XM_003118719]
94                                                            RefSeq ncRNA ID(s) [e.g. NR_000005]
95                                               RefSeq ncRNA predicted ID(s) [e.g. XR_001736900]
96                                                          RefSeq peptide ID(s) [e.g. NP_000005]
97                                             RefSeq peptide predicted ID(s) [e.g. XP_003403930]
98                                                                      RFAM ID(s) [e.g. RF00001]
99                                                RFAM transcript name ID(s) [e.g. 5S_rRNA.1-201]
100                                                         RNAcentral ID(s) [e.g. URS0000000055]
101                                                         Transcript name ID(s) [e.g. A1BG-201]
102                                                           UCSC Stable ID(s) [e.g. uc001aak.4]
103                                                            UniParc ID(s) [e.g. UPI000000003C]
104                                                    UniProtKB Gene Name symbol(s) [e.g. 5HT1A]
105                                                   UniProtKB Gene Name ID(s) [e.g. A0A023T6R1]
106                                                   UniProtKB isoform ID(s) [e.g. A0A096LP49-1]
107                                                  UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID(s) [e.g. A0A024RBG1]
108                                                      UniProtKB/TrEMBL ID(s) [e.g. A0A023T6R1]
109                                                                  WikiGene name(s) [e.g. A1BG]
110                                                                       WikiGene ID(s) [e.g. 1]
111                                                                 With AFFY HC G110 probe ID(s)
112                                                                With AFFY HG Focus probe ID(s)
113                                                                With AFFY HG U133A probe ID(s)
114                                                              With AFFY HG U133A 2 probe ID(s)
115                                                                With AFFY HG U133B probe ID(s)
116                                                          With AFFY HG U133 Plus 2 probe ID(s)
117                                                                 With AFFY HG U95A probe ID(s)
118                                                               With AFFY HG U95Av2 probe ID(s)
119                                                                 With AFFY HG U95B probe ID(s)
120                                                                 With AFFY HG U95C probe ID(s)
121                                                                 With AFFY HG U95D probe ID(s)
122                                                                 With AFFY HG U95E probe ID(s)
123                                                                 With AFFY HTA 2 0 probe ID(s)
124                                                      With AFFY HT HG U133 Plus PM probe ID(s)
125                                                          With AFFY HuEx 1 0 st v2 probe ID(s)
126                                                                With AFFY HuGeneFL probe ID(s)
127                                                        With AFFY HuGene 1 0 st v1 probe ID(s)
128                                                        With AFFY HuGene 2 0 st v1 probe ID(s)
129                                                        With AFFY HuGene 2 1 st v1 probe ID(s)
130                                                               With AFFY PrimeView probe ID(s)
131                                                                With AFFY U133 X3P probe ID(s)
132                                                              With AGILENT CGH 44b probe ID(s)
133                                                             With AGILENT GPL26966 probe ID(s)
134                                                              With AGILENT GPL6848 probe ID(s)
135                                                With AGILENT SurePrint G3 GE 8x60k probe ID(s)
136                                             With AGILENT SurePrint G3 GE 8x60k v2 probe ID(s)
137                                                          With AGILENT WholeGenome probe ID(s)
138                                                 With AGILENT WholeGenome 4x44k v1 probe ID(s)
139                                                 With AGILENT WholeGenome 4x44k v2 probe ID(s)
140                                                            With CODELINK CODELINK probe ID(s)
141                                                       With ILLUMINA HumanHT 12 V3 probe ID(s)
142                                                       With ILLUMINA HumanHT 12 V4 probe ID(s)
143                                                       With ILLUMINA HumanRef 8 V3 probe ID(s)
144                                                        With ILLUMINA HumanWG 6 V1 probe ID(s)
145                                                        With ILLUMINA HumanWG 6 V2 probe ID(s)
146                                                        With ILLUMINA HumanWG 6 V3 probe ID(s)
147                                                             With PHALANX OneArray probe ID(s)
148                                                        AFFY HC G110 probe ID(s) [e.g. 737_at]
149                                                    AFFY HG Focus probe ID(s) [e.g. 220771_at]
150                                                    AFFY HG U133A probe ID(s) [e.g. 211600_at]
151                                                  AFFY HG U133A 2 probe ID(s) [e.g. 211600_at]
152                                                  AFFY HG U133B probe ID(s) [e.g. 224373_s_at]
153                                           AFFY HG U133 Plus 2 probe ID(s) [e.g. 1553551_s_at]
154                                                      AFFY HG U95A probe ID(s) [e.g. 31984_at]
155                                                    AFFY HG U95Av2 probe ID(s) [e.g. 31984_at]
156                                                      AFFY HG U95B probe ID(s) [e.g. 49072_at]
157                                                      AFFY HG U95C probe ID(s) [e.g. 66072_at]
158                                                      AFFY HG U95D probe ID(s) [e.g. 76451_at]
159                                                      AFFY HG U95E probe ID(s) [e.g. 88289_at]
160                                                 AFFY HTA 2 0 probe ID(s) [e.g. TC11001412.hg]
161                                    AFFY HT HG U133 Plus PM probe ID(s) [e.g. 1553551_PM_s_at]
162                                                AFFY HuEx 1 0 st v2 probe ID(s) [e.g. 4037584]
163                                                    AFFY HuGeneFL probe ID(s) [e.g. Z70759_at]
164                                              AFFY HuGene 1 0 st v1 probe ID(s) [e.g. 8165644]
165                                             AFFY HuGene 2 0 st v1 probe ID(s) [e.g. 17100641]
166                                             AFFY HuGene 2 1 st v1 probe ID(s) [e.g. 17100639]
167                                                 AFFY PrimeView probe ID(s) [e.g. 11761514_at]
168                                              AFFY U133 X3P probe ID(s) [e.g. 1553551_3p_s_at]
169                                               AGILENT CGH 44b probe ID(s) [e.g. A_14_P135019]
170                                           AGILENT GPL26966 probe ID(s) [e.g. HMNXSV003012672]
171                                               AGILENT GPL6848 probe ID(s) [e.g. A_24_P179339]
172                                 AGILENT SurePrint G3 GE 8x60k probe ID(s) [e.g. A_24_P182122]
173                              AGILENT SurePrint G3 GE 8x60k v2 probe ID(s) [e.g. A_24_P182122]
174                                            AGILENT WholeGenome probe ID(s) [e.g. A_24_P42453]
175                                  AGILENT WholeGenome 4x44k v1 probe ID(s) [e.g. A_24_P179339]
176                                  AGILENT WholeGenome 4x44k v2 probe ID(s) [e.g. A_24_P182122]
177                                                  CODELINK CODELINK probe ID(s) [e.g. GE84207]
178                                        ILLUMINA HumanHT 12 V3 probe ID(s) [e.g. ILMN_1779625]
179                                        ILLUMINA HumanHT 12 V4 probe ID(s) [e.g. ILMN_3308961]
180                                        ILLUMINA HumanRef 8 V3 probe ID(s) [e.g. ILMN_2166812]
181                                           ILLUMINA HumanWG 6 V1 probe ID(s) [e.g. 0005910053]
182                                         ILLUMINA HumanWG 6 V2 probe ID(s) [e.g. ILMN_1779625]
183                                         ILLUMINA HumanWG 6 V3 probe ID(s) [e.g. ILMN_1779625]
184                                             PHALANX OneArray probe ID(s) [e.g. PH_hs_0033947]
185                                                                           Transcript count >=
186                                                                           Transcript count <=
187                                                                                          Type
188                                                                               Transcript Type
189                                                                                 Source (gene)
190                                                                           Source (transcript)
191                                                                Transcript Support Level (TSL)
192                                                                      GENCODE basic annotation
193                                                                             APPRIS annotation
194                                                                             Ensembl Canonical
195                                                                        MANE Select transcript
196                                                                            MANE Plus clinical
197                                                                         Phenotype description
198                                                                              Phenotype source
199                                                                         Parent term accession
200                                                                              Parent term name
201                                                                              GO Evidence code
202                                                                        Paralogous Human Genes
203                                              Orthologous Abingdon island giant tortoise Genes
204                                                             Orthologous African ostrich Genes
205                                                              Orthologous Algerian mouse Genes
206                                                                      Orthologous Alpaca Genes
207                                                               Orthologous Alpine marmot Genes
208                                                                Orthologous Amazon molly Genes
209                                                              Orthologous American bison Genes
210                                                         Orthologous American black bear Genes
211                                                               Orthologous American mink Genes
212                                                               Orthologous Arabian camel Genes
213                                                      Orthologous Arctic ground squirrel Genes
214                                              Orthologous Argentine black and white tegu Genes
215                                                                   Orthologous Armadillo Genes
216                                                            Orthologous Asian bonytongue Genes
217                                                                Orthologous Atlantic cod Genes
218                                                            Orthologous Atlantic herring Genes
219                                                             Orthologous Atlantic salmon Genes
220                                              Orthologous Australian saltwater crocodile Genes
221                                                               Orthologous Ballan wrasse Genes
222                                                            Orthologous Barramundi perch Genes
223                                                                Orthologous Beluga whale Genes
224                                                          Orthologous Bicolor damselfish Genes
225                                                     Orthologous Black snub-nosed monkey Genes
226                                                                  Orthologous Blue whale Genes
227                                                       Orthologous Blue-ringed sea krait Genes
228                                                    Orthologous Bolivian squirrel monkey Genes
229                                                                      Orthologous Bonobo Genes
230                                                                 Orthologous Brown trout Genes
231                                                       Orthologous Burton's mouthbrooder Genes
232                                                                    Orthologous Bushbaby Genes
233                                                              Orthologous C.intestinalis Genes
234                                                                  Orthologous C.savignyi Genes
235                                         Orthologous Caenorhabditis elegans (PRJNA13758) Genes
236                                                                    Orthologous Capuchin Genes
237                                                                         Orthologous Cat Genes
238                                                             Orthologous Chacoan peccary Genes
239                                                         Orthologous Channel bull blenny Genes
240                                                             Orthologous Channel catfish Genes
241                                                                     Orthologous Chicken Genes
242                                                                  Orthologous Chimpanzee Genes
243                                                     Orthologous Chinese hamster CHOK1GS Genes
244                                                              Orthologous Chinese medaka Genes
245                                                    Orthologous Chinese softshell turtle Genes
246                                                              Orthologous Chinook salmon Genes
247                                                              Orthologous Climbing perch Genes
248                                                           Orthologous Clown anemonefish Genes
249                                                                  Orthologous Coelacanth Genes
250                                                                 Orthologous Coho salmon Genes
251                                                         Orthologous Collared flycatcher Genes
252                                                               Orthologous Common canary Genes
253                                                                 Orthologous Common carp Genes
254                                                          Orthologous Common wall lizard Genes
255                                                               Orthologous Common wombat Genes
256                                                           Orthologous Coquerel's sifaka Genes
257                                                                         Orthologous Cow Genes
258                                                         Orthologous Crab-eating macaque Genes
259                                                                        Orthologous Degu Genes
260                                                            Orthologous Denticle herring Genes
261                                                                       Orthologous Dingo Genes
262                                                                         Orthologous Dog Genes
263                                                                     Orthologous Dolphin Genes
264                                                                Orthologous Domestic yak Genes
265                                                                      Orthologous Donkey Genes
266                                                                       Orthologous Drill Genes
267                                                     Orthologous Drosophila melanogaster Genes
268                                                                        Orthologous Duck Genes
269                                                         Orthologous Eastern brown snake Genes
270                                                               Orthologous Eastern happy Genes
271                                                                Orthologous Electric eel Genes
272                                                                    Orthologous Elephant Genes
273                                                              Orthologous Elephant shark Genes
274                                                       Orthologous Eurasian red squirrel Genes
275                                                            Orthologous European seabass Genes
276                                                                      Orthologous Ferret Genes
277                                                                        Orthologous Fugu Genes
278                                                                 Orthologous Giant panda Genes
279                                                                      Orthologous Gibbon Genes
280                                                           Orthologous Gilthead seabream Genes
281                                                                        Orthologous Goat Genes
282                                                              Orthologous Golden Hamster Genes
283                                                                Orthologous Golden eagle Genes
284                                                    Orthologous Golden snub-nosed monkey Genes
285                                                          Orthologous Golden-line barbel Genes
286                                                                    Orthologous Goldfish Genes
287                                                  Orthologous Goodes thornscrub tortoise Genes
288                                                                     Orthologous Gorilla Genes
289                                                                   Orthologous Great Tit Genes
290                                                           Orthologous Greater amberjack Genes
291                                                        Orthologous Greater bamboo lemur Genes
292                                                       Orthologous Greater horseshoe bat Genes
293                                                                 Orthologous Green anole Genes
294                                                                  Orthologous Guinea Pig Genes
295                                                                       Orthologous Guppy Genes
296                                                                     Orthologous Hagfish Genes
297                                                                    Orthologous Hedgehog Genes
298                                                                       Orthologous Horse Genes
299                                                                      Orthologous Huchen Genes
300                                                        Orthologous Hybrid - Bos Indicus Genes
301                                                                       Orthologous Hyrax Genes
302                                                                Orthologous Indian cobra Genes
303                                                               Orthologous Indian medaka Genes
304                                                        Orthologous Japanese medaka HdrR Genes
305                                                              Orthologous Japanese quail Genes
306                                                           Orthologous Javanese ricefish Genes
307                                                                      Orthologous Kakapo Genes
308                                                                Orthologous Kangaroo rat Genes
309                                                                       Orthologous Koala Genes
310                                                                     Orthologous Lamprey Genes
311                                                        Orthologous Large yellow croaker Genes
312                                                          Orthologous Leishan spiny toad Genes
313                                                                     Orthologous Leopard Genes
314                                                      Orthologous Lesser Egyptian jerboa Genes
315                                                      Orthologous Lesser hedgehog tenrec Genes
316                                                                        Orthologous Lion Genes
317                                                      Orthologous Long-tailed chinchilla Genes
318                                                                    Orthologous Lumpfish Genes
319                                                            Orthologous Lyretail cichlid Genes
320                                                           Orthologous Ma's night monkey Genes
321                                                                     Orthologous Macaque Genes
322                                                        Orthologous Mainland tiger snake Genes
323                                                       Orthologous Makobe Island cichlid Genes
324                                                            Orthologous Mangrove rivulus Genes
325                                                         Orthologous Medium ground-finch Genes
326                                                                     Orthologous Megabat Genes
327                                                               Orthologous Mexican tetra Genes
328                                                                    Orthologous Microbat Genes
329                                                               Orthologous Midas cichlid Genes
330                                                                       Orthologous Mouse Genes
331                                                                 Orthologous Mouse Lemur Genes
332                                                                   Orthologous Mummichog Genes
333                                                       Orthologous Naked mole-rat female Genes
334                                                                     Orthologous Narwhal Genes
335                                                                Orthologous Nile tilapia Genes
336                                                Orthologous Northern American deer mouse Genes
337                                                               Orthologous Northern pike Genes
338                                                                Orthologous Olive baboon Genes
339                                                                     Orthologous Opossum Genes
340                                                            Orthologous Orange clownfish Genes
341                                                              Orthologous Painted turtle Genes
342                                                    Orthologous Paramormyrops kingsleyae Genes
343                                                                         Orthologous Pig Genes
344                                                          Orthologous Pig-tailed macaque Genes
345                                                                        Orthologous Pika Genes
346                                                                  Orthologous Pike-perch Genes
347                                                        Orthologous Pinecone soldierfish Genes
348                                                           Orthologous Pink-footed goose Genes
349                                                                   Orthologous Platyfish Genes
350                                                                    Orthologous Platypus Genes
351                                                                  Orthologous Polar bear Genes
352                                                                Orthologous Prairie vole Genes
353                                                                      Orthologous Rabbit Genes
354                                                               Orthologous Rainbow trout Genes
355                                                                         Orthologous Rat Genes
356                                                                     Orthologous Red fox Genes
357                                                         Orthologous Red-bellied piranha Genes
358                                                                    Orthologous Reedfish Genes
359                                                                Orthologous Ryukyu mouse Genes
360                                                    Orthologous Saccharomyces cerevisiae Genes
361                                                               Orthologous Sailfin molly Genes
362                                                                       Orthologous Sheep Genes
363                                                           Orthologous Sheepshead minnow Genes
364                                                                       Orthologous Shrew Genes
365                                                                 Orthologous Shrew mouse Genes
366                                                       Orthologous Siamese fighting fish Genes
367                                                          Orthologous Siberian musk deer Genes
368                                                                       Orthologous Sloth Genes
369                                                              Orthologous Sooty mangabey Genes
370                                                                 Orthologous Sperm whale Genes
371                                                               Orthologous Spiny chromis Genes
372                                                                 Orthologous Spotted gar Genes
373                                                                    Orthologous Squirrel Genes
374                                                                Orthologous Steppe mouse Genes
375                                                                 Orthologous Stickleback Genes
376                                                          Orthologous Sumatran orangutan Genes
377                                                                     Orthologous Tarsier Genes
378                                                             Orthologous Tasmanian devil Genes
379                                                                   Orthologous Tetraodon Genes
380                                                       Orthologous Three-toed box turtle Genes
381                                                                       Orthologous Tiger Genes
382                                                         Orthologous Tiger tail seahorse Genes
383                                                                 Orthologous Tongue sole Genes
384                                                                  Orthologous Tree Shrew Genes
385                                                        Orthologous Tropical clawed frog Genes
386                                                                     Orthologous Tuatara Genes
387                                                                      Orthologous Turbot Genes
388                                                                      Orthologous Turkey Genes
389                                                         Orthologous Turquoise killifish Genes
390                                      Orthologous Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat Genes
391                                                                     Orthologous Vaquita Genes
392                                                                  Orthologous Vervet-AGM Genes
393                                                                     Orthologous Wallaby Genes
394                                                   Orthologous White-tufted-ear marmoset Genes
395                                                                    Orthologous Wild yak Genes
396                                                                Orthologous Yarkand deer Genes
397                                                        Orthologous Yellowtail amberjack Genes
398                                                                 Orthologous Zebra finch Genes
399                                                                 Orthologous Zebra mbuna Genes
400                                                                   Orthologous Zebrafish Genes
401                                                                 Orthologous Zig-zag eel Genes
402                                                                           With Interpro ID(s)
403                                                                       With AFDB-ENSP mappings
404                                                                                With CDD ID(s)
405                                                                             With Gene3D ID(s)
406                                                                              With HAMAP ID(s)
407                                                                              With MobiDB lite
408                                                                    With Coiled-coils (Ncoils)
409                                                                            With PANTHER ID(s)
410                                                                               With Pfam ID(s)
411                                                                              With PIRSF ID(s)
412                                                                             With Prints ID(s)
413                                                                   With PROSITE patterns ID(s)
414                                                                   With PROSITE profiles ID(s)
415                                                                     With Low complexity (Seg)
416                                                                               With SFLD ID(s)
417                                                                        With PDB-ENSP mappings
418                                                                  With Cleavage site (Signalp)
419                                                                              With SMART ID(s)
420                                                                        With Superfamily ID(s)
421                                                                            With TIGRFAM ID(s)
422                                                                    With Transmembrane helices
423                                                               Interpro ID(s) [e.g. IPR000001]
424                                                                      CDD ID(s) [e.g. cd00009]
425                                                                Gene3D ID(s) [e.g.]
426                                                                   HAMAP ID(s) [e.g. MF_00001]
427                                                                PANTHER ID(s) [e.g. PTHR10003]
428                                                                     Pfam ID(s) [e.g. PF00001]
429                                                                PIRSF ID(s) [e.g. PIRSF000019]
430                                                                   Prints ID(s) [e.g. PR00001]
431                                                         PROSITE patterns ID(s) [e.g. PS00010]
432                                                         PROSITE profiles ID(s) [e.g. PS01031]
433                                                                  SFLD ID(s) [e.g. SFLDF00002]
434                                                                    SMART ID(s) [e.g. SM00002]
435                                                            Superfamily ID(s) [e.g. SSF100879]
436                                                                TIGRFAM ID(s) [e.g. TIGR00002]
437                                             limit to genes with germline variant data sources
438                                                   limit to genes with somatic variant sources
439                                                                   Variant supporting evidence
440                                                                              Parent term name
write.table(filters, file="filtertable_W7.txt") #Saving table to working directory
attributes = listAttributes(ensembl)
1                                                  ensembl_gene_id
2                                          ensembl_gene_id_version
3                                            ensembl_transcript_id
4                                    ensembl_transcript_id_version
5                                               ensembl_peptide_id
6                                       ensembl_peptide_id_version
7                                                  ensembl_exon_id
8                                                      description
9                                                  chromosome_name
10                                                  start_position
11                                                    end_position
12                                                          strand
13                                                            band
14                                                transcript_start
15                                                  transcript_end
16                                        transcription_start_site
17                                               transcript_length
18                                                  transcript_tsl
19                                        transcript_gencode_basic
20                                               transcript_appris
21                                         transcript_is_canonical
22                                          transcript_mane_select
23                                   transcript_mane_plus_clinical
24                                              external_gene_name
25                                            external_gene_source
26                                        external_transcript_name
27                                 external_transcript_source_name
28                                                transcript_count
29                                      percentage_gene_gc_content
30                                                    gene_biotype
31                                              transcript_biotype
32                                                          source
33                                               transcript_source
34                                                         version
35                                              transcript_version
36                                                 peptide_version
37                                                external_synonym
38                                           phenotype_description
39                                                     source_name
40                                               study_external_id
41                                                     strain_name
42                                                   strain_gender
43                                                         p_value
44                                                           go_id
45                                                       name_1006
46                                                 definition_1006
47                                                 go_linkage_type
48                                                  namespace_1003
49                                            goslim_goa_accession
50                                          goslim_goa_description
51                                                         biogrid
52                                                            ccds
53                                                          chembl
54                                                     dbass3_name
55                                                       dbass3_id
56                                                     dbass5_name
57                                                       dbass5_id
58                                           entrezgene_trans_name
59                                                            embl
60                                                    arrayexpress
61                                                          genedb
62                                                         hgnc_id
63                                                     hgnc_symbol
64                                                   hpa_accession
65                                                          hpa_id
66                                                      protein_id
67                                                          merops
68                                            mim_gene_description
69                                              mim_gene_accession
70                                          mim_morbid_description
71                                            mim_morbid_accession
72                                               mirbase_accession
73                                                      mirbase_id
74                                              mirbase_trans_name
75                                          entrezgene_description
76                                            entrezgene_accession
77                                                   entrezgene_id
78                                                             pdb
79                                                        reactome
80                                                   reactome_gene
81                                             reactome_transcript
82                                                     refseq_mrna
83                                           refseq_mrna_predicted
84                                                    refseq_ncrna
85                                          refseq_ncrna_predicted
86                                                  refseq_peptide
87                                        refseq_peptide_predicted
88                                                            rfam
89                                                 rfam_trans_name
90                                                      rnacentral
91                                                 hgnc_trans_name
92                                                            ucsc
93                                                         uniparc
94                                               uniprot_gn_symbol
95                                                   uniprot_gn_id
96                                                 uniprot_isoform
97                                                uniprotswissprot
98                                                 uniprotsptrembl
99                                            wikigene_description
100                                                  wikigene_name
101                                                    wikigene_id
102                                                   affy_hc_g110
103                                                  affy_hg_focus
104                                                  affy_hg_u133a
105                                                affy_hg_u133a_2
106                                                  affy_hg_u133b
107                                            affy_hg_u133_plus_2
108                                                   affy_hg_u95a
109                                                 affy_hg_u95av2
110                                                   affy_hg_u95b
111                                                   affy_hg_u95c
112                                                   affy_hg_u95d
113                                                   affy_hg_u95e
114                                                   affy_hta_2_0
115                                        affy_ht_hg_u133_plus_pm
116                                            affy_huex_1_0_st_v2
117                                                  affy_hugenefl
118                                          affy_hugene_1_0_st_v1
119                                          affy_hugene_2_0_st_v1
120                                          affy_hugene_2_1_st_v1
121                                                 affy_primeview
122                                                  affy_u133_x3p
123                                                agilent_cgh_44b
124                                               agilent_gpl26966
125                                                agilent_gpl6848
126                                  agilent_sureprint_g3_ge_8x60k
127                               agilent_sureprint_g3_ge_8x60k_v2
128                                            agilent_wholegenome
129                                   agilent_wholegenome_4x44k_v1
130                                   agilent_wholegenome_4x44k_v2
131                                              codelink_codelink
132                                         illumina_humanht_12_v3
133                                         illumina_humanht_12_v4
134                                         illumina_humanref_8_v3
135                                          illumina_humanwg_6_v1
136                                          illumina_humanwg_6_v2
137                                          illumina_humanwg_6_v3
138                                               phalanx_onearray
139                                                            cdd
140                                                      cdd_start
141                                                        cdd_end
142                                                         gene3d
143                                                   gene3d_start
144                                                     gene3d_end
145                                                          hamap
146                                                    hamap_start
147                                                      hamap_end
148                                                     hmmpanther
149                                               hmmpanther_start
150                                                 hmmpanther_end
151                                                           pfam
152                                                     pfam_start
153                                                       pfam_end
154                                                          pirsf
155                                                    pirsf_start
156                                                      pirsf_end
157                                                         prints
158                                                   prints_start
159                                                     prints_end
160                                                    scanprosite
161                                              scanprosite_start
162                                                scanprosite_end
163                                                         pfscan
164                                                   pfscan_start
165                                                     pfscan_end
166                                                           sfld
167                                                     sfld_start
168                                                       sfld_end
169                                                          smart
170                                                    smart_start
171                                                      smart_end
172                                                    superfamily
173                                              superfamily_start
174                                                superfamily_end
175                                                        tigrfam
176                                                  tigrfam_start
177                                                    tigrfam_end
178                                                       interpro
179                                     interpro_short_description
180                                           interpro_description
181                                                 interpro_start
182                                                   interpro_end
183                                               alphafold_import
184                                         alphafold_import_start
185                                           alphafold_import_end
186                                                     mobidblite
187                                               mobidblite_start
188                                                 mobidblite_end
189                                                         ncoils
190                                                   ncoils_start
191                                                     ncoils_end
192                                                            seg
193                                                      seg_start
194                                                        seg_end
195                                                   sifts_import
196                                             sifts_import_start
197                                               sifts_import_end
198                                                        signalp
199                                                  signalp_start
200                                                    signalp_end
201                                                          tmhmm
202                                                    tmhmm_start
203                                                      tmhmm_end
204                                                ensembl_gene_id
205                                        ensembl_gene_id_version
206                                                        version
207                                          ensembl_transcript_id
208                                  ensembl_transcript_id_version
209                                             transcript_version
210                                             ensembl_peptide_id
211                                     ensembl_peptide_id_version
212                                                peptide_version
213                                                chromosome_name
214                                                 start_position
215                                                   end_position
216                                               transcript_start
217                                                 transcript_end
218                                       transcription_start_site
219                                              transcript_length
220                                                         strand
221                                             external_gene_name
222                                           external_gene_source
223                                                    5_utr_start
224                                                      5_utr_end
225                                                    3_utr_start
226                                                      3_utr_end
227                                                     cds_length
228                                               transcript_count
229                                                    description
230                                                   gene_biotype
231                                               exon_chrom_start
232                                                 exon_chrom_end
233                                                is_constitutive
234                                                           rank
235                                                          phase
236                                                      end_phase
237                                              cdna_coding_start
238                                                cdna_coding_end
239                                           genomic_coding_start
240                                             genomic_coding_end
241                                                ensembl_exon_id
242                                                      cds_start
243                                                        cds_end
244                                                ensembl_gene_id
245                                        ensembl_gene_id_version
246                                                        version
247                                          ensembl_transcript_id
248                                  ensembl_transcript_id_version
249                                             transcript_version
250                                             ensembl_peptide_id
251                                     ensembl_peptide_id_version
252                                                peptide_version
253                                                chromosome_name
254                                                 start_position
255                                                   end_position
256                                                         strand
257                                                           band
258                                             external_gene_name
259                                           external_gene_source
260                                               transcript_count
261                                     percentage_gene_gc_content
262                                                    description
263                               cabingdonii_homolog_ensembl_gene
264                       cabingdonii_homolog_associated_gene_name
265                            cabingdonii_homolog_ensembl_peptide
266                                 cabingdonii_homolog_chromosome
267                                cabingdonii_homolog_chrom_start
268                                  cabingdonii_homolog_chrom_end
269               cabingdonii_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
270                                    cabingdonii_homolog_subtype
271                             cabingdonii_homolog_orthology_type
272                                    cabingdonii_homolog_perc_id
273                                 cabingdonii_homolog_perc_id_r1
274                                  cabingdonii_homolog_goc_score
275                               cabingdonii_homolog_wga_coverage
276                       cabingdonii_homolog_orthology_confidence
277                               scaustralis_homolog_ensembl_gene
278                       scaustralis_homolog_associated_gene_name
279                            scaustralis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
280                                 scaustralis_homolog_chromosome
281                                scaustralis_homolog_chrom_start
282                                  scaustralis_homolog_chrom_end
283               scaustralis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
284                                    scaustralis_homolog_subtype
285                             scaustralis_homolog_orthology_type
286                                    scaustralis_homolog_perc_id
287                                 scaustralis_homolog_perc_id_r1
288                                  scaustralis_homolog_goc_score
289                               scaustralis_homolog_wga_coverage
290                       scaustralis_homolog_orthology_confidence
291                                  mspretus_homolog_ensembl_gene
292                          mspretus_homolog_associated_gene_name
293                               mspretus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
294                                    mspretus_homolog_chromosome
295                                   mspretus_homolog_chrom_start
296                                     mspretus_homolog_chrom_end
297                  mspretus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
298                                       mspretus_homolog_subtype
299                                mspretus_homolog_orthology_type
300                                       mspretus_homolog_perc_id
301                                    mspretus_homolog_perc_id_r1
302                                     mspretus_homolog_goc_score
303                                  mspretus_homolog_wga_coverage
304                          mspretus_homolog_orthology_confidence
305                                    vpacos_homolog_ensembl_gene
306                            vpacos_homolog_associated_gene_name
307                                 vpacos_homolog_ensembl_peptide
308                                      vpacos_homolog_chromosome
309                                     vpacos_homolog_chrom_start
310                                       vpacos_homolog_chrom_end
311                    vpacos_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
312                                         vpacos_homolog_subtype
313                                  vpacos_homolog_orthology_type
314                                         vpacos_homolog_perc_id
315                                      vpacos_homolog_perc_id_r1
316                                       vpacos_homolog_goc_score
317                                    vpacos_homolog_wga_coverage
318                            vpacos_homolog_orthology_confidence
319                                 mmmarmota_homolog_ensembl_gene
320                         mmmarmota_homolog_associated_gene_name
321                              mmmarmota_homolog_ensembl_peptide
322                                   mmmarmota_homolog_chromosome
323                                  mmmarmota_homolog_chrom_start
324                                    mmmarmota_homolog_chrom_end
325                 mmmarmota_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
326                                      mmmarmota_homolog_subtype
327                               mmmarmota_homolog_orthology_type
328                                      mmmarmota_homolog_perc_id
329                                   mmmarmota_homolog_perc_id_r1
330                                    mmmarmota_homolog_goc_score
331                                 mmmarmota_homolog_wga_coverage
332                         mmmarmota_homolog_orthology_confidence
333                                  pformosa_homolog_ensembl_gene
334                          pformosa_homolog_associated_gene_name
335                               pformosa_homolog_ensembl_peptide
336                                    pformosa_homolog_chromosome
337                                   pformosa_homolog_chrom_start
338                                     pformosa_homolog_chrom_end
339                  pformosa_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
340                                       pformosa_homolog_subtype
341                                pformosa_homolog_orthology_type
342                                       pformosa_homolog_perc_id
343                                    pformosa_homolog_perc_id_r1
344                                     pformosa_homolog_goc_score
345                                  pformosa_homolog_wga_coverage
346                          pformosa_homolog_orthology_confidence
347                                   bbbison_homolog_ensembl_gene
348                           bbbison_homolog_associated_gene_name
349                                bbbison_homolog_ensembl_peptide
350                                     bbbison_homolog_chromosome
351                                    bbbison_homolog_chrom_start
352                                      bbbison_homolog_chrom_end
353                   bbbison_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
354                                        bbbison_homolog_subtype
355                                 bbbison_homolog_orthology_type
356                                        bbbison_homolog_perc_id
357                                     bbbison_homolog_perc_id_r1
358                                      bbbison_homolog_goc_score
359                                   bbbison_homolog_wga_coverage
360                           bbbison_homolog_orthology_confidence
361                               uamericanus_homolog_ensembl_gene
362                       uamericanus_homolog_associated_gene_name
363                            uamericanus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
364                                 uamericanus_homolog_chromosome
365                                uamericanus_homolog_chrom_start
366                                  uamericanus_homolog_chrom_end
367               uamericanus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
368                                    uamericanus_homolog_subtype
369                             uamericanus_homolog_orthology_type
370                                    uamericanus_homolog_perc_id
371                                 uamericanus_homolog_perc_id_r1
372                                  uamericanus_homolog_goc_score
373                               uamericanus_homolog_wga_coverage
374                       uamericanus_homolog_orthology_confidence
375                                    nvison_homolog_ensembl_gene
376                            nvison_homolog_associated_gene_name
377                                 nvison_homolog_ensembl_peptide
378                                      nvison_homolog_chromosome
379                                     nvison_homolog_chrom_start
380                                       nvison_homolog_chrom_end
381                    nvison_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
382                                         nvison_homolog_subtype
383                                  nvison_homolog_orthology_type
384                                         nvison_homolog_perc_id
385                                      nvison_homolog_perc_id_r1
386                                       nvison_homolog_goc_score
387                                    nvison_homolog_wga_coverage
388                            nvison_homolog_orthology_confidence
389                              cdromedarius_homolog_ensembl_gene
390                      cdromedarius_homolog_associated_gene_name
391                           cdromedarius_homolog_ensembl_peptide
392                                cdromedarius_homolog_chromosome
393                               cdromedarius_homolog_chrom_start
394                                 cdromedarius_homolog_chrom_end
395              cdromedarius_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
396                                   cdromedarius_homolog_subtype
397                            cdromedarius_homolog_orthology_type
398                                   cdromedarius_homolog_perc_id
399                                cdromedarius_homolog_perc_id_r1
400                                 cdromedarius_homolog_goc_score
401                              cdromedarius_homolog_wga_coverage
402                      cdromedarius_homolog_orthology_confidence
403                                  uparryii_homolog_ensembl_gene
404                          uparryii_homolog_associated_gene_name
405                               uparryii_homolog_ensembl_peptide
406                                    uparryii_homolog_chromosome
407                                   uparryii_homolog_chrom_start
408                                     uparryii_homolog_chrom_end
409                  uparryii_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
410                                       uparryii_homolog_subtype
411                                uparryii_homolog_orthology_type
412                                       uparryii_homolog_perc_id
413                                    uparryii_homolog_perc_id_r1
414                                     uparryii_homolog_goc_score
415                                  uparryii_homolog_wga_coverage
416                          uparryii_homolog_orthology_confidence
417                                 smerianae_homolog_ensembl_gene
418                         smerianae_homolog_associated_gene_name
419                              smerianae_homolog_ensembl_peptide
420                                   smerianae_homolog_chromosome
421                                  smerianae_homolog_chrom_start
422                                    smerianae_homolog_chrom_end
423                 smerianae_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
424                                      smerianae_homolog_subtype
425                               smerianae_homolog_orthology_type
426                                      smerianae_homolog_perc_id
427                                   smerianae_homolog_perc_id_r1
428                                    smerianae_homolog_goc_score
429                                 smerianae_homolog_wga_coverage
430                         smerianae_homolog_orthology_confidence
431                             dnovemcinctus_homolog_ensembl_gene
432                     dnovemcinctus_homolog_associated_gene_name
433                          dnovemcinctus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
434                               dnovemcinctus_homolog_chromosome
435                              dnovemcinctus_homolog_chrom_start
436                                dnovemcinctus_homolog_chrom_end
437             dnovemcinctus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
438                                  dnovemcinctus_homolog_subtype
439                           dnovemcinctus_homolog_orthology_type
440                                  dnovemcinctus_homolog_perc_id
441                               dnovemcinctus_homolog_perc_id_r1
442                                dnovemcinctus_homolog_goc_score
443                             dnovemcinctus_homolog_wga_coverage
444                     dnovemcinctus_homolog_orthology_confidence
445                                 sformosus_homolog_ensembl_gene
446                         sformosus_homolog_associated_gene_name
447                              sformosus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
448                                   sformosus_homolog_chromosome
449                                  sformosus_homolog_chrom_start
450                                    sformosus_homolog_chrom_end
451                 sformosus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
452                                      sformosus_homolog_subtype
453                               sformosus_homolog_orthology_type
454                                      sformosus_homolog_perc_id
455                                   sformosus_homolog_perc_id_r1
456                                    sformosus_homolog_goc_score
457                                 sformosus_homolog_wga_coverage
458                         sformosus_homolog_orthology_confidence
459                                   gmorhua_homolog_ensembl_gene
460                           gmorhua_homolog_associated_gene_name
461                                gmorhua_homolog_ensembl_peptide
462                                     gmorhua_homolog_chromosome
463                                    gmorhua_homolog_chrom_start
464                                      gmorhua_homolog_chrom_end
465                   gmorhua_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
466                                        gmorhua_homolog_subtype
467                                 gmorhua_homolog_orthology_type
468                                        gmorhua_homolog_perc_id
469                                     gmorhua_homolog_perc_id_r1
470                                      gmorhua_homolog_goc_score
471                           gmorhua_homolog_orthology_confidence
472                                 charengus_homolog_ensembl_gene
473                         charengus_homolog_associated_gene_name
474                              charengus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
475                                   charengus_homolog_chromosome
476                                  charengus_homolog_chrom_start
477                                    charengus_homolog_chrom_end
478                 charengus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
479                                      charengus_homolog_subtype
480                               charengus_homolog_orthology_type
481                                      charengus_homolog_perc_id
482                                   charengus_homolog_perc_id_r1
483                                    charengus_homolog_goc_score
484                                 charengus_homolog_wga_coverage
485                         charengus_homolog_orthology_confidence
486                                    ssalar_homolog_ensembl_gene
487                            ssalar_homolog_associated_gene_name
488                                 ssalar_homolog_ensembl_peptide
489                                      ssalar_homolog_chromosome
490                                     ssalar_homolog_chrom_start
491                                       ssalar_homolog_chrom_end
492                    ssalar_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
493                                         ssalar_homolog_subtype
494                                  ssalar_homolog_orthology_type
495                                         ssalar_homolog_perc_id
496                                      ssalar_homolog_perc_id_r1
497                                       ssalar_homolog_goc_score
498                            ssalar_homolog_orthology_confidence
499                                  cporosus_homolog_ensembl_gene
500                          cporosus_homolog_associated_gene_name
501                               cporosus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
502                                    cporosus_homolog_chromosome
503                                   cporosus_homolog_chrom_start
504                                     cporosus_homolog_chrom_end
505                  cporosus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
506                                       cporosus_homolog_subtype
507                                cporosus_homolog_orthology_type
508                                       cporosus_homolog_perc_id
509                                    cporosus_homolog_perc_id_r1
510                                     cporosus_homolog_goc_score
511                                  cporosus_homolog_wga_coverage
512                          cporosus_homolog_orthology_confidence
513                                 lbergylta_homolog_ensembl_gene
514                         lbergylta_homolog_associated_gene_name
515                              lbergylta_homolog_ensembl_peptide
516                                   lbergylta_homolog_chromosome
517                                  lbergylta_homolog_chrom_start
518                                    lbergylta_homolog_chrom_end
519                 lbergylta_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
520                                      lbergylta_homolog_subtype
521                               lbergylta_homolog_orthology_type
522                                      lbergylta_homolog_perc_id
523                                   lbergylta_homolog_perc_id_r1
524                                    lbergylta_homolog_goc_score
525                                 lbergylta_homolog_wga_coverage
526                         lbergylta_homolog_orthology_confidence
527                               lcalcarifer_homolog_ensembl_gene
528                       lcalcarifer_homolog_associated_gene_name
529                            lcalcarifer_homolog_ensembl_peptide
530                                 lcalcarifer_homolog_chromosome
531                                lcalcarifer_homolog_chrom_start
532                                  lcalcarifer_homolog_chrom_end
533               lcalcarifer_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
534                                    lcalcarifer_homolog_subtype
535                             lcalcarifer_homolog_orthology_type
536                                    lcalcarifer_homolog_perc_id
537                                 lcalcarifer_homolog_perc_id_r1
538                                  lcalcarifer_homolog_goc_score
539                               lcalcarifer_homolog_wga_coverage
540                       lcalcarifer_homolog_orthology_confidence
541                                   dleucas_homolog_ensembl_gene
542                           dleucas_homolog_associated_gene_name
543                                dleucas_homolog_ensembl_peptide
544                                     dleucas_homolog_chromosome
545                                    dleucas_homolog_chrom_start
546                                      dleucas_homolog_chrom_end
547                   dleucas_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
548                                        dleucas_homolog_subtype
549                                 dleucas_homolog_orthology_type
550                                        dleucas_homolog_perc_id
551                                     dleucas_homolog_perc_id_r1
552                                      dleucas_homolog_goc_score
553                                   dleucas_homolog_wga_coverage
554                           dleucas_homolog_orthology_confidence
555                                 spartitus_homolog_ensembl_gene
556                         spartitus_homolog_associated_gene_name
557                              spartitus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
558                                   spartitus_homolog_chromosome
559                                  spartitus_homolog_chrom_start
560                                    spartitus_homolog_chrom_end
561                 spartitus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
562                                      spartitus_homolog_subtype
563                               spartitus_homolog_orthology_type
564                                      spartitus_homolog_perc_id
565                                   spartitus_homolog_perc_id_r1
566                                    spartitus_homolog_goc_score
567                                 spartitus_homolog_wga_coverage
568                         spartitus_homolog_orthology_confidence
569                                    rbieti_homolog_ensembl_gene
570                            rbieti_homolog_associated_gene_name
571                                 rbieti_homolog_ensembl_peptide
572                                      rbieti_homolog_chromosome
573                                     rbieti_homolog_chrom_start
574                                       rbieti_homolog_chrom_end
575                    rbieti_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
576                                         rbieti_homolog_subtype
577                                  rbieti_homolog_orthology_type
578                                         rbieti_homolog_perc_id
579                                      rbieti_homolog_perc_id_r1
580                                       rbieti_homolog_goc_score
581                                    rbieti_homolog_wga_coverage
582                            rbieti_homolog_orthology_confidence
583                                 bmusculus_homolog_ensembl_gene
584                         bmusculus_homolog_associated_gene_name
585                              bmusculus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
586                                   bmusculus_homolog_chromosome
587                                  bmusculus_homolog_chrom_start
588                                    bmusculus_homolog_chrom_end
589                 bmusculus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
590                                      bmusculus_homolog_subtype
591                               bmusculus_homolog_orthology_type
592                                      bmusculus_homolog_perc_id
593                                   bmusculus_homolog_perc_id_r1
594                                    bmusculus_homolog_goc_score
595                                 bmusculus_homolog_wga_coverage
596                         bmusculus_homolog_orthology_confidence
597                              llaticaudata_homolog_ensembl_gene
598                      llaticaudata_homolog_associated_gene_name
599                           llaticaudata_homolog_ensembl_peptide
600                                llaticaudata_homolog_chromosome
601                               llaticaudata_homolog_chrom_start
602                                 llaticaudata_homolog_chrom_end
603              llaticaudata_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
604                                   llaticaudata_homolog_subtype
605                            llaticaudata_homolog_orthology_type
606                                   llaticaudata_homolog_perc_id
607                                llaticaudata_homolog_perc_id_r1
608                                 llaticaudata_homolog_goc_score
609                              llaticaudata_homolog_wga_coverage
610                      llaticaudata_homolog_orthology_confidence
611                             sbboliviensis_homolog_ensembl_gene
612                     sbboliviensis_homolog_associated_gene_name
613                          sbboliviensis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
614                               sbboliviensis_homolog_chromosome
615                              sbboliviensis_homolog_chrom_start
616                                sbboliviensis_homolog_chrom_end
617             sbboliviensis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
618                                  sbboliviensis_homolog_subtype
619                           sbboliviensis_homolog_orthology_type
620                                  sbboliviensis_homolog_perc_id
621                               sbboliviensis_homolog_perc_id_r1
622                                sbboliviensis_homolog_goc_score
623                             sbboliviensis_homolog_wga_coverage
624                     sbboliviensis_homolog_orthology_confidence
625                                 ppaniscus_homolog_ensembl_gene
626                         ppaniscus_homolog_associated_gene_name
627                              ppaniscus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
628                                   ppaniscus_homolog_chromosome
629                                  ppaniscus_homolog_chrom_start
630                                    ppaniscus_homolog_chrom_end
631                 ppaniscus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
632                                      ppaniscus_homolog_subtype
633                               ppaniscus_homolog_orthology_type
634                                      ppaniscus_homolog_perc_id
635                                   ppaniscus_homolog_perc_id_r1
636                                    ppaniscus_homolog_goc_score
637                                 ppaniscus_homolog_wga_coverage
638                         ppaniscus_homolog_orthology_confidence
639                                   strutta_homolog_ensembl_gene
640                           strutta_homolog_associated_gene_name
641                                strutta_homolog_ensembl_peptide
642                                     strutta_homolog_chromosome
643                                    strutta_homolog_chrom_start
644                                      strutta_homolog_chrom_end
645                   strutta_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
646                                        strutta_homolog_subtype
647                                 strutta_homolog_orthology_type
648                                        strutta_homolog_perc_id
649                                     strutta_homolog_perc_id_r1
650                                      strutta_homolog_goc_score
651                                   strutta_homolog_wga_coverage
652                           strutta_homolog_orthology_confidence
653                                  hburtoni_homolog_ensembl_gene
654                          hburtoni_homolog_associated_gene_name
655                               hburtoni_homolog_ensembl_peptide
656                                    hburtoni_homolog_chromosome
657                                   hburtoni_homolog_chrom_start
658                                     hburtoni_homolog_chrom_end
659                  hburtoni_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
660                                       hburtoni_homolog_subtype
661                                hburtoni_homolog_orthology_type
662                                       hburtoni_homolog_perc_id
663                                    hburtoni_homolog_perc_id_r1
664                                     hburtoni_homolog_goc_score
665                                  hburtoni_homolog_wga_coverage
666                          hburtoni_homolog_orthology_confidence
667                                ogarnettii_homolog_ensembl_gene
668                        ogarnettii_homolog_associated_gene_name
669                             ogarnettii_homolog_ensembl_peptide
670                                  ogarnettii_homolog_chromosome
671                                 ogarnettii_homolog_chrom_start
672                                   ogarnettii_homolog_chrom_end
673                ogarnettii_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
674                                     ogarnettii_homolog_subtype
675                              ogarnettii_homolog_orthology_type
676                                     ogarnettii_homolog_perc_id
677                                  ogarnettii_homolog_perc_id_r1
678                                   ogarnettii_homolog_goc_score
679                                ogarnettii_homolog_wga_coverage
680                        ogarnettii_homolog_orthology_confidence
681                             cintestinalis_homolog_ensembl_gene
682                     cintestinalis_homolog_associated_gene_name
683                          cintestinalis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
684                               cintestinalis_homolog_chromosome
685                              cintestinalis_homolog_chrom_start
686                                cintestinalis_homolog_chrom_end
687             cintestinalis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
688                                  cintestinalis_homolog_subtype
689                           cintestinalis_homolog_orthology_type
690                                  cintestinalis_homolog_perc_id
691                               cintestinalis_homolog_perc_id_r1
692                             cintestinalis_homolog_wga_coverage
693                     cintestinalis_homolog_orthology_confidence
694                                 csavignyi_homolog_ensembl_gene
695                         csavignyi_homolog_associated_gene_name
696                              csavignyi_homolog_ensembl_peptide
697                                   csavignyi_homolog_chromosome
698                                  csavignyi_homolog_chrom_start
699                                    csavignyi_homolog_chrom_end
700                 csavignyi_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
701                                      csavignyi_homolog_subtype
702                               csavignyi_homolog_orthology_type
703                                      csavignyi_homolog_perc_id
704                                   csavignyi_homolog_perc_id_r1
705                                 csavignyi_homolog_wga_coverage
706                         csavignyi_homolog_orthology_confidence
707                                  celegans_homolog_ensembl_gene
708                          celegans_homolog_associated_gene_name
709                               celegans_homolog_ensembl_peptide
710                                    celegans_homolog_chromosome
711                                   celegans_homolog_chrom_start
712                                     celegans_homolog_chrom_end
713                  celegans_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
714                                       celegans_homolog_subtype
715                                celegans_homolog_orthology_type
716                                       celegans_homolog_perc_id
717                                    celegans_homolog_perc_id_r1
718                          celegans_homolog_orthology_confidence
719                                ccapucinus_homolog_ensembl_gene
720                        ccapucinus_homolog_associated_gene_name
721                             ccapucinus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
722                                  ccapucinus_homolog_chromosome
723                                 ccapucinus_homolog_chrom_start
724                                   ccapucinus_homolog_chrom_end
725                ccapucinus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
726                                     ccapucinus_homolog_subtype
727                              ccapucinus_homolog_orthology_type
728                                     ccapucinus_homolog_perc_id
729                                  ccapucinus_homolog_perc_id_r1
730                                   ccapucinus_homolog_goc_score
731                                ccapucinus_homolog_wga_coverage
732                        ccapucinus_homolog_orthology_confidence
733                                    fcatus_homolog_ensembl_gene
734                            fcatus_homolog_associated_gene_name
735                                 fcatus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
736                                      fcatus_homolog_chromosome
737                                     fcatus_homolog_chrom_start
738                                       fcatus_homolog_chrom_end
739                    fcatus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
740                                         fcatus_homolog_subtype
741                                  fcatus_homolog_orthology_type
742                                         fcatus_homolog_perc_id
743                                      fcatus_homolog_perc_id_r1
744                                       fcatus_homolog_goc_score
745                                    fcatus_homolog_wga_coverage
746                            fcatus_homolog_orthology_confidence
747                                  cwagneri_homolog_ensembl_gene
748                          cwagneri_homolog_associated_gene_name
749                               cwagneri_homolog_ensembl_peptide
750                                    cwagneri_homolog_chromosome
751                                   cwagneri_homolog_chrom_start
752                                     cwagneri_homolog_chrom_end
753                  cwagneri_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
754                                       cwagneri_homolog_subtype
755                                cwagneri_homolog_orthology_type
756                                       cwagneri_homolog_perc_id
757                                    cwagneri_homolog_perc_id_r1
758                                     cwagneri_homolog_goc_score
759                                  cwagneri_homolog_wga_coverage
760                          cwagneri_homolog_orthology_confidence
761                                    cgobio_homolog_ensembl_gene
762                            cgobio_homolog_associated_gene_name
763                                 cgobio_homolog_ensembl_peptide
764                                      cgobio_homolog_chromosome
765                                     cgobio_homolog_chrom_start
766                                       cgobio_homolog_chrom_end
767                    cgobio_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
768                                         cgobio_homolog_subtype
769                                  cgobio_homolog_orthology_type
770                                         cgobio_homolog_perc_id
771                                      cgobio_homolog_perc_id_r1
772                                       cgobio_homolog_goc_score
773                                    cgobio_homolog_wga_coverage
774                            cgobio_homolog_orthology_confidence
775                                ipunctatus_homolog_ensembl_gene
776                        ipunctatus_homolog_associated_gene_name
777                             ipunctatus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
778                                  ipunctatus_homolog_chromosome
779                                 ipunctatus_homolog_chrom_start
780                                   ipunctatus_homolog_chrom_end
781                ipunctatus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
782                                     ipunctatus_homolog_subtype
783                              ipunctatus_homolog_orthology_type
784                                     ipunctatus_homolog_perc_id
785                                  ipunctatus_homolog_perc_id_r1
786                                   ipunctatus_homolog_goc_score
787                                ipunctatus_homolog_wga_coverage
788                        ipunctatus_homolog_orthology_confidence
789                                   ggallus_homolog_ensembl_gene
790                           ggallus_homolog_associated_gene_name
791                                ggallus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
792                                     ggallus_homolog_chromosome
793                                    ggallus_homolog_chrom_start
794                                      ggallus_homolog_chrom_end
795                   ggallus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
796                                        ggallus_homolog_subtype
797                                 ggallus_homolog_orthology_type
798                                        ggallus_homolog_perc_id
799                                     ggallus_homolog_perc_id_r1
800                                      ggallus_homolog_goc_score
801                                   ggallus_homolog_wga_coverage
802                           ggallus_homolog_orthology_confidence
803                              ptroglodytes_homolog_ensembl_gene
804                      ptroglodytes_homolog_associated_gene_name
805                           ptroglodytes_homolog_ensembl_peptide
806                                ptroglodytes_homolog_chromosome
807                               ptroglodytes_homolog_chrom_start
808                                 ptroglodytes_homolog_chrom_end
809              ptroglodytes_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
810                                   ptroglodytes_homolog_subtype
811                            ptroglodytes_homolog_orthology_type
812                                   ptroglodytes_homolog_perc_id
813                                ptroglodytes_homolog_perc_id_r1
814                                 ptroglodytes_homolog_goc_score
815                              ptroglodytes_homolog_wga_coverage
816                      ptroglodytes_homolog_orthology_confidence
817                               cgchok1gshd_homolog_ensembl_gene
818                       cgchok1gshd_homolog_associated_gene_name
819                            cgchok1gshd_homolog_ensembl_peptide
820                                 cgchok1gshd_homolog_chromosome
821                                cgchok1gshd_homolog_chrom_start
822                                  cgchok1gshd_homolog_chrom_end
823               cgchok1gshd_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
824                                    cgchok1gshd_homolog_subtype
825                             cgchok1gshd_homolog_orthology_type
826                                    cgchok1gshd_homolog_perc_id
827                                 cgchok1gshd_homolog_perc_id_r1
828                                  cgchok1gshd_homolog_goc_score
829                               cgchok1gshd_homolog_wga_coverage
830                       cgchok1gshd_homolog_orthology_confidence
831                                 osinensis_homolog_ensembl_gene
832                         osinensis_homolog_associated_gene_name
833                              osinensis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
834                                   osinensis_homolog_chromosome
835                                  osinensis_homolog_chrom_start
836                                    osinensis_homolog_chrom_end
837                 osinensis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
838                                      osinensis_homolog_subtype
839                               osinensis_homolog_orthology_type
840                                      osinensis_homolog_perc_id
841                                   osinensis_homolog_perc_id_r1
842                                    osinensis_homolog_goc_score
843                                 osinensis_homolog_wga_coverage
844                         osinensis_homolog_orthology_confidence
845                                 psinensis_homolog_ensembl_gene
846                         psinensis_homolog_associated_gene_name
847                              psinensis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
848                                   psinensis_homolog_chromosome
849                                  psinensis_homolog_chrom_start
850                                    psinensis_homolog_chrom_end
851                 psinensis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
852                                      psinensis_homolog_subtype
853                               psinensis_homolog_orthology_type
854                                      psinensis_homolog_perc_id
855                                   psinensis_homolog_perc_id_r1
856                                    psinensis_homolog_goc_score
857                                 psinensis_homolog_wga_coverage
858                         psinensis_homolog_orthology_confidence
859                              otshawytscha_homolog_ensembl_gene
860                      otshawytscha_homolog_associated_gene_name
861                           otshawytscha_homolog_ensembl_peptide
862                                otshawytscha_homolog_chromosome
863                               otshawytscha_homolog_chrom_start
864                                 otshawytscha_homolog_chrom_end
865              otshawytscha_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
866                                   otshawytscha_homolog_subtype
867                            otshawytscha_homolog_orthology_type
868                                   otshawytscha_homolog_perc_id
869                                otshawytscha_homolog_perc_id_r1
870                                 otshawytscha_homolog_goc_score
871                              otshawytscha_homolog_wga_coverage
872                      otshawytscha_homolog_orthology_confidence
873                              atestudineus_homolog_ensembl_gene
874                      atestudineus_homolog_associated_gene_name
875                           atestudineus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
876                                atestudineus_homolog_chromosome
877                               atestudineus_homolog_chrom_start
878                                 atestudineus_homolog_chrom_end
879              atestudineus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
880                                   atestudineus_homolog_subtype
881                            atestudineus_homolog_orthology_type
882                                   atestudineus_homolog_perc_id
883                                atestudineus_homolog_perc_id_r1
884                                 atestudineus_homolog_goc_score
885                      atestudineus_homolog_orthology_confidence
886                                aocellaris_homolog_ensembl_gene
887                        aocellaris_homolog_associated_gene_name
888                             aocellaris_homolog_ensembl_peptide
889                                  aocellaris_homolog_chromosome
890                                 aocellaris_homolog_chrom_start
891                                   aocellaris_homolog_chrom_end
892                aocellaris_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
893                                     aocellaris_homolog_subtype
894                              aocellaris_homolog_orthology_type
895                                     aocellaris_homolog_perc_id
896                                  aocellaris_homolog_perc_id_r1
897                                   aocellaris_homolog_goc_score
898                                aocellaris_homolog_wga_coverage
899                        aocellaris_homolog_orthology_confidence
900                                lchalumnae_homolog_ensembl_gene
901                        lchalumnae_homolog_associated_gene_name
902                             lchalumnae_homolog_ensembl_peptide
903                                  lchalumnae_homolog_chromosome
904                                 lchalumnae_homolog_chrom_start
905                                   lchalumnae_homolog_chrom_end
906                lchalumnae_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
907                                     lchalumnae_homolog_subtype
908                              lchalumnae_homolog_orthology_type
909                                     lchalumnae_homolog_perc_id
910                                  lchalumnae_homolog_perc_id_r1
911                                   lchalumnae_homolog_goc_score
912                                lchalumnae_homolog_wga_coverage
913                        lchalumnae_homolog_orthology_confidence
914                                  okisutch_homolog_ensembl_gene
915                          okisutch_homolog_associated_gene_name
916                               okisutch_homolog_ensembl_peptide
917                                    okisutch_homolog_chromosome
918                                   okisutch_homolog_chrom_start
919                                     okisutch_homolog_chrom_end
920                  okisutch_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
921                                       okisutch_homolog_subtype
922                                okisutch_homolog_orthology_type
923                                       okisutch_homolog_perc_id
924                                    okisutch_homolog_perc_id_r1
925                                     okisutch_homolog_goc_score
926                                  okisutch_homolog_wga_coverage
927                          okisutch_homolog_orthology_confidence
928                               falbicollis_homolog_ensembl_gene
929                       falbicollis_homolog_associated_gene_name
930                            falbicollis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
931                                 falbicollis_homolog_chromosome
932                                falbicollis_homolog_chrom_start
933                                  falbicollis_homolog_chrom_end
934               falbicollis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
935                                    falbicollis_homolog_subtype
936                             falbicollis_homolog_orthology_type
937                                    falbicollis_homolog_perc_id
938                                 falbicollis_homolog_perc_id_r1
939                                  falbicollis_homolog_goc_score
940                       falbicollis_homolog_orthology_confidence
941                                  scanaria_homolog_ensembl_gene
942                          scanaria_homolog_associated_gene_name
943                               scanaria_homolog_ensembl_peptide
944                                    scanaria_homolog_chromosome
945                                   scanaria_homolog_chrom_start
946                                     scanaria_homolog_chrom_end
947                  scanaria_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
948                                       scanaria_homolog_subtype
949                                scanaria_homolog_orthology_type
950                                       scanaria_homolog_perc_id
951                                    scanaria_homolog_perc_id_r1
952                                     scanaria_homolog_goc_score
953                                  scanaria_homolog_wga_coverage
954                          scanaria_homolog_orthology_confidence
955                                  cccarpio_homolog_ensembl_gene
956                          cccarpio_homolog_associated_gene_name
957                               cccarpio_homolog_ensembl_peptide
958                                    cccarpio_homolog_chromosome
959                                   cccarpio_homolog_chrom_start
960                                     cccarpio_homolog_chrom_end
961                  cccarpio_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
962                                       cccarpio_homolog_subtype
963                                cccarpio_homolog_orthology_type
964                                       cccarpio_homolog_perc_id
965                                    cccarpio_homolog_perc_id_r1
966                                     cccarpio_homolog_goc_score
967                          cccarpio_homolog_orthology_confidence
968                                  pmuralis_homolog_ensembl_gene
969                          pmuralis_homolog_associated_gene_name
970                               pmuralis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
971                                    pmuralis_homolog_chromosome
972                                   pmuralis_homolog_chrom_start
973                                     pmuralis_homolog_chrom_end
974                  pmuralis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
975                                       pmuralis_homolog_subtype
976                                pmuralis_homolog_orthology_type
977                                       pmuralis_homolog_perc_id
978                                    pmuralis_homolog_perc_id_r1
979                                     pmuralis_homolog_goc_score
980                                  pmuralis_homolog_wga_coverage
981                          pmuralis_homolog_orthology_confidence
982                                  vursinus_homolog_ensembl_gene
983                          vursinus_homolog_associated_gene_name
984                               vursinus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
985                                    vursinus_homolog_chromosome
986                                   vursinus_homolog_chrom_start
987                                     vursinus_homolog_chrom_end
988                  vursinus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
989                                       vursinus_homolog_subtype
990                                vursinus_homolog_orthology_type
991                                       vursinus_homolog_perc_id
992                                    vursinus_homolog_perc_id_r1
993                                     vursinus_homolog_goc_score
994                                  vursinus_homolog_wga_coverage
995                          vursinus_homolog_orthology_confidence
996                                pcoquereli_homolog_ensembl_gene
997                        pcoquereli_homolog_associated_gene_name
998                             pcoquereli_homolog_ensembl_peptide
999                                  pcoquereli_homolog_chromosome
1000                                pcoquereli_homolog_chrom_start
1001                                  pcoquereli_homolog_chrom_end
1002               pcoquereli_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1003                                    pcoquereli_homolog_subtype
1004                             pcoquereli_homolog_orthology_type
1005                                    pcoquereli_homolog_perc_id
1006                                 pcoquereli_homolog_perc_id_r1
1007                                  pcoquereli_homolog_goc_score
1008                               pcoquereli_homolog_wga_coverage
1009                       pcoquereli_homolog_orthology_confidence
1010                                  btaurus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1011                          btaurus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1012                               btaurus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1013                                    btaurus_homolog_chromosome
1014                                   btaurus_homolog_chrom_start
1015                                     btaurus_homolog_chrom_end
1016                  btaurus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1017                                       btaurus_homolog_subtype
1018                                btaurus_homolog_orthology_type
1019                                       btaurus_homolog_perc_id
1020                                    btaurus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1021                                     btaurus_homolog_goc_score
1022                                  btaurus_homolog_wga_coverage
1023                          btaurus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1024                            mfascicularis_homolog_ensembl_gene
1025                    mfascicularis_homolog_associated_gene_name
1026                         mfascicularis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1027                              mfascicularis_homolog_chromosome
1028                             mfascicularis_homolog_chrom_start
1029                               mfascicularis_homolog_chrom_end
1030            mfascicularis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1031                                 mfascicularis_homolog_subtype
1032                          mfascicularis_homolog_orthology_type
1033                                 mfascicularis_homolog_perc_id
1034                              mfascicularis_homolog_perc_id_r1
1035                               mfascicularis_homolog_goc_score
1036                            mfascicularis_homolog_wga_coverage
1037                    mfascicularis_homolog_orthology_confidence
1038                                   odegus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1039                           odegus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1040                                odegus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1041                                     odegus_homolog_chromosome
1042                                    odegus_homolog_chrom_start
1043                                      odegus_homolog_chrom_end
1044                   odegus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1045                                        odegus_homolog_subtype
1046                                 odegus_homolog_orthology_type
1047                                        odegus_homolog_perc_id
1048                                     odegus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1049                                      odegus_homolog_goc_score
1050                                   odegus_homolog_wga_coverage
1051                           odegus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1052                              dclupeoides_homolog_ensembl_gene
1053                      dclupeoides_homolog_associated_gene_name
1054                           dclupeoides_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1055                                dclupeoides_homolog_chromosome
1056                               dclupeoides_homolog_chrom_start
1057                                 dclupeoides_homolog_chrom_end
1058              dclupeoides_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1059                                   dclupeoides_homolog_subtype
1060                            dclupeoides_homolog_orthology_type
1061                                   dclupeoides_homolog_perc_id
1062                                dclupeoides_homolog_perc_id_r1
1063                                 dclupeoides_homolog_goc_score
1064                              dclupeoides_homolog_wga_coverage
1065                      dclupeoides_homolog_orthology_confidence
1066                                  cldingo_homolog_ensembl_gene
1067                          cldingo_homolog_associated_gene_name
1068                               cldingo_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1069                                    cldingo_homolog_chromosome
1070                                   cldingo_homolog_chrom_start
1071                                     cldingo_homolog_chrom_end
1072                  cldingo_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1073                                       cldingo_homolog_subtype
1074                                cldingo_homolog_orthology_type
1075                                       cldingo_homolog_perc_id
1076                                    cldingo_homolog_perc_id_r1
1077                                     cldingo_homolog_goc_score
1078                                  cldingo_homolog_wga_coverage
1079                          cldingo_homolog_orthology_confidence
1080                             clfamiliaris_homolog_ensembl_gene
1081                     clfamiliaris_homolog_associated_gene_name
1082                          clfamiliaris_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1083                               clfamiliaris_homolog_chromosome
1084                              clfamiliaris_homolog_chrom_start
1085                                clfamiliaris_homolog_chrom_end
1086             clfamiliaris_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1087                                  clfamiliaris_homolog_subtype
1088                           clfamiliaris_homolog_orthology_type
1089                                  clfamiliaris_homolog_perc_id
1090                               clfamiliaris_homolog_perc_id_r1
1091                                clfamiliaris_homolog_goc_score
1092                             clfamiliaris_homolog_wga_coverage
1093                     clfamiliaris_homolog_orthology_confidence
1094                               ttruncatus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1095                       ttruncatus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1096                            ttruncatus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1097                                 ttruncatus_homolog_chromosome
1098                                ttruncatus_homolog_chrom_start
1099                                  ttruncatus_homolog_chrom_end
1100               ttruncatus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1101                                    ttruncatus_homolog_subtype
1102                             ttruncatus_homolog_orthology_type
1103                                    ttruncatus_homolog_perc_id
1104                                 ttruncatus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1105                                  ttruncatus_homolog_goc_score
1106                               ttruncatus_homolog_wga_coverage
1107                       ttruncatus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1108                               bgrunniens_homolog_ensembl_gene
1109                       bgrunniens_homolog_associated_gene_name
1110                            bgrunniens_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1111                                 bgrunniens_homolog_chromosome
1112                                bgrunniens_homolog_chrom_start
1113                                  bgrunniens_homolog_chrom_end
1114               bgrunniens_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1115                                    bgrunniens_homolog_subtype
1116                             bgrunniens_homolog_orthology_type
1117                                    bgrunniens_homolog_perc_id
1118                                 bgrunniens_homolog_perc_id_r1
1119                                  bgrunniens_homolog_goc_score
1120                               bgrunniens_homolog_wga_coverage
1121                       bgrunniens_homolog_orthology_confidence
1122                                 eaasinus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1123                         eaasinus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1124                              eaasinus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1125                                   eaasinus_homolog_chromosome
1126                                  eaasinus_homolog_chrom_start
1127                                    eaasinus_homolog_chrom_end
1128                 eaasinus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1129                                      eaasinus_homolog_subtype
1130                               eaasinus_homolog_orthology_type
1131                                      eaasinus_homolog_perc_id
1132                                   eaasinus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1133                                    eaasinus_homolog_goc_score
1134                                 eaasinus_homolog_wga_coverage
1135                         eaasinus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1136                             mleucophaeus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1137                     mleucophaeus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1138                          mleucophaeus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1139                               mleucophaeus_homolog_chromosome
1140                              mleucophaeus_homolog_chrom_start
1141                                mleucophaeus_homolog_chrom_end
1142             mleucophaeus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1143                                  mleucophaeus_homolog_subtype
1144                           mleucophaeus_homolog_orthology_type
1145                                  mleucophaeus_homolog_perc_id
1146                               mleucophaeus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1147                                mleucophaeus_homolog_goc_score
1148                             mleucophaeus_homolog_wga_coverage
1149                     mleucophaeus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1150                            dmelanogaster_homolog_ensembl_gene
1151                    dmelanogaster_homolog_associated_gene_name
1152                         dmelanogaster_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1153                              dmelanogaster_homolog_chromosome
1154                             dmelanogaster_homolog_chrom_start
1155                               dmelanogaster_homolog_chrom_end
1156            dmelanogaster_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1157                                 dmelanogaster_homolog_subtype
1158                          dmelanogaster_homolog_orthology_type
1159                                 dmelanogaster_homolog_perc_id
1160                              dmelanogaster_homolog_perc_id_r1
1161                    dmelanogaster_homolog_orthology_confidence
1162                          applatyrhynchos_homolog_ensembl_gene
1163                  applatyrhynchos_homolog_associated_gene_name
1164                       applatyrhynchos_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1165                            applatyrhynchos_homolog_chromosome
1166                           applatyrhynchos_homolog_chrom_start
1167                             applatyrhynchos_homolog_chrom_end
1168          applatyrhynchos_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1169                               applatyrhynchos_homolog_subtype
1170                        applatyrhynchos_homolog_orthology_type
1171                               applatyrhynchos_homolog_perc_id
1172                            applatyrhynchos_homolog_perc_id_r1
1173                             applatyrhynchos_homolog_goc_score
1174                          applatyrhynchos_homolog_wga_coverage
1175                  applatyrhynchos_homolog_orthology_confidence
1176                                ptextilis_homolog_ensembl_gene
1177                        ptextilis_homolog_associated_gene_name
1178                             ptextilis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1179                                  ptextilis_homolog_chromosome
1180                                 ptextilis_homolog_chrom_start
1181                                   ptextilis_homolog_chrom_end
1182                ptextilis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1183                                     ptextilis_homolog_subtype
1184                              ptextilis_homolog_orthology_type
1185                                     ptextilis_homolog_perc_id
1186                                  ptextilis_homolog_perc_id_r1
1187                                   ptextilis_homolog_goc_score
1188                                ptextilis_homolog_wga_coverage
1189                        ptextilis_homolog_orthology_confidence
1190                              acalliptera_homolog_ensembl_gene
1191                      acalliptera_homolog_associated_gene_name
1192                           acalliptera_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1193                                acalliptera_homolog_chromosome
1194                               acalliptera_homolog_chrom_start
1195                                 acalliptera_homolog_chrom_end
1196              acalliptera_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1197                                   acalliptera_homolog_subtype
1198                            acalliptera_homolog_orthology_type
1199                                   acalliptera_homolog_perc_id
1200                                acalliptera_homolog_perc_id_r1
1201                                 acalliptera_homolog_goc_score
1202                              acalliptera_homolog_wga_coverage
1203                      acalliptera_homolog_orthology_confidence
1204                              eelectricus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1205                      eelectricus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1206                           eelectricus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1207                                eelectricus_homolog_chromosome
1208                               eelectricus_homolog_chrom_start
1209                                 eelectricus_homolog_chrom_end
1210              eelectricus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1211                                   eelectricus_homolog_subtype
1212                            eelectricus_homolog_orthology_type
1213                                   eelectricus_homolog_perc_id
1214                                eelectricus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1215                                 eelectricus_homolog_goc_score
1216                              eelectricus_homolog_wga_coverage
1217                      eelectricus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1218                                lafricana_homolog_ensembl_gene
1219                        lafricana_homolog_associated_gene_name
1220                             lafricana_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1221                                  lafricana_homolog_chromosome
1222                                 lafricana_homolog_chrom_start
1223                                   lafricana_homolog_chrom_end
1224                lafricana_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1225                                     lafricana_homolog_subtype
1226                              lafricana_homolog_orthology_type
1227                                     lafricana_homolog_perc_id
1228                                  lafricana_homolog_perc_id_r1
1229                                   lafricana_homolog_goc_score
1230                                lafricana_homolog_wga_coverage
1231                        lafricana_homolog_orthology_confidence
1232                                   cmilii_homolog_ensembl_gene
1233                           cmilii_homolog_associated_gene_name
1234                                cmilii_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1235                                     cmilii_homolog_chromosome
1236                                    cmilii_homolog_chrom_start
1237                                      cmilii_homolog_chrom_end
1238                   cmilii_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1239                                        cmilii_homolog_subtype
1240                                 cmilii_homolog_orthology_type
1241                                        cmilii_homolog_perc_id
1242                                     cmilii_homolog_perc_id_r1
1243                                   cmilii_homolog_wga_coverage
1244                           cmilii_homolog_orthology_confidence
1245                                svulgaris_homolog_ensembl_gene
1246                        svulgaris_homolog_associated_gene_name
1247                             svulgaris_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1248                                  svulgaris_homolog_chromosome
1249                                 svulgaris_homolog_chrom_start
1250                                   svulgaris_homolog_chrom_end
1251                svulgaris_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1252                                     svulgaris_homolog_subtype
1253                              svulgaris_homolog_orthology_type
1254                                     svulgaris_homolog_perc_id
1255                                  svulgaris_homolog_perc_id_r1
1256                                   svulgaris_homolog_goc_score
1257                                svulgaris_homolog_wga_coverage
1258                        svulgaris_homolog_orthology_confidence
1259                                  dlabrax_homolog_ensembl_gene
1260                          dlabrax_homolog_associated_gene_name
1261                               dlabrax_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1262                                    dlabrax_homolog_chromosome
1263                                   dlabrax_homolog_chrom_start
1264                                     dlabrax_homolog_chrom_end
1265                  dlabrax_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1266                                       dlabrax_homolog_subtype
1267                                dlabrax_homolog_orthology_type
1268                                       dlabrax_homolog_perc_id
1269                                    dlabrax_homolog_perc_id_r1
1270                                     dlabrax_homolog_goc_score
1271                          dlabrax_homolog_orthology_confidence
1272                                   mpfuro_homolog_ensembl_gene
1273                           mpfuro_homolog_associated_gene_name
1274                                mpfuro_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1275                                     mpfuro_homolog_chromosome
1276                                    mpfuro_homolog_chrom_start
1277                                      mpfuro_homolog_chrom_end
1278                   mpfuro_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1279                                        mpfuro_homolog_subtype
1280                                 mpfuro_homolog_orthology_type
1281                                        mpfuro_homolog_perc_id
1282                                     mpfuro_homolog_perc_id_r1
1283                                      mpfuro_homolog_goc_score
1284                                   mpfuro_homolog_wga_coverage
1285                           mpfuro_homolog_orthology_confidence
1286                                trubripes_homolog_ensembl_gene
1287                        trubripes_homolog_associated_gene_name
1288                             trubripes_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1289                                  trubripes_homolog_chromosome
1290                                 trubripes_homolog_chrom_start
1291                                   trubripes_homolog_chrom_end
1292                trubripes_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1293                                     trubripes_homolog_subtype
1294                              trubripes_homolog_orthology_type
1295                                     trubripes_homolog_perc_id
1296                                  trubripes_homolog_perc_id_r1
1297                                   trubripes_homolog_goc_score
1298                                trubripes_homolog_wga_coverage
1299                        trubripes_homolog_orthology_confidence
1300                             amelanoleuca_homolog_ensembl_gene
1301                     amelanoleuca_homolog_associated_gene_name
1302                          amelanoleuca_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1303                               amelanoleuca_homolog_chromosome
1304                              amelanoleuca_homolog_chrom_start
1305                                amelanoleuca_homolog_chrom_end
1306             amelanoleuca_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1307                                  amelanoleuca_homolog_subtype
1308                           amelanoleuca_homolog_orthology_type
1309                                  amelanoleuca_homolog_perc_id
1310                               amelanoleuca_homolog_perc_id_r1
1311                                amelanoleuca_homolog_goc_score
1312                     amelanoleuca_homolog_orthology_confidence
1313                              nleucogenys_homolog_ensembl_gene
1314                      nleucogenys_homolog_associated_gene_name
1315                           nleucogenys_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1316                                nleucogenys_homolog_chromosome
1317                               nleucogenys_homolog_chrom_start
1318                                 nleucogenys_homolog_chrom_end
1319              nleucogenys_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1320                                   nleucogenys_homolog_subtype
1321                            nleucogenys_homolog_orthology_type
1322                                   nleucogenys_homolog_perc_id
1323                                nleucogenys_homolog_perc_id_r1
1324                                 nleucogenys_homolog_goc_score
1325                              nleucogenys_homolog_wga_coverage
1326                      nleucogenys_homolog_orthology_confidence
1327                                  saurata_homolog_ensembl_gene
1328                          saurata_homolog_associated_gene_name
1329                               saurata_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1330                                    saurata_homolog_chromosome
1331                                   saurata_homolog_chrom_start
1332                                     saurata_homolog_chrom_end
1333                  saurata_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1334                                       saurata_homolog_subtype
1335                                saurata_homolog_orthology_type
1336                                       saurata_homolog_perc_id
1337                                    saurata_homolog_perc_id_r1
1338                                     saurata_homolog_goc_score
1339                                  saurata_homolog_wga_coverage
1340                          saurata_homolog_orthology_confidence
1341                                  chircus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1342                          chircus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1343                               chircus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1344                                    chircus_homolog_chromosome
1345                                   chircus_homolog_chrom_start
1346                                     chircus_homolog_chrom_end
1347                  chircus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1348                                       chircus_homolog_subtype
1349                                chircus_homolog_orthology_type
1350                                       chircus_homolog_perc_id
1351                                    chircus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1352                                     chircus_homolog_goc_score
1353                                  chircus_homolog_wga_coverage
1354                          chircus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1355                                 mauratus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1356                         mauratus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1357                              mauratus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1358                                   mauratus_homolog_chromosome
1359                                  mauratus_homolog_chrom_start
1360                                    mauratus_homolog_chrom_end
1361                 mauratus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1362                                      mauratus_homolog_subtype
1363                               mauratus_homolog_orthology_type
1364                                      mauratus_homolog_perc_id
1365                                   mauratus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1366                                    mauratus_homolog_goc_score
1367                                 mauratus_homolog_wga_coverage
1368                         mauratus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1369                             acchrysaetos_homolog_ensembl_gene
1370                     acchrysaetos_homolog_associated_gene_name
1371                          acchrysaetos_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1372                               acchrysaetos_homolog_chromosome
1373                              acchrysaetos_homolog_chrom_start
1374                                acchrysaetos_homolog_chrom_end
1375             acchrysaetos_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1376                                  acchrysaetos_homolog_subtype
1377                           acchrysaetos_homolog_orthology_type
1378                                  acchrysaetos_homolog_perc_id
1379                               acchrysaetos_homolog_perc_id_r1
1380                                acchrysaetos_homolog_goc_score
1381                             acchrysaetos_homolog_wga_coverage
1382                     acchrysaetos_homolog_orthology_confidence
1383                               rroxellana_homolog_ensembl_gene
1384                       rroxellana_homolog_associated_gene_name
1385                            rroxellana_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1386                                 rroxellana_homolog_chromosome
1387                                rroxellana_homolog_chrom_start
1388                                  rroxellana_homolog_chrom_end
1389               rroxellana_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1390                                    rroxellana_homolog_subtype
1391                             rroxellana_homolog_orthology_type
1392                                    rroxellana_homolog_perc_id
1393                                 rroxellana_homolog_perc_id_r1
1394                                  rroxellana_homolog_goc_score
1395                               rroxellana_homolog_wga_coverage
1396                       rroxellana_homolog_orthology_confidence
1397                                 sgrahami_homolog_ensembl_gene
1398                         sgrahami_homolog_associated_gene_name
1399                              sgrahami_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1400                                   sgrahami_homolog_chromosome
1401                                  sgrahami_homolog_chrom_start
1402                                    sgrahami_homolog_chrom_end
1403                 sgrahami_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1404                                      sgrahami_homolog_subtype
1405                               sgrahami_homolog_orthology_type
1406                                      sgrahami_homolog_perc_id
1407                                   sgrahami_homolog_perc_id_r1
1408                                    sgrahami_homolog_goc_score
1409                                 sgrahami_homolog_wga_coverage
1410                         sgrahami_homolog_orthology_confidence
1411                                 cauratus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1412                         cauratus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1413                              cauratus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1414                                   cauratus_homolog_chromosome
1415                                  cauratus_homolog_chrom_start
1416                                    cauratus_homolog_chrom_end
1417                 cauratus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1418                                      cauratus_homolog_subtype
1419                               cauratus_homolog_orthology_type
1420                                      cauratus_homolog_perc_id
1421                                   cauratus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1422                                    cauratus_homolog_goc_score
1423                                 cauratus_homolog_wga_coverage
1424                         cauratus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1425                                gevgoodei_homolog_ensembl_gene
1426                        gevgoodei_homolog_associated_gene_name
1427                             gevgoodei_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1428                                  gevgoodei_homolog_chromosome
1429                                 gevgoodei_homolog_chrom_start
1430                                   gevgoodei_homolog_chrom_end
1431                gevgoodei_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1432                                     gevgoodei_homolog_subtype
1433                              gevgoodei_homolog_orthology_type
1434                                     gevgoodei_homolog_perc_id
1435                                  gevgoodei_homolog_perc_id_r1
1436                                   gevgoodei_homolog_goc_score
1437                                gevgoodei_homolog_wga_coverage
1438                        gevgoodei_homolog_orthology_confidence
1439                                 ggorilla_homolog_ensembl_gene
1440                         ggorilla_homolog_associated_gene_name
1441                              ggorilla_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1442                                   ggorilla_homolog_chromosome
1443                                  ggorilla_homolog_chrom_start
1444                                    ggorilla_homolog_chrom_end
1445                 ggorilla_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1446                                      ggorilla_homolog_subtype
1447                               ggorilla_homolog_orthology_type
1448                                      ggorilla_homolog_perc_id
1449                                   ggorilla_homolog_perc_id_r1
1450                                    ggorilla_homolog_goc_score
1451                                 ggorilla_homolog_wga_coverage
1452                         ggorilla_homolog_orthology_confidence
1453                                   pmajor_homolog_ensembl_gene
1454                           pmajor_homolog_associated_gene_name
1455                                pmajor_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1456                                     pmajor_homolog_chromosome
1457                                    pmajor_homolog_chrom_start
1458                                      pmajor_homolog_chrom_end
1459                   pmajor_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1460                                        pmajor_homolog_subtype
1461                                 pmajor_homolog_orthology_type
1462                                        pmajor_homolog_perc_id
1463                                     pmajor_homolog_perc_id_r1
1464                                      pmajor_homolog_goc_score
1465                                   pmajor_homolog_wga_coverage
1466                           pmajor_homolog_orthology_confidence
1467                                sdumerili_homolog_ensembl_gene
1468                        sdumerili_homolog_associated_gene_name
1469                             sdumerili_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1470                                  sdumerili_homolog_chromosome
1471                                 sdumerili_homolog_chrom_start
1472                                   sdumerili_homolog_chrom_end
1473                sdumerili_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1474                                     sdumerili_homolog_subtype
1475                              sdumerili_homolog_orthology_type
1476                                     sdumerili_homolog_perc_id
1477                                  sdumerili_homolog_perc_id_r1
1478                                   sdumerili_homolog_goc_score
1479                                sdumerili_homolog_wga_coverage
1480                        sdumerili_homolog_orthology_confidence
1481                                   psimus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1482                           psimus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1483                                psimus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1484                                     psimus_homolog_chromosome
1485                                    psimus_homolog_chrom_start
1486                                      psimus_homolog_chrom_end
1487                   psimus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1488                                        psimus_homolog_subtype
1489                                 psimus_homolog_orthology_type
1490                                        psimus_homolog_perc_id
1491                                     psimus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1492                                      psimus_homolog_goc_score
1493                                   psimus_homolog_wga_coverage
1494                           psimus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1495                           rferrumequinum_homolog_ensembl_gene
1496                   rferrumequinum_homolog_associated_gene_name
1497                        rferrumequinum_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1498                             rferrumequinum_homolog_chromosome
1499                            rferrumequinum_homolog_chrom_start
1500                              rferrumequinum_homolog_chrom_end
1501           rferrumequinum_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1502                                rferrumequinum_homolog_subtype
1503                         rferrumequinum_homolog_orthology_type
1504                                rferrumequinum_homolog_perc_id
1505                             rferrumequinum_homolog_perc_id_r1
1506                              rferrumequinum_homolog_goc_score
1507                           rferrumequinum_homolog_wga_coverage
1508                   rferrumequinum_homolog_orthology_confidence
1509                            acarolinensis_homolog_ensembl_gene
1510                    acarolinensis_homolog_associated_gene_name
1511                         acarolinensis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1512                              acarolinensis_homolog_chromosome
1513                             acarolinensis_homolog_chrom_start
1514                               acarolinensis_homolog_chrom_end
1515            acarolinensis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1516                                 acarolinensis_homolog_subtype
1517                          acarolinensis_homolog_orthology_type
1518                                 acarolinensis_homolog_perc_id
1519                              acarolinensis_homolog_perc_id_r1
1520                               acarolinensis_homolog_goc_score
1521                    acarolinensis_homolog_orthology_confidence
1522                               cporcellus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1523                       cporcellus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1524                            cporcellus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1525                                 cporcellus_homolog_chromosome
1526                                cporcellus_homolog_chrom_start
1527                                  cporcellus_homolog_chrom_end
1528               cporcellus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1529                                    cporcellus_homolog_subtype
1530                             cporcellus_homolog_orthology_type
1531                                    cporcellus_homolog_perc_id
1532                                 cporcellus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1533                                  cporcellus_homolog_goc_score
1534                               cporcellus_homolog_wga_coverage
1535                       cporcellus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1536                              preticulata_homolog_ensembl_gene
1537                      preticulata_homolog_associated_gene_name
1538                           preticulata_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1539                                preticulata_homolog_chromosome
1540                               preticulata_homolog_chrom_start
1541                                 preticulata_homolog_chrom_end
1542              preticulata_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1543                                   preticulata_homolog_subtype
1544                            preticulata_homolog_orthology_type
1545                                   preticulata_homolog_perc_id
1546                                preticulata_homolog_perc_id_r1
1547                                 preticulata_homolog_goc_score
1548                              preticulata_homolog_wga_coverage
1549                      preticulata_homolog_orthology_confidence
1550                                 eburgeri_homolog_ensembl_gene
1551                         eburgeri_homolog_associated_gene_name
1552                              eburgeri_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1553                                   eburgeri_homolog_chromosome
1554                                  eburgeri_homolog_chrom_start
1555                                    eburgeri_homolog_chrom_end
1556                 eburgeri_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1557                                      eburgeri_homolog_subtype
1558                               eburgeri_homolog_orthology_type
1559                                      eburgeri_homolog_perc_id
1560                                   eburgeri_homolog_perc_id_r1
1561                                 eburgeri_homolog_wga_coverage
1562                         eburgeri_homolog_orthology_confidence
1563                               eeuropaeus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1564                       eeuropaeus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1565                            eeuropaeus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1566                                 eeuropaeus_homolog_chromosome
1567                                eeuropaeus_homolog_chrom_start
1568                                  eeuropaeus_homolog_chrom_end
1569               eeuropaeus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1570                                    eeuropaeus_homolog_subtype
1571                             eeuropaeus_homolog_orthology_type
1572                                    eeuropaeus_homolog_perc_id
1573                                 eeuropaeus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1574                                  eeuropaeus_homolog_goc_score
1575                               eeuropaeus_homolog_wga_coverage
1576                       eeuropaeus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1577                                ecaballus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1578                        ecaballus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1579                             ecaballus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1580                                  ecaballus_homolog_chromosome
1581                                 ecaballus_homolog_chrom_start
1582                                   ecaballus_homolog_chrom_end
1583                ecaballus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1584                                     ecaballus_homolog_subtype
1585                              ecaballus_homolog_orthology_type
1586                                     ecaballus_homolog_perc_id
1587                                  ecaballus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1588                                   ecaballus_homolog_goc_score
1589                                ecaballus_homolog_wga_coverage
1590                        ecaballus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1591                                   hhucho_homolog_ensembl_gene
1592                           hhucho_homolog_associated_gene_name
1593                                hhucho_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1594                                     hhucho_homolog_chromosome
1595                                    hhucho_homolog_chrom_start
1596                                      hhucho_homolog_chrom_end
1597                   hhucho_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1598                                        hhucho_homolog_subtype
1599                                 hhucho_homolog_orthology_type
1600                                        hhucho_homolog_perc_id
1601                                     hhucho_homolog_perc_id_r1
1602                                      hhucho_homolog_goc_score
1603                                   hhucho_homolog_wga_coverage
1604                           hhucho_homolog_orthology_confidence
1605                                 bihybrid_homolog_ensembl_gene
1606                         bihybrid_homolog_associated_gene_name
1607                              bihybrid_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1608                                   bihybrid_homolog_chromosome
1609                                  bihybrid_homolog_chrom_start
1610                                    bihybrid_homolog_chrom_end
1611                 bihybrid_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1612                                      bihybrid_homolog_subtype
1613                               bihybrid_homolog_orthology_type
1614                                      bihybrid_homolog_perc_id
1615                                   bihybrid_homolog_perc_id_r1
1616                                    bihybrid_homolog_goc_score
1617                                 bihybrid_homolog_wga_coverage
1618                         bihybrid_homolog_orthology_confidence
1619                                pcapensis_homolog_ensembl_gene
1620                        pcapensis_homolog_associated_gene_name
1621                             pcapensis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1622                                  pcapensis_homolog_chromosome
1623                                 pcapensis_homolog_chrom_start
1624                                   pcapensis_homolog_chrom_end
1625                pcapensis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1626                                     pcapensis_homolog_subtype
1627                              pcapensis_homolog_orthology_type
1628                                     pcapensis_homolog_perc_id
1629                                  pcapensis_homolog_perc_id_r1
1630                                   pcapensis_homolog_goc_score
1631                                pcapensis_homolog_wga_coverage
1632                        pcapensis_homolog_orthology_confidence
1633                                    nnaja_homolog_ensembl_gene
1634                            nnaja_homolog_associated_gene_name
1635                                 nnaja_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1636                                      nnaja_homolog_chromosome
1637                                     nnaja_homolog_chrom_start
1638                                       nnaja_homolog_chrom_end
1639                    nnaja_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1640                                         nnaja_homolog_subtype
1641                                  nnaja_homolog_orthology_type
1642                                         nnaja_homolog_perc_id
1643                                      nnaja_homolog_perc_id_r1
1644                                       nnaja_homolog_goc_score
1645                                    nnaja_homolog_wga_coverage
1646                            nnaja_homolog_orthology_confidence
1647                              omelastigma_homolog_ensembl_gene
1648                      omelastigma_homolog_associated_gene_name
1649                           omelastigma_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1650                                omelastigma_homolog_chromosome
1651                               omelastigma_homolog_chrom_start
1652                                 omelastigma_homolog_chrom_end
1653              omelastigma_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1654                                   omelastigma_homolog_subtype
1655                            omelastigma_homolog_orthology_type
1656                                   omelastigma_homolog_perc_id
1657                                omelastigma_homolog_perc_id_r1
1658                                 omelastigma_homolog_goc_score
1659                              omelastigma_homolog_wga_coverage
1660                      omelastigma_homolog_orthology_confidence
1661                                 olatipes_homolog_ensembl_gene
1662                         olatipes_homolog_associated_gene_name
1663                              olatipes_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1664                                   olatipes_homolog_chromosome
1665                                  olatipes_homolog_chrom_start
1666                                    olatipes_homolog_chrom_end
1667                 olatipes_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1668                                      olatipes_homolog_subtype
1669                               olatipes_homolog_orthology_type
1670                                      olatipes_homolog_perc_id
1671                                   olatipes_homolog_perc_id_r1
1672                                    olatipes_homolog_goc_score
1673                                 olatipes_homolog_wga_coverage
1674                         olatipes_homolog_orthology_confidence
1675                                cjaponica_homolog_ensembl_gene
1676                        cjaponica_homolog_associated_gene_name
1677                             cjaponica_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1678                                  cjaponica_homolog_chromosome
1679                                 cjaponica_homolog_chrom_start
1680                                   cjaponica_homolog_chrom_end
1681                cjaponica_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1682                                     cjaponica_homolog_subtype
1683                              cjaponica_homolog_orthology_type
1684                                     cjaponica_homolog_perc_id
1685                                  cjaponica_homolog_perc_id_r1
1686                                   cjaponica_homolog_goc_score
1687                                cjaponica_homolog_wga_coverage
1688                        cjaponica_homolog_orthology_confidence
1689                               ojavanicus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1690                       ojavanicus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1691                            ojavanicus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1692                                 ojavanicus_homolog_chromosome
1693                                ojavanicus_homolog_chrom_start
1694                                  ojavanicus_homolog_chrom_end
1695               ojavanicus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1696                                    ojavanicus_homolog_subtype
1697                             ojavanicus_homolog_orthology_type
1698                                    ojavanicus_homolog_perc_id
1699                                 ojavanicus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1700                                  ojavanicus_homolog_goc_score
1701                               ojavanicus_homolog_wga_coverage
1702                       ojavanicus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1703                              shabroptila_homolog_ensembl_gene
1704                      shabroptila_homolog_associated_gene_name
1705                           shabroptila_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1706                                shabroptila_homolog_chromosome
1707                               shabroptila_homolog_chrom_start
1708                                 shabroptila_homolog_chrom_end
1709              shabroptila_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1710                                   shabroptila_homolog_subtype
1711                            shabroptila_homolog_orthology_type
1712                                   shabroptila_homolog_perc_id
1713                                shabroptila_homolog_perc_id_r1
1714                                 shabroptila_homolog_goc_score
1715                              shabroptila_homolog_wga_coverage
1716                      shabroptila_homolog_orthology_confidence
1717                                   dordii_homolog_ensembl_gene
1718                           dordii_homolog_associated_gene_name
1719                                dordii_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1720                                     dordii_homolog_chromosome
1721                                    dordii_homolog_chrom_start
1722                                      dordii_homolog_chrom_end
1723                   dordii_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1724                                        dordii_homolog_subtype
1725                                 dordii_homolog_orthology_type
1726                                        dordii_homolog_perc_id
1727                                     dordii_homolog_perc_id_r1
1728                                      dordii_homolog_goc_score
1729                                   dordii_homolog_wga_coverage
1730                           dordii_homolog_orthology_confidence
1731                                pcinereus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1732                        pcinereus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1733                             pcinereus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1734                                  pcinereus_homolog_chromosome
1735                                 pcinereus_homolog_chrom_start
1736                                   pcinereus_homolog_chrom_end
1737                pcinereus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1738                                     pcinereus_homolog_subtype
1739                              pcinereus_homolog_orthology_type
1740                                     pcinereus_homolog_perc_id
1741                                  pcinereus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1742                                   pcinereus_homolog_goc_score
1743                                pcinereus_homolog_wga_coverage
1744                        pcinereus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1745                                 pmarinus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1746                         pmarinus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1747                              pmarinus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1748                                   pmarinus_homolog_chromosome
1749                                  pmarinus_homolog_chrom_start
1750                                    pmarinus_homolog_chrom_end
1751                 pmarinus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1752                                      pmarinus_homolog_subtype
1753                               pmarinus_homolog_orthology_type
1754                                      pmarinus_homolog_perc_id
1755                                   pmarinus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1756                                 pmarinus_homolog_wga_coverage
1757                         pmarinus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1758                                  lcrocea_homolog_ensembl_gene
1759                          lcrocea_homolog_associated_gene_name
1760                               lcrocea_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1761                                    lcrocea_homolog_chromosome
1762                                   lcrocea_homolog_chrom_start
1763                                     lcrocea_homolog_chrom_end
1764                  lcrocea_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1765                                       lcrocea_homolog_subtype
1766                                lcrocea_homolog_orthology_type
1767                                       lcrocea_homolog_perc_id
1768                                    lcrocea_homolog_perc_id_r1
1769                                     lcrocea_homolog_goc_score
1770                                  lcrocea_homolog_wga_coverage
1771                          lcrocea_homolog_orthology_confidence
1772                             lleishanense_homolog_ensembl_gene
1773                     lleishanense_homolog_associated_gene_name
1774                          lleishanense_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1775                               lleishanense_homolog_chromosome
1776                              lleishanense_homolog_chrom_start
1777                                lleishanense_homolog_chrom_end
1778             lleishanense_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1779                                  lleishanense_homolog_subtype
1780                           lleishanense_homolog_orthology_type
1781                                  lleishanense_homolog_perc_id
1782                               lleishanense_homolog_perc_id_r1
1783                                lleishanense_homolog_goc_score
1784                             lleishanense_homolog_wga_coverage
1785                     lleishanense_homolog_orthology_confidence
1786                                  ppardus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1787                          ppardus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1788                               ppardus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1789                                    ppardus_homolog_chromosome
1790                                   ppardus_homolog_chrom_start
1791                                     ppardus_homolog_chrom_end
1792                  ppardus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1793                                       ppardus_homolog_subtype
1794                                ppardus_homolog_orthology_type
1795                                       ppardus_homolog_perc_id
1796                                    ppardus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1797                                     ppardus_homolog_goc_score
1798                                  ppardus_homolog_wga_coverage
1799                          ppardus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1800                                 jjaculus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1801                         jjaculus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1802                              jjaculus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1803                                   jjaculus_homolog_chromosome
1804                                  jjaculus_homolog_chrom_start
1805                                    jjaculus_homolog_chrom_end
1806                 jjaculus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1807                                      jjaculus_homolog_subtype
1808                               jjaculus_homolog_orthology_type
1809                                      jjaculus_homolog_perc_id
1810                                   jjaculus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1811                                    jjaculus_homolog_goc_score
1812                                 jjaculus_homolog_wga_coverage
1813                         jjaculus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1814                                etelfairi_homolog_ensembl_gene
1815                        etelfairi_homolog_associated_gene_name
1816                             etelfairi_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1817                                  etelfairi_homolog_chromosome
1818                                 etelfairi_homolog_chrom_start
1819                                   etelfairi_homolog_chrom_end
1820                etelfairi_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1821                                     etelfairi_homolog_subtype
1822                              etelfairi_homolog_orthology_type
1823                                     etelfairi_homolog_perc_id
1824                                  etelfairi_homolog_perc_id_r1
1825                                   etelfairi_homolog_goc_score
1826                                etelfairi_homolog_wga_coverage
1827                        etelfairi_homolog_orthology_confidence
1828                                     pleo_homolog_ensembl_gene
1829                             pleo_homolog_associated_gene_name
1830                                  pleo_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1831                                       pleo_homolog_chromosome
1832                                      pleo_homolog_chrom_start
1833                                        pleo_homolog_chrom_end
1834                     pleo_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1835                                          pleo_homolog_subtype
1836                                   pleo_homolog_orthology_type
1837                                          pleo_homolog_perc_id
1838                                       pleo_homolog_perc_id_r1
1839                                        pleo_homolog_goc_score
1840                                     pleo_homolog_wga_coverage
1841                             pleo_homolog_orthology_confidence
1842                                clanigera_homolog_ensembl_gene
1843                        clanigera_homolog_associated_gene_name
1844                             clanigera_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1845                                  clanigera_homolog_chromosome
1846                                 clanigera_homolog_chrom_start
1847                                   clanigera_homolog_chrom_end
1848                clanigera_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1849                                     clanigera_homolog_subtype
1850                              clanigera_homolog_orthology_type
1851                                     clanigera_homolog_perc_id
1852                                  clanigera_homolog_perc_id_r1
1853                                   clanigera_homolog_goc_score
1854                                clanigera_homolog_wga_coverage
1855                        clanigera_homolog_orthology_confidence
1856                                  clumpus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1857                          clumpus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1858                               clumpus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1859                                    clumpus_homolog_chromosome
1860                                   clumpus_homolog_chrom_start
1861                                     clumpus_homolog_chrom_end
1862                  clumpus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1863                                       clumpus_homolog_subtype
1864                                clumpus_homolog_orthology_type
1865                                       clumpus_homolog_perc_id
1866                                    clumpus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1867                                     clumpus_homolog_goc_score
1868                                  clumpus_homolog_wga_coverage
1869                          clumpus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1870                               nbrichardi_homolog_ensembl_gene
1871                       nbrichardi_homolog_associated_gene_name
1872                            nbrichardi_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1873                                 nbrichardi_homolog_chromosome
1874                                nbrichardi_homolog_chrom_start
1875                                  nbrichardi_homolog_chrom_end
1876               nbrichardi_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1877                                    nbrichardi_homolog_subtype
1878                             nbrichardi_homolog_orthology_type
1879                                    nbrichardi_homolog_perc_id
1880                                 nbrichardi_homolog_perc_id_r1
1881                                  nbrichardi_homolog_goc_score
1882                               nbrichardi_homolog_wga_coverage
1883                       nbrichardi_homolog_orthology_confidence
1884                               anancymaae_homolog_ensembl_gene
1885                       anancymaae_homolog_associated_gene_name
1886                            anancymaae_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1887                                 anancymaae_homolog_chromosome
1888                                anancymaae_homolog_chrom_start
1889                                  anancymaae_homolog_chrom_end
1890               anancymaae_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1891                                    anancymaae_homolog_subtype
1892                             anancymaae_homolog_orthology_type
1893                                    anancymaae_homolog_perc_id
1894                                 anancymaae_homolog_perc_id_r1
1895                                  anancymaae_homolog_goc_score
1896                               anancymaae_homolog_wga_coverage
1897                       anancymaae_homolog_orthology_confidence
1898                                 mmulatta_homolog_ensembl_gene
1899                         mmulatta_homolog_associated_gene_name
1900                              mmulatta_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1901                                   mmulatta_homolog_chromosome
1902                                  mmulatta_homolog_chrom_start
1903                                    mmulatta_homolog_chrom_end
1904                 mmulatta_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1905                                      mmulatta_homolog_subtype
1906                               mmulatta_homolog_orthology_type
1907                                      mmulatta_homolog_perc_id
1908                                   mmulatta_homolog_perc_id_r1
1909                                    mmulatta_homolog_goc_score
1910                                 mmulatta_homolog_wga_coverage
1911                         mmulatta_homolog_orthology_confidence
1912                                nscutatus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1913                        nscutatus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1914                             nscutatus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1915                                  nscutatus_homolog_chromosome
1916                                 nscutatus_homolog_chrom_start
1917                                   nscutatus_homolog_chrom_end
1918                nscutatus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1919                                     nscutatus_homolog_subtype
1920                              nscutatus_homolog_orthology_type
1921                                     nscutatus_homolog_perc_id
1922                                  nscutatus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1923                                   nscutatus_homolog_goc_score
1924                                nscutatus_homolog_wga_coverage
1925                        nscutatus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1926                                pnyererei_homolog_ensembl_gene
1927                        pnyererei_homolog_associated_gene_name
1928                             pnyererei_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1929                                  pnyererei_homolog_chromosome
1930                                 pnyererei_homolog_chrom_start
1931                                   pnyererei_homolog_chrom_end
1932                pnyererei_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1933                                     pnyererei_homolog_subtype
1934                              pnyererei_homolog_orthology_type
1935                                     pnyererei_homolog_perc_id
1936                                  pnyererei_homolog_perc_id_r1
1937                                   pnyererei_homolog_goc_score
1938                                pnyererei_homolog_wga_coverage
1939                        pnyererei_homolog_orthology_confidence
1940                              kmarmoratus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1941                      kmarmoratus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1942                           kmarmoratus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1943                                kmarmoratus_homolog_chromosome
1944                               kmarmoratus_homolog_chrom_start
1945                                 kmarmoratus_homolog_chrom_end
1946              kmarmoratus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1947                                   kmarmoratus_homolog_subtype
1948                            kmarmoratus_homolog_orthology_type
1949                                   kmarmoratus_homolog_perc_id
1950                                kmarmoratus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1951                                 kmarmoratus_homolog_goc_score
1952                              kmarmoratus_homolog_wga_coverage
1953                      kmarmoratus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1954                                  gfortis_homolog_ensembl_gene
1955                          gfortis_homolog_associated_gene_name
1956                               gfortis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1957                                    gfortis_homolog_chromosome
1958                                   gfortis_homolog_chrom_start
1959                                     gfortis_homolog_chrom_end
1960                  gfortis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1961                                       gfortis_homolog_subtype
1962                                gfortis_homolog_orthology_type
1963                                       gfortis_homolog_perc_id
1964                                    gfortis_homolog_perc_id_r1
1965                                     gfortis_homolog_goc_score
1966                                  gfortis_homolog_wga_coverage
1967                          gfortis_homolog_orthology_confidence
1968                                pvampyrus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1969                        pvampyrus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1970                             pvampyrus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1971                                  pvampyrus_homolog_chromosome
1972                                 pvampyrus_homolog_chrom_start
1973                                   pvampyrus_homolog_chrom_end
1974                pvampyrus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1975                                     pvampyrus_homolog_subtype
1976                              pvampyrus_homolog_orthology_type
1977                                     pvampyrus_homolog_perc_id
1978                                  pvampyrus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1979                                   pvampyrus_homolog_goc_score
1980                                pvampyrus_homolog_wga_coverage
1981                        pvampyrus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1982                               amexicanus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1983                       amexicanus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1984                            amexicanus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1985                                 amexicanus_homolog_chromosome
1986                                amexicanus_homolog_chrom_start
1987                                  amexicanus_homolog_chrom_end
1988               amexicanus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
1989                                    amexicanus_homolog_subtype
1990                             amexicanus_homolog_orthology_type
1991                                    amexicanus_homolog_perc_id
1992                                 amexicanus_homolog_perc_id_r1
1993                                  amexicanus_homolog_goc_score
1994                               amexicanus_homolog_wga_coverage
1995                       amexicanus_homolog_orthology_confidence
1996                               mlucifugus_homolog_ensembl_gene
1997                       mlucifugus_homolog_associated_gene_name
1998                            mlucifugus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
1999                                 mlucifugus_homolog_chromosome
2000                                mlucifugus_homolog_chrom_start
2001                                  mlucifugus_homolog_chrom_end
2002               mlucifugus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2003                                    mlucifugus_homolog_subtype
2004                             mlucifugus_homolog_orthology_type
2005                                    mlucifugus_homolog_perc_id
2006                                 mlucifugus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2007                                  mlucifugus_homolog_goc_score
2008                               mlucifugus_homolog_wga_coverage
2009                       mlucifugus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2010                             acitrinellus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2011                     acitrinellus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2012                          acitrinellus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2013                               acitrinellus_homolog_chromosome
2014                              acitrinellus_homolog_chrom_start
2015                                acitrinellus_homolog_chrom_end
2016             acitrinellus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2017                                  acitrinellus_homolog_subtype
2018                           acitrinellus_homolog_orthology_type
2019                                  acitrinellus_homolog_perc_id
2020                               acitrinellus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2021                                acitrinellus_homolog_goc_score
2022                             acitrinellus_homolog_wga_coverage
2023                     acitrinellus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2024                                mmusculus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2025                        mmusculus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2026                             mmusculus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2027                                  mmusculus_homolog_chromosome
2028                                 mmusculus_homolog_chrom_start
2029                                   mmusculus_homolog_chrom_end
2030                mmusculus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2031                                     mmusculus_homolog_subtype
2032                              mmusculus_homolog_orthology_type
2033                                     mmusculus_homolog_perc_id
2034                                  mmusculus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2035                                   mmusculus_homolog_goc_score
2036                                mmusculus_homolog_wga_coverage
2037                        mmusculus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2038                                 mmurinus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2039                         mmurinus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2040                              mmurinus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2041                                   mmurinus_homolog_chromosome
2042                                  mmurinus_homolog_chrom_start
2043                                    mmurinus_homolog_chrom_end
2044                 mmurinus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2045                                      mmurinus_homolog_subtype
2046                               mmurinus_homolog_orthology_type
2047                                      mmurinus_homolog_perc_id
2048                                   mmurinus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2049                                    mmurinus_homolog_goc_score
2050                                 mmurinus_homolog_wga_coverage
2051                         mmurinus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2052                            fheteroclitus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2053                    fheteroclitus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2054                         fheteroclitus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2055                              fheteroclitus_homolog_chromosome
2056                             fheteroclitus_homolog_chrom_start
2057                               fheteroclitus_homolog_chrom_end
2058            fheteroclitus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2059                                 fheteroclitus_homolog_subtype
2060                          fheteroclitus_homolog_orthology_type
2061                                 fheteroclitus_homolog_perc_id
2062                              fheteroclitus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2063                               fheteroclitus_homolog_goc_score
2064                            fheteroclitus_homolog_wga_coverage
2065                    fheteroclitus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2066                                 hgfemale_homolog_ensembl_gene
2067                         hgfemale_homolog_associated_gene_name
2068                              hgfemale_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2069                                   hgfemale_homolog_chromosome
2070                                  hgfemale_homolog_chrom_start
2071                                    hgfemale_homolog_chrom_end
2072                 hgfemale_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2073                                      hgfemale_homolog_subtype
2074                               hgfemale_homolog_orthology_type
2075                                      hgfemale_homolog_perc_id
2076                                   hgfemale_homolog_perc_id_r1
2077                                    hgfemale_homolog_goc_score
2078                                 hgfemale_homolog_wga_coverage
2079                         hgfemale_homolog_orthology_confidence
2080                               mmonoceros_homolog_ensembl_gene
2081                       mmonoceros_homolog_associated_gene_name
2082                            mmonoceros_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2083                                 mmonoceros_homolog_chromosome
2084                                mmonoceros_homolog_chrom_start
2085                                  mmonoceros_homolog_chrom_end
2086               mmonoceros_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2087                                    mmonoceros_homolog_subtype
2088                             mmonoceros_homolog_orthology_type
2089                                    mmonoceros_homolog_perc_id
2090                                 mmonoceros_homolog_perc_id_r1
2091                                  mmonoceros_homolog_goc_score
2092                               mmonoceros_homolog_wga_coverage
2093                       mmonoceros_homolog_orthology_confidence
2094                               oniloticus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2095                       oniloticus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2096                            oniloticus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2097                                 oniloticus_homolog_chromosome
2098                                oniloticus_homolog_chrom_start
2099                                  oniloticus_homolog_chrom_end
2100               oniloticus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2101                                    oniloticus_homolog_subtype
2102                             oniloticus_homolog_orthology_type
2103                                    oniloticus_homolog_perc_id
2104                                 oniloticus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2105                                  oniloticus_homolog_goc_score
2106                               oniloticus_homolog_wga_coverage
2107                       oniloticus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2108                                pmbairdii_homolog_ensembl_gene
2109                        pmbairdii_homolog_associated_gene_name
2110                             pmbairdii_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2111                                  pmbairdii_homolog_chromosome
2112                                 pmbairdii_homolog_chrom_start
2113                                   pmbairdii_homolog_chrom_end
2114                pmbairdii_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2115                                     pmbairdii_homolog_subtype
2116                              pmbairdii_homolog_orthology_type
2117                                     pmbairdii_homolog_perc_id
2118                                  pmbairdii_homolog_perc_id_r1
2119                                   pmbairdii_homolog_goc_score
2120                                pmbairdii_homolog_wga_coverage
2121                        pmbairdii_homolog_orthology_confidence
2122                                  elucius_homolog_ensembl_gene
2123                          elucius_homolog_associated_gene_name
2124                               elucius_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2125                                    elucius_homolog_chromosome
2126                                   elucius_homolog_chrom_start
2127                                     elucius_homolog_chrom_end
2128                  elucius_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2129                                       elucius_homolog_subtype
2130                                elucius_homolog_orthology_type
2131                                       elucius_homolog_perc_id
2132                                    elucius_homolog_perc_id_r1
2133                                     elucius_homolog_goc_score
2134                                  elucius_homolog_wga_coverage
2135                          elucius_homolog_orthology_confidence
2136                                  panubis_homolog_ensembl_gene
2137                          panubis_homolog_associated_gene_name
2138                               panubis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2139                                    panubis_homolog_chromosome
2140                                   panubis_homolog_chrom_start
2141                                     panubis_homolog_chrom_end
2142                  panubis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2143                                       panubis_homolog_subtype
2144                                panubis_homolog_orthology_type
2145                                       panubis_homolog_perc_id
2146                                    panubis_homolog_perc_id_r1
2147                                     panubis_homolog_goc_score
2148                                  panubis_homolog_wga_coverage
2149                          panubis_homolog_orthology_confidence
2150                               mdomestica_homolog_ensembl_gene
2151                       mdomestica_homolog_associated_gene_name
2152                            mdomestica_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2153                                 mdomestica_homolog_chromosome
2154                                mdomestica_homolog_chrom_start
2155                                  mdomestica_homolog_chrom_end
2156               mdomestica_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2157                                    mdomestica_homolog_subtype
2158                             mdomestica_homolog_orthology_type
2159                                    mdomestica_homolog_perc_id
2160                                 mdomestica_homolog_perc_id_r1
2161                                  mdomestica_homolog_goc_score
2162                               mdomestica_homolog_wga_coverage
2163                       mdomestica_homolog_orthology_confidence
2164                                 apercula_homolog_ensembl_gene
2165                         apercula_homolog_associated_gene_name
2166                              apercula_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2167                                   apercula_homolog_chromosome
2168                                  apercula_homolog_chrom_start
2169                                    apercula_homolog_chrom_end
2170                 apercula_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2171                                      apercula_homolog_subtype
2172                               apercula_homolog_orthology_type
2173                                      apercula_homolog_perc_id
2174                                   apercula_homolog_perc_id_r1
2175                                    apercula_homolog_goc_score
2176                                 apercula_homolog_wga_coverage
2177                         apercula_homolog_orthology_confidence
2178                                 cpbellii_homolog_ensembl_gene
2179                         cpbellii_homolog_associated_gene_name
2180                              cpbellii_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2181                                   cpbellii_homolog_chromosome
2182                                  cpbellii_homolog_chrom_start
2183                                    cpbellii_homolog_chrom_end
2184                 cpbellii_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2185                                      cpbellii_homolog_subtype
2186                               cpbellii_homolog_orthology_type
2187                                      cpbellii_homolog_perc_id
2188                                   cpbellii_homolog_perc_id_r1
2189                                    cpbellii_homolog_goc_score
2190                                 cpbellii_homolog_wga_coverage
2191                         cpbellii_homolog_orthology_confidence
2192                              pkingsleyae_homolog_ensembl_gene
2193                      pkingsleyae_homolog_associated_gene_name
2194                           pkingsleyae_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2195                                pkingsleyae_homolog_chromosome
2196                               pkingsleyae_homolog_chrom_start
2197                                 pkingsleyae_homolog_chrom_end
2198              pkingsleyae_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2199                                   pkingsleyae_homolog_subtype
2200                            pkingsleyae_homolog_orthology_type
2201                                   pkingsleyae_homolog_perc_id
2202                                pkingsleyae_homolog_perc_id_r1
2203                                 pkingsleyae_homolog_goc_score
2204                              pkingsleyae_homolog_wga_coverage
2205                      pkingsleyae_homolog_orthology_confidence
2206                                  sscrofa_homolog_ensembl_gene
2207                          sscrofa_homolog_associated_gene_name
2208                               sscrofa_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2209                                    sscrofa_homolog_chromosome
2210                                   sscrofa_homolog_chrom_start
2211                                     sscrofa_homolog_chrom_end
2212                  sscrofa_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2213                                       sscrofa_homolog_subtype
2214                                sscrofa_homolog_orthology_type
2215                                       sscrofa_homolog_perc_id
2216                                    sscrofa_homolog_perc_id_r1
2217                                     sscrofa_homolog_goc_score
2218                                  sscrofa_homolog_wga_coverage
2219                          sscrofa_homolog_orthology_confidence
2220                              mnemestrina_homolog_ensembl_gene
2221                      mnemestrina_homolog_associated_gene_name
2222                           mnemestrina_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2223                                mnemestrina_homolog_chromosome
2224                               mnemestrina_homolog_chrom_start
2225                                 mnemestrina_homolog_chrom_end
2226              mnemestrina_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2227                                   mnemestrina_homolog_subtype
2228                            mnemestrina_homolog_orthology_type
2229                                   mnemestrina_homolog_perc_id
2230                                mnemestrina_homolog_perc_id_r1
2231                                 mnemestrina_homolog_goc_score
2232                              mnemestrina_homolog_wga_coverage
2233                      mnemestrina_homolog_orthology_confidence
2234                                oprinceps_homolog_ensembl_gene
2235                        oprinceps_homolog_associated_gene_name
2236                             oprinceps_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2237                                  oprinceps_homolog_chromosome
2238                                 oprinceps_homolog_chrom_start
2239                                   oprinceps_homolog_chrom_end
2240                oprinceps_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2241                                     oprinceps_homolog_subtype
2242                              oprinceps_homolog_orthology_type
2243                                     oprinceps_homolog_perc_id
2244                                  oprinceps_homolog_perc_id_r1
2245                                   oprinceps_homolog_goc_score
2246                                oprinceps_homolog_wga_coverage
2247                        oprinceps_homolog_orthology_confidence
2248                              slucioperca_homolog_ensembl_gene
2249                      slucioperca_homolog_associated_gene_name
2250                           slucioperca_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2251                                slucioperca_homolog_chromosome
2252                               slucioperca_homolog_chrom_start
2253                                 slucioperca_homolog_chrom_end
2254              slucioperca_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2255                                   slucioperca_homolog_subtype
2256                            slucioperca_homolog_orthology_type
2257                                   slucioperca_homolog_perc_id
2258                                slucioperca_homolog_perc_id_r1
2259                                 slucioperca_homolog_goc_score
2260                              slucioperca_homolog_wga_coverage
2261                      slucioperca_homolog_orthology_confidence
2262                                 mmurdjan_homolog_ensembl_gene
2263                         mmurdjan_homolog_associated_gene_name
2264                              mmurdjan_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2265                                   mmurdjan_homolog_chromosome
2266                                  mmurdjan_homolog_chrom_start
2267                                    mmurdjan_homolog_chrom_end
2268                 mmurdjan_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2269                                      mmurdjan_homolog_subtype
2270                               mmurdjan_homolog_orthology_type
2271                                      mmurdjan_homolog_perc_id
2272                                   mmurdjan_homolog_perc_id_r1
2273                                    mmurdjan_homolog_goc_score
2274                                 mmurdjan_homolog_wga_coverage
2275                         mmurdjan_homolog_orthology_confidence
2276                          abrachyrhynchus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2277                  abrachyrhynchus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2278                       abrachyrhynchus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2279                            abrachyrhynchus_homolog_chromosome
2280                           abrachyrhynchus_homolog_chrom_start
2281                             abrachyrhynchus_homolog_chrom_end
2282          abrachyrhynchus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2283                               abrachyrhynchus_homolog_subtype
2284                        abrachyrhynchus_homolog_orthology_type
2285                               abrachyrhynchus_homolog_perc_id
2286                            abrachyrhynchus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2287                             abrachyrhynchus_homolog_goc_score
2288                          abrachyrhynchus_homolog_wga_coverage
2289                  abrachyrhynchus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2290                               xmaculatus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2291                       xmaculatus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2292                            xmaculatus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2293                                 xmaculatus_homolog_chromosome
2294                                xmaculatus_homolog_chrom_start
2295                                  xmaculatus_homolog_chrom_end
2296               xmaculatus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2297                                    xmaculatus_homolog_subtype
2298                             xmaculatus_homolog_orthology_type
2299                                    xmaculatus_homolog_perc_id
2300                                 xmaculatus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2301                                  xmaculatus_homolog_goc_score
2302                               xmaculatus_homolog_wga_coverage
2303                       xmaculatus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2304                                oanatinus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2305                        oanatinus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2306                             oanatinus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2307                                  oanatinus_homolog_chromosome
2308                                 oanatinus_homolog_chrom_start
2309                                   oanatinus_homolog_chrom_end
2310                oanatinus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2311                                     oanatinus_homolog_subtype
2312                              oanatinus_homolog_orthology_type
2313                                     oanatinus_homolog_perc_id
2314                                  oanatinus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2315                                   oanatinus_homolog_goc_score
2316                                oanatinus_homolog_wga_coverage
2317                        oanatinus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2318                               umaritimus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2319                       umaritimus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2320                            umaritimus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2321                                 umaritimus_homolog_chromosome
2322                                umaritimus_homolog_chrom_start
2323                                  umaritimus_homolog_chrom_end
2324               umaritimus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2325                                    umaritimus_homolog_subtype
2326                             umaritimus_homolog_orthology_type
2327                                    umaritimus_homolog_perc_id
2328                                 umaritimus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2329                                  umaritimus_homolog_goc_score
2330                               umaritimus_homolog_wga_coverage
2331                       umaritimus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2332                             mochrogaster_homolog_ensembl_gene
2333                     mochrogaster_homolog_associated_gene_name
2334                          mochrogaster_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2335                               mochrogaster_homolog_chromosome
2336                              mochrogaster_homolog_chrom_start
2337                                mochrogaster_homolog_chrom_end
2338             mochrogaster_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2339                                  mochrogaster_homolog_subtype
2340                           mochrogaster_homolog_orthology_type
2341                                  mochrogaster_homolog_perc_id
2342                               mochrogaster_homolog_perc_id_r1
2343                                mochrogaster_homolog_goc_score
2344                             mochrogaster_homolog_wga_coverage
2345                     mochrogaster_homolog_orthology_confidence
2346                               ocuniculus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2347                       ocuniculus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2348                            ocuniculus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2349                                 ocuniculus_homolog_chromosome
2350                                ocuniculus_homolog_chrom_start
2351                                  ocuniculus_homolog_chrom_end
2352               ocuniculus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2353                                    ocuniculus_homolog_subtype
2354                             ocuniculus_homolog_orthology_type
2355                                    ocuniculus_homolog_perc_id
2356                                 ocuniculus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2357                                  ocuniculus_homolog_goc_score
2358                               ocuniculus_homolog_wga_coverage
2359                       ocuniculus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2360                                  omykiss_homolog_ensembl_gene
2361                          omykiss_homolog_associated_gene_name
2362                               omykiss_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2363                                    omykiss_homolog_chromosome
2364                                   omykiss_homolog_chrom_start
2365                                     omykiss_homolog_chrom_end
2366                  omykiss_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2367                                       omykiss_homolog_subtype
2368                                omykiss_homolog_orthology_type
2369                                       omykiss_homolog_perc_id
2370                                    omykiss_homolog_perc_id_r1
2371                                     omykiss_homolog_goc_score
2372                          omykiss_homolog_orthology_confidence
2373                              rnorvegicus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2374                      rnorvegicus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2375                           rnorvegicus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2376                                rnorvegicus_homolog_chromosome
2377                               rnorvegicus_homolog_chrom_start
2378                                 rnorvegicus_homolog_chrom_end
2379              rnorvegicus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2380                                   rnorvegicus_homolog_subtype
2381                            rnorvegicus_homolog_orthology_type
2382                                   rnorvegicus_homolog_perc_id
2383                                rnorvegicus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2384                                 rnorvegicus_homolog_goc_score
2385                              rnorvegicus_homolog_wga_coverage
2386                      rnorvegicus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2387                                  vvulpes_homolog_ensembl_gene
2388                          vvulpes_homolog_associated_gene_name
2389                               vvulpes_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2390                                    vvulpes_homolog_chromosome
2391                                   vvulpes_homolog_chrom_start
2392                                     vvulpes_homolog_chrom_end
2393                  vvulpes_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2394                                       vvulpes_homolog_subtype
2395                                vvulpes_homolog_orthology_type
2396                                       vvulpes_homolog_perc_id
2397                                    vvulpes_homolog_perc_id_r1
2398                                     vvulpes_homolog_goc_score
2399                                  vvulpes_homolog_wga_coverage
2400                          vvulpes_homolog_orthology_confidence
2401                               pnattereri_homolog_ensembl_gene
2402                       pnattereri_homolog_associated_gene_name
2403                            pnattereri_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2404                                 pnattereri_homolog_chromosome
2405                                pnattereri_homolog_chrom_start
2406                                  pnattereri_homolog_chrom_end
2407               pnattereri_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2408                                    pnattereri_homolog_subtype
2409                             pnattereri_homolog_orthology_type
2410                                    pnattereri_homolog_perc_id
2411                                 pnattereri_homolog_perc_id_r1
2412                                  pnattereri_homolog_goc_score
2413                               pnattereri_homolog_wga_coverage
2414                       pnattereri_homolog_orthology_confidence
2415                             ecalabaricus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2416                     ecalabaricus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2417                          ecalabaricus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2418                               ecalabaricus_homolog_chromosome
2419                              ecalabaricus_homolog_chrom_start
2420                                ecalabaricus_homolog_chrom_end
2421             ecalabaricus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2422                                  ecalabaricus_homolog_subtype
2423                           ecalabaricus_homolog_orthology_type
2424                                  ecalabaricus_homolog_perc_id
2425                               ecalabaricus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2426                                ecalabaricus_homolog_goc_score
2427                             ecalabaricus_homolog_wga_coverage
2428                     ecalabaricus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2429                                  mcaroli_homolog_ensembl_gene
2430                          mcaroli_homolog_associated_gene_name
2431                               mcaroli_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2432                                    mcaroli_homolog_chromosome
2433                                   mcaroli_homolog_chrom_start
2434                                     mcaroli_homolog_chrom_end
2435                  mcaroli_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2436                                       mcaroli_homolog_subtype
2437                                mcaroli_homolog_orthology_type
2438                                       mcaroli_homolog_perc_id
2439                                    mcaroli_homolog_perc_id_r1
2440                                     mcaroli_homolog_goc_score
2441                                  mcaroli_homolog_wga_coverage
2442                          mcaroli_homolog_orthology_confidence
2443                              scerevisiae_homolog_ensembl_gene
2444                      scerevisiae_homolog_associated_gene_name
2445                           scerevisiae_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2446                                scerevisiae_homolog_chromosome
2447                               scerevisiae_homolog_chrom_start
2448                                 scerevisiae_homolog_chrom_end
2449              scerevisiae_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2450                                   scerevisiae_homolog_subtype
2451                            scerevisiae_homolog_orthology_type
2452                                   scerevisiae_homolog_perc_id
2453                                scerevisiae_homolog_perc_id_r1
2454                      scerevisiae_homolog_orthology_confidence
2455                               platipinna_homolog_ensembl_gene
2456                       platipinna_homolog_associated_gene_name
2457                            platipinna_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2458                                 platipinna_homolog_chromosome
2459                                platipinna_homolog_chrom_start
2460                                  platipinna_homolog_chrom_end
2461               platipinna_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2462                                    platipinna_homolog_subtype
2463                             platipinna_homolog_orthology_type
2464                                    platipinna_homolog_perc_id
2465                                 platipinna_homolog_perc_id_r1
2466                                  platipinna_homolog_goc_score
2467                               platipinna_homolog_wga_coverage
2468                       platipinna_homolog_orthology_confidence
2469                            oarambouillet_homolog_ensembl_gene
2470                    oarambouillet_homolog_associated_gene_name
2471                         oarambouillet_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2472                              oarambouillet_homolog_chromosome
2473                             oarambouillet_homolog_chrom_start
2474                               oarambouillet_homolog_chrom_end
2475            oarambouillet_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2476                                 oarambouillet_homolog_subtype
2477                          oarambouillet_homolog_orthology_type
2478                                 oarambouillet_homolog_perc_id
2479                              oarambouillet_homolog_perc_id_r1
2480                               oarambouillet_homolog_goc_score
2481                            oarambouillet_homolog_wga_coverage
2482                    oarambouillet_homolog_orthology_confidence
2483                              cvariegatus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2484                      cvariegatus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2485                           cvariegatus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2486                                cvariegatus_homolog_chromosome
2487                               cvariegatus_homolog_chrom_start
2488                                 cvariegatus_homolog_chrom_end
2489              cvariegatus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2490                                   cvariegatus_homolog_subtype
2491                            cvariegatus_homolog_orthology_type
2492                                   cvariegatus_homolog_perc_id
2493                                cvariegatus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2494                                 cvariegatus_homolog_goc_score
2495                              cvariegatus_homolog_wga_coverage
2496                      cvariegatus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2497                                 saraneus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2498                         saraneus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2499                              saraneus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2500                                   saraneus_homolog_chromosome
2501                                  saraneus_homolog_chrom_start
2502                                    saraneus_homolog_chrom_end
2503                 saraneus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2504                                      saraneus_homolog_subtype
2505                               saraneus_homolog_orthology_type
2506                                      saraneus_homolog_perc_id
2507                                   saraneus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2508                                    saraneus_homolog_goc_score
2509                                 saraneus_homolog_wga_coverage
2510                         saraneus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2511                                  mpahari_homolog_ensembl_gene
2512                          mpahari_homolog_associated_gene_name
2513                               mpahari_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2514                                    mpahari_homolog_chromosome
2515                                   mpahari_homolog_chrom_start
2516                                     mpahari_homolog_chrom_end
2517                  mpahari_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2518                                       mpahari_homolog_subtype
2519                                mpahari_homolog_orthology_type
2520                                       mpahari_homolog_perc_id
2521                                    mpahari_homolog_perc_id_r1
2522                                     mpahari_homolog_goc_score
2523                                  mpahari_homolog_wga_coverage
2524                          mpahari_homolog_orthology_confidence
2525                               bsplendens_homolog_ensembl_gene
2526                       bsplendens_homolog_associated_gene_name
2527                            bsplendens_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2528                                 bsplendens_homolog_chromosome
2529                                bsplendens_homolog_chrom_start
2530                                  bsplendens_homolog_chrom_end
2531               bsplendens_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2532                                    bsplendens_homolog_subtype
2533                             bsplendens_homolog_orthology_type
2534                                    bsplendens_homolog_perc_id
2535                                 bsplendens_homolog_perc_id_r1
2536                                  bsplendens_homolog_goc_score
2537                               bsplendens_homolog_wga_coverage
2538                       bsplendens_homolog_orthology_confidence
2539                             mmoschiferus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2540                     mmoschiferus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2541                          mmoschiferus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2542                               mmoschiferus_homolog_chromosome
2543                              mmoschiferus_homolog_chrom_start
2544                                mmoschiferus_homolog_chrom_end
2545             mmoschiferus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2546                                  mmoschiferus_homolog_subtype
2547                           mmoschiferus_homolog_orthology_type
2548                                  mmoschiferus_homolog_perc_id
2549                               mmoschiferus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2550                                mmoschiferus_homolog_goc_score
2551                             mmoschiferus_homolog_wga_coverage
2552                     mmoschiferus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2553                               choffmanni_homolog_ensembl_gene
2554                       choffmanni_homolog_associated_gene_name
2555                            choffmanni_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2556                                 choffmanni_homolog_chromosome
2557                                choffmanni_homolog_chrom_start
2558                                  choffmanni_homolog_chrom_end
2559               choffmanni_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2560                                    choffmanni_homolog_subtype
2561                             choffmanni_homolog_orthology_type
2562                                    choffmanni_homolog_perc_id
2563                                 choffmanni_homolog_perc_id_r1
2564                                  choffmanni_homolog_goc_score
2565                               choffmanni_homolog_wga_coverage
2566                       choffmanni_homolog_orthology_confidence
2567                                    catys_homolog_ensembl_gene
2568                            catys_homolog_associated_gene_name
2569                                 catys_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2570                                      catys_homolog_chromosome
2571                                     catys_homolog_chrom_start
2572                                       catys_homolog_chrom_end
2573                    catys_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2574                                         catys_homolog_subtype
2575                                  catys_homolog_orthology_type
2576                                         catys_homolog_perc_id
2577                                      catys_homolog_perc_id_r1
2578                                       catys_homolog_goc_score
2579                                    catys_homolog_wga_coverage
2580                            catys_homolog_orthology_confidence
2581                                 pcatodon_homolog_ensembl_gene
2582                         pcatodon_homolog_associated_gene_name
2583                              pcatodon_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2584                                   pcatodon_homolog_chromosome
2585                                  pcatodon_homolog_chrom_start
2586                                    pcatodon_homolog_chrom_end
2587                 pcatodon_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2588                                      pcatodon_homolog_subtype
2589                               pcatodon_homolog_orthology_type
2590                                      pcatodon_homolog_perc_id
2591                                   pcatodon_homolog_perc_id_r1
2592                                    pcatodon_homolog_goc_score
2593                                 pcatodon_homolog_wga_coverage
2594                         pcatodon_homolog_orthology_confidence
2595                            apolyacanthus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2596                    apolyacanthus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2597                         apolyacanthus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2598                              apolyacanthus_homolog_chromosome
2599                             apolyacanthus_homolog_chrom_start
2600                               apolyacanthus_homolog_chrom_end
2601            apolyacanthus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2602                                 apolyacanthus_homolog_subtype
2603                          apolyacanthus_homolog_orthology_type
2604                                 apolyacanthus_homolog_perc_id
2605                              apolyacanthus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2606                               apolyacanthus_homolog_goc_score
2607                            apolyacanthus_homolog_wga_coverage
2608                    apolyacanthus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2609                                loculatus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2610                        loculatus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2611                             loculatus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2612                                  loculatus_homolog_chromosome
2613                                 loculatus_homolog_chrom_start
2614                                   loculatus_homolog_chrom_end
2615                loculatus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2616                                     loculatus_homolog_subtype
2617                              loculatus_homolog_orthology_type
2618                                     loculatus_homolog_perc_id
2619                                  loculatus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2620                                   loculatus_homolog_goc_score
2621                                loculatus_homolog_wga_coverage
2622                        loculatus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2623                        itridecemlineatus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2624                itridecemlineatus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2625                     itridecemlineatus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2626                          itridecemlineatus_homolog_chromosome
2627                         itridecemlineatus_homolog_chrom_start
2628                           itridecemlineatus_homolog_chrom_end
2629        itridecemlineatus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2630                             itridecemlineatus_homolog_subtype
2631                      itridecemlineatus_homolog_orthology_type
2632                             itridecemlineatus_homolog_perc_id
2633                          itridecemlineatus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2634                           itridecemlineatus_homolog_goc_score
2635                        itridecemlineatus_homolog_wga_coverage
2636                itridecemlineatus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2637                              mspicilegus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2638                      mspicilegus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2639                           mspicilegus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2640                                mspicilegus_homolog_chromosome
2641                               mspicilegus_homolog_chrom_start
2642                                 mspicilegus_homolog_chrom_end
2643              mspicilegus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2644                                   mspicilegus_homolog_subtype
2645                            mspicilegus_homolog_orthology_type
2646                                   mspicilegus_homolog_perc_id
2647                                mspicilegus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2648                                 mspicilegus_homolog_goc_score
2649                              mspicilegus_homolog_wga_coverage
2650                      mspicilegus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2651                               gaculeatus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2652                       gaculeatus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2653                            gaculeatus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2654                                 gaculeatus_homolog_chromosome
2655                                gaculeatus_homolog_chrom_start
2656                                  gaculeatus_homolog_chrom_end
2657               gaculeatus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2658                                    gaculeatus_homolog_subtype
2659                             gaculeatus_homolog_orthology_type
2660                                    gaculeatus_homolog_perc_id
2661                                 gaculeatus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2662                                  gaculeatus_homolog_goc_score
2663                               gaculeatus_homolog_wga_coverage
2664                       gaculeatus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2665                                  pabelii_homolog_ensembl_gene
2666                          pabelii_homolog_associated_gene_name
2667                               pabelii_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2668                                    pabelii_homolog_chromosome
2669                                   pabelii_homolog_chrom_start
2670                                     pabelii_homolog_chrom_end
2671                  pabelii_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2672                                       pabelii_homolog_subtype
2673                                pabelii_homolog_orthology_type
2674                                       pabelii_homolog_perc_id
2675                                    pabelii_homolog_perc_id_r1
2676                                     pabelii_homolog_goc_score
2677                                  pabelii_homolog_wga_coverage
2678                          pabelii_homolog_orthology_confidence
2679                                csyrichta_homolog_ensembl_gene
2680                        csyrichta_homolog_associated_gene_name
2681                             csyrichta_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2682                                  csyrichta_homolog_chromosome
2683                                 csyrichta_homolog_chrom_start
2684                                   csyrichta_homolog_chrom_end
2685                csyrichta_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2686                                     csyrichta_homolog_subtype
2687                              csyrichta_homolog_orthology_type
2688                                     csyrichta_homolog_perc_id
2689                                  csyrichta_homolog_perc_id_r1
2690                                   csyrichta_homolog_goc_score
2691                                csyrichta_homolog_wga_coverage
2692                        csyrichta_homolog_orthology_confidence
2693                                sharrisii_homolog_ensembl_gene
2694                        sharrisii_homolog_associated_gene_name
2695                             sharrisii_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2696                                  sharrisii_homolog_chromosome
2697                                 sharrisii_homolog_chrom_start
2698                                   sharrisii_homolog_chrom_end
2699                sharrisii_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2700                                     sharrisii_homolog_subtype
2701                              sharrisii_homolog_orthology_type
2702                                     sharrisii_homolog_perc_id
2703                                  sharrisii_homolog_perc_id_r1
2704                                   sharrisii_homolog_goc_score
2705                        sharrisii_homolog_orthology_confidence
2706                            tnigroviridis_homolog_ensembl_gene
2707                    tnigroviridis_homolog_associated_gene_name
2708                         tnigroviridis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2709                              tnigroviridis_homolog_chromosome
2710                             tnigroviridis_homolog_chrom_start
2711                               tnigroviridis_homolog_chrom_end
2712            tnigroviridis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2713                                 tnigroviridis_homolog_subtype
2714                          tnigroviridis_homolog_orthology_type
2715                                 tnigroviridis_homolog_perc_id
2716                              tnigroviridis_homolog_perc_id_r1
2717                               tnigroviridis_homolog_goc_score
2718                            tnigroviridis_homolog_wga_coverage
2719                    tnigroviridis_homolog_orthology_confidence
2720                              tctriunguis_homolog_ensembl_gene
2721                      tctriunguis_homolog_associated_gene_name
2722                           tctriunguis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2723                                tctriunguis_homolog_chromosome
2724                               tctriunguis_homolog_chrom_start
2725                                 tctriunguis_homolog_chrom_end
2726              tctriunguis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2727                                   tctriunguis_homolog_subtype
2728                            tctriunguis_homolog_orthology_type
2729                                   tctriunguis_homolog_perc_id
2730                                tctriunguis_homolog_perc_id_r1
2731                                 tctriunguis_homolog_goc_score
2732                              tctriunguis_homolog_wga_coverage
2733                      tctriunguis_homolog_orthology_confidence
2734                                ptaltaica_homolog_ensembl_gene
2735                        ptaltaica_homolog_associated_gene_name
2736                             ptaltaica_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2737                                  ptaltaica_homolog_chromosome
2738                                 ptaltaica_homolog_chrom_start
2739                                   ptaltaica_homolog_chrom_end
2740                ptaltaica_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2741                                     ptaltaica_homolog_subtype
2742                              ptaltaica_homolog_orthology_type
2743                                     ptaltaica_homolog_perc_id
2744                                  ptaltaica_homolog_perc_id_r1
2745                                   ptaltaica_homolog_goc_score
2746                                ptaltaica_homolog_wga_coverage
2747                        ptaltaica_homolog_orthology_confidence
2748                                   hcomes_homolog_ensembl_gene
2749                           hcomes_homolog_associated_gene_name
2750                                hcomes_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2751                                     hcomes_homolog_chromosome
2752                                    hcomes_homolog_chrom_start
2753                                      hcomes_homolog_chrom_end
2754                   hcomes_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2755                                        hcomes_homolog_subtype
2756                                 hcomes_homolog_orthology_type
2757                                        hcomes_homolog_perc_id
2758                                     hcomes_homolog_perc_id_r1
2759                                      hcomes_homolog_goc_score
2760                                   hcomes_homolog_wga_coverage
2761                           hcomes_homolog_orthology_confidence
2762                              csemilaevis_homolog_ensembl_gene
2763                      csemilaevis_homolog_associated_gene_name
2764                           csemilaevis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2765                                csemilaevis_homolog_chromosome
2766                               csemilaevis_homolog_chrom_start
2767                                 csemilaevis_homolog_chrom_end
2768              csemilaevis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2769                                   csemilaevis_homolog_subtype
2770                            csemilaevis_homolog_orthology_type
2771                                   csemilaevis_homolog_perc_id
2772                                csemilaevis_homolog_perc_id_r1
2773                                 csemilaevis_homolog_goc_score
2774                              csemilaevis_homolog_wga_coverage
2775                      csemilaevis_homolog_orthology_confidence
2776                               tbelangeri_homolog_ensembl_gene
2777                       tbelangeri_homolog_associated_gene_name
2778                            tbelangeri_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2779                                 tbelangeri_homolog_chromosome
2780                                tbelangeri_homolog_chrom_start
2781                                  tbelangeri_homolog_chrom_end
2782               tbelangeri_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2783                                    tbelangeri_homolog_subtype
2784                             tbelangeri_homolog_orthology_type
2785                                    tbelangeri_homolog_perc_id
2786                                 tbelangeri_homolog_perc_id_r1
2787                                  tbelangeri_homolog_goc_score
2788                               tbelangeri_homolog_wga_coverage
2789                       tbelangeri_homolog_orthology_confidence
2790                              xtropicalis_homolog_ensembl_gene
2791                      xtropicalis_homolog_associated_gene_name
2792                           xtropicalis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2793                                xtropicalis_homolog_chromosome
2794                               xtropicalis_homolog_chrom_start
2795                                 xtropicalis_homolog_chrom_end
2796              xtropicalis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2797                                   xtropicalis_homolog_subtype
2798                            xtropicalis_homolog_orthology_type
2799                                   xtropicalis_homolog_perc_id
2800                                xtropicalis_homolog_perc_id_r1
2801                                 xtropicalis_homolog_goc_score
2802                              xtropicalis_homolog_wga_coverage
2803                      xtropicalis_homolog_orthology_confidence
2804                               spunctatus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2805                       spunctatus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2806                            spunctatus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2807                                 spunctatus_homolog_chromosome
2808                                spunctatus_homolog_chrom_start
2809                                  spunctatus_homolog_chrom_end
2810               spunctatus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2811                                    spunctatus_homolog_subtype
2812                             spunctatus_homolog_orthology_type
2813                                    spunctatus_homolog_perc_id
2814                                 spunctatus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2815                                  spunctatus_homolog_goc_score
2816                               spunctatus_homolog_wga_coverage
2817                       spunctatus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2818                                 smaximus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2819                         smaximus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2820                              smaximus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2821                                   smaximus_homolog_chromosome
2822                                  smaximus_homolog_chrom_start
2823                                    smaximus_homolog_chrom_end
2824                 smaximus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2825                                      smaximus_homolog_subtype
2826                               smaximus_homolog_orthology_type
2827                                      smaximus_homolog_perc_id
2828                                   smaximus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2829                                    smaximus_homolog_goc_score
2830                         smaximus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2831                               mgallopavo_homolog_ensembl_gene
2832                       mgallopavo_homolog_associated_gene_name
2833                            mgallopavo_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2834                                 mgallopavo_homolog_chromosome
2835                                mgallopavo_homolog_chrom_start
2836                                  mgallopavo_homolog_chrom_end
2837               mgallopavo_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2838                                    mgallopavo_homolog_subtype
2839                             mgallopavo_homolog_orthology_type
2840                                    mgallopavo_homolog_perc_id
2841                                 mgallopavo_homolog_perc_id_r1
2842                                  mgallopavo_homolog_goc_score
2843                       mgallopavo_homolog_orthology_confidence
2844                                 nfurzeri_homolog_ensembl_gene
2845                         nfurzeri_homolog_associated_gene_name
2846                              nfurzeri_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2847                                   nfurzeri_homolog_chromosome
2848                                  nfurzeri_homolog_chrom_start
2849                                    nfurzeri_homolog_chrom_end
2850                 nfurzeri_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2851                                      nfurzeri_homolog_subtype
2852                               nfurzeri_homolog_orthology_type
2853                                      nfurzeri_homolog_perc_id
2854                                   nfurzeri_homolog_perc_id_r1
2855                                    nfurzeri_homolog_goc_score
2856                                 nfurzeri_homolog_wga_coverage
2857                         nfurzeri_homolog_orthology_confidence
2858                                  ngalili_homolog_ensembl_gene
2859                          ngalili_homolog_associated_gene_name
2860                               ngalili_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2861                                    ngalili_homolog_chromosome
2862                                   ngalili_homolog_chrom_start
2863                                     ngalili_homolog_chrom_end
2864                  ngalili_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2865                                       ngalili_homolog_subtype
2866                                ngalili_homolog_orthology_type
2867                                       ngalili_homolog_perc_id
2868                                    ngalili_homolog_perc_id_r1
2869                                     ngalili_homolog_goc_score
2870                                  ngalili_homolog_wga_coverage
2871                          ngalili_homolog_orthology_confidence
2872                                   psinus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2873                           psinus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2874                                psinus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2875                                     psinus_homolog_chromosome
2876                                    psinus_homolog_chrom_start
2877                                      psinus_homolog_chrom_end
2878                   psinus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2879                                        psinus_homolog_subtype
2880                                 psinus_homolog_orthology_type
2881                                        psinus_homolog_perc_id
2882                                     psinus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2883                                      psinus_homolog_goc_score
2884                                   psinus_homolog_wga_coverage
2885                           psinus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2886                                 csabaeus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2887                         csabaeus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2888                              csabaeus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2889                                   csabaeus_homolog_chromosome
2890                                  csabaeus_homolog_chrom_start
2891                                    csabaeus_homolog_chrom_end
2892                 csabaeus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2893                                      csabaeus_homolog_subtype
2894                               csabaeus_homolog_orthology_type
2895                                      csabaeus_homolog_perc_id
2896                                   csabaeus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2897                                    csabaeus_homolog_goc_score
2898                                 csabaeus_homolog_wga_coverage
2899                         csabaeus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2900                                 neugenii_homolog_ensembl_gene
2901                         neugenii_homolog_associated_gene_name
2902                              neugenii_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2903                                   neugenii_homolog_chromosome
2904                                  neugenii_homolog_chrom_start
2905                                    neugenii_homolog_chrom_end
2906                 neugenii_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2907                                      neugenii_homolog_subtype
2908                               neugenii_homolog_orthology_type
2909                                      neugenii_homolog_perc_id
2910                                   neugenii_homolog_perc_id_r1
2911                                    neugenii_homolog_goc_score
2912                                 neugenii_homolog_wga_coverage
2913                         neugenii_homolog_orthology_confidence
2914                                 cjacchus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2915                         cjacchus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2916                              cjacchus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2917                                   cjacchus_homolog_chromosome
2918                                  cjacchus_homolog_chrom_start
2919                                    cjacchus_homolog_chrom_end
2920                 cjacchus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2921                                      cjacchus_homolog_subtype
2922                               cjacchus_homolog_orthology_type
2923                                      cjacchus_homolog_perc_id
2924                                   cjacchus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2925                                    cjacchus_homolog_goc_score
2926                                 cjacchus_homolog_wga_coverage
2927                         cjacchus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2928                                   bmutus_homolog_ensembl_gene
2929                           bmutus_homolog_associated_gene_name
2930                                bmutus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2931                                     bmutus_homolog_chromosome
2932                                    bmutus_homolog_chrom_start
2933                                      bmutus_homolog_chrom_end
2934                   bmutus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2935                                        bmutus_homolog_subtype
2936                                 bmutus_homolog_orthology_type
2937                                        bmutus_homolog_perc_id
2938                                     bmutus_homolog_perc_id_r1
2939                                      bmutus_homolog_goc_score
2940                                   bmutus_homolog_wga_coverage
2941                           bmutus_homolog_orthology_confidence
2942                           chyarkandensis_homolog_ensembl_gene
2943                   chyarkandensis_homolog_associated_gene_name
2944                        chyarkandensis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2945                             chyarkandensis_homolog_chromosome
2946                            chyarkandensis_homolog_chrom_start
2947                              chyarkandensis_homolog_chrom_end
2948           chyarkandensis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2949                                chyarkandensis_homolog_subtype
2950                         chyarkandensis_homolog_orthology_type
2951                                chyarkandensis_homolog_perc_id
2952                             chyarkandensis_homolog_perc_id_r1
2953                              chyarkandensis_homolog_goc_score
2954                           chyarkandensis_homolog_wga_coverage
2955                   chyarkandensis_homolog_orthology_confidence
2956                               sldorsalis_homolog_ensembl_gene
2957                       sldorsalis_homolog_associated_gene_name
2958                            sldorsalis_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2959                                 sldorsalis_homolog_chromosome
2960                                sldorsalis_homolog_chrom_start
2961                                  sldorsalis_homolog_chrom_end
2962               sldorsalis_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2963                                    sldorsalis_homolog_subtype
2964                             sldorsalis_homolog_orthology_type
2965                                    sldorsalis_homolog_perc_id
2966                                 sldorsalis_homolog_perc_id_r1
2967                                  sldorsalis_homolog_goc_score
2968                               sldorsalis_homolog_wga_coverage
2969                       sldorsalis_homolog_orthology_confidence
2970                                 tguttata_homolog_ensembl_gene
2971                         tguttata_homolog_associated_gene_name
2972                              tguttata_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2973                                   tguttata_homolog_chromosome
2974                                  tguttata_homolog_chrom_start
2975                                    tguttata_homolog_chrom_end
2976                 tguttata_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2977                                      tguttata_homolog_subtype
2978                               tguttata_homolog_orthology_type
2979                                      tguttata_homolog_perc_id
2980                                   tguttata_homolog_perc_id_r1
2981                                    tguttata_homolog_goc_score
2982                                 tguttata_homolog_wga_coverage
2983                         tguttata_homolog_orthology_confidence
2984                                   mzebra_homolog_ensembl_gene
2985                           mzebra_homolog_associated_gene_name
2986                                mzebra_homolog_ensembl_peptide
2987                                     mzebra_homolog_chromosome
2988                                    mzebra_homolog_chrom_start
2989                                      mzebra_homolog_chrom_end
2990                   mzebra_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
2991                                        mzebra_homolog_subtype
2992                                 mzebra_homolog_orthology_type
2993                                        mzebra_homolog_perc_id
2994                                     mzebra_homolog_perc_id_r1
2995                                      mzebra_homolog_goc_score
2996                                   mzebra_homolog_wga_coverage
2997                           mzebra_homolog_orthology_confidence
2998                                   drerio_homolog_ensembl_gene
2999                           drerio_homolog_associated_gene_name
3000                                drerio_homolog_ensembl_peptide
3001                                     drerio_homolog_chromosome
3002                                    drerio_homolog_chrom_start
3003                                      drerio_homolog_chrom_end
3004                   drerio_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
3005                                        drerio_homolog_subtype
3006                                 drerio_homolog_orthology_type
3007                                        drerio_homolog_perc_id
3008                                     drerio_homolog_perc_id_r1
3009                                      drerio_homolog_goc_score
3010                                   drerio_homolog_wga_coverage
3011                           drerio_homolog_orthology_confidence
3012                                 marmatus_homolog_ensembl_gene
3013                         marmatus_homolog_associated_gene_name
3014                              marmatus_homolog_ensembl_peptide
3015                                   marmatus_homolog_chromosome
3016                                  marmatus_homolog_chrom_start
3017                                    marmatus_homolog_chrom_end
3018                 marmatus_homolog_canonical_transcript_protein
3019                                      marmatus_homolog_subtype
3020                               marmatus_homolog_orthology_type
3021                                      marmatus_homolog_perc_id
3022                                   marmatus_homolog_perc_id_r1
3023                                    marmatus_homolog_goc_score
3024                         marmatus_homolog_orthology_confidence
3025                                 hsapiens_paralog_ensembl_gene
3026                         hsapiens_paralog_associated_gene_name
3027                              hsapiens_paralog_ensembl_peptide
3028                                   hsapiens_paralog_chromosome
3029                                  hsapiens_paralog_chrom_start
3030                                    hsapiens_paralog_chrom_end
3031                 hsapiens_paralog_canonical_transcript_protein
3032                                      hsapiens_paralog_subtype
3033                               hsapiens_paralog_orthology_type
3034                                      hsapiens_paralog_perc_id
3035                                   hsapiens_paralog_perc_id_r1
3036                                               ensembl_gene_id
3037                                       ensembl_gene_id_version
3038                                                       version
3039                                         ensembl_transcript_id
3040                                 ensembl_transcript_id_version
3041                                            transcript_version
3042                                            ensembl_peptide_id
3043                                    ensembl_peptide_id_version
3044                                               peptide_version
3045                                               chromosome_name
3046                                                start_position
3047                                                  end_position
3048                                                        strand
3049                                                          band
3050                                            external_gene_name
3051                                          external_gene_source
3052                                              transcript_count
3053                                    percentage_gene_gc_content
3054                                                   description
3055                                                variation_name
3056                                    germ_line_variation_source
3057                                            source_description
3058                                                        allele
3059                                                     validated
3060                                                     mapweight
3061                                                  minor_allele
3062                                             minor_allele_freq
3063                                            minor_allele_count
3064                                         clinical_significance
3065                                           transcript_location
3066                                         snp_chromosome_strand
3067                                              peptide_location
3068                                              chromosome_start
3069                                                chromosome_end
3070                                      polyphen_prediction_2076
3071                                           polyphen_score_2076
3072                                          sift_prediction_2076
3073                                               sift_score_2076
3074                                   distance_to_transcript_2076
3075                                                cds_start_2076
3076                                                  cds_end_2076
3077                                                 peptide_shift
3078                                             synonymous_status
3079                                            allele_string_2076
3080                                               ensembl_gene_id
3081                                       ensembl_gene_id_version
3082                                                       version
3083                                         ensembl_transcript_id
3084                                 ensembl_transcript_id_version
3085                                            transcript_version
3086                                            ensembl_peptide_id
3087                                    ensembl_peptide_id_version
3088                                               peptide_version
3089                                               chromosome_name
3090                                                start_position
3091                                                  end_position
3092                                                        strand
3093                                                          band
3094                                            external_gene_name
3095                                          external_gene_source
3096                                              transcript_count
3097                                    percentage_gene_gc_content
3098                                                   description
3099                                        somatic_variation_name
3100                                           somatic_source_name
3101                                    somatic_source_description
3102                                                somatic_allele
3103                                             somatic_validated
3104                                             somatic_mapweight
3105                                   somatic_transcript_location
3106                                 somatic_snp_chromosome_strand
3107                                      somatic_peptide_location
3108                                      somatic_chromosome_start
3109                                        somatic_chromosome_end
3110 mart_transcript_variation_som__dm_distance_to_transcript_2076
3111                                        somatic_cds_start_2076
3112                                          somatic_cds_end_2076
3113                                     somatic_synonymous_status
3114          mart_transcript_variation_som__dm_allele_string_2076
3115                                        transcript_exon_intron
3116                                              gene_exon_intron
3117                                              transcript_flank
3118                                                    gene_flank
3119                                       coding_transcript_flank
3120                                             coding_gene_flank
3121                                                          5utr
3122                                                          3utr
3123                                                     gene_exon
3124                                                          cdna
3125                                                        coding
3126                                                       peptide
3127                                                upstream_flank
3128                                              downstream_flank
3129                                               ensembl_gene_id
3130                                       ensembl_gene_id_version
3131                                                   description
3132                                            external_gene_name
3133                                          external_gene_source
3134                                               chromosome_name
3135                                                start_position
3136                                                  end_position
3137                                                  gene_biotype
3138                                                       version
3139                                                       uniparc
3140                                              uniprotswissprot
3141                                               uniprotsptrembl
3142                                             cdna_coding_start
3143                                               cdna_coding_end
3144                                                   5_utr_start
3145                                                     5_utr_end
3146                                                   3_utr_start
3147                                                     3_utr_end
3148                                         ensembl_transcript_id
3149                                 ensembl_transcript_id_version
3150                                            ensembl_peptide_id
3151                                    ensembl_peptide_id_version
3152                                            transcript_biotype
3153                                            transcript_version
3154                                               peptide_version
3155                                                        strand
3156                                              transcript_start
3157                                                transcript_end
3158                                      transcription_start_site
3159                                             transcript_length
3160                                                    cds_length
3161                                                     cds_start
3162                                                       cds_end
3163                                               ensembl_exon_id
3164                                              exon_chrom_start
3165                                                exon_chrom_end
3166                                                        strand
3167                                                          rank
3168                                                         phase
3169                                                     end_phase
3170                                             cdna_coding_start
3171                                               cdna_coding_end
3172                                          genomic_coding_start
3173                                            genomic_coding_end
3174                                               is_constitutive
1                                                                     Gene stable ID
2                                                             Gene stable ID version
3                                                               Transcript stable ID
4                                                       Transcript stable ID version
5                                                                  Protein stable ID
6                                                          Protein stable ID version
7                                                                     Exon stable ID
8                                                                   Gene description
9                                                           Chromosome/scaffold name
10                                                                   Gene start (bp)
11                                                                     Gene end (bp)
12                                                                            Strand
13                                                                    Karyotype band
14                                                             Transcript start (bp)
15                                                               Transcript end (bp)
16                                                    Transcription start site (TSS)
17                                        Transcript length (including UTRs and CDS)
18                                                    Transcript support level (TSL)
19                                                          GENCODE basic annotation
20                                                                 APPRIS annotation
21                                                                 Ensembl Canonical
22                                             RefSeq match transcript (MANE Select)
23                                      RefSeq match transcript (MANE Plus Clinical)
24                                                                         Gene name
25                                                               Source of gene name
26                                                                   Transcript name
27                                                         Source of transcript name
28                                                                  Transcript count
29                                                                 Gene % GC content
30                                                                         Gene type
31                                                                   Transcript type
32                                                                     Source (gene)
33                                                               Source (transcript)
34                                                                    Version (gene)
35                                                              Version (transcript)
36                                                                 Version (protein)
37                                                                      Gene Synonym
38                                                             Phenotype description
39                                                                       Source name
40                                                          Study external reference
41                                                                       Strain name
42                                                                     Strain gender
43                                                                           P value
44                                                                 GO term accession
45                                                                      GO term name
46                                                                GO term definition
47                                                             GO term evidence code
48                                                                         GO domain
49                                                           GOSlim GOA Accession(s)
50                                                            GOSlim GOA Description
51      BioGRID Interaction data, The General Repository for Interaction Datasets ID
52                                                                           CCDS ID
53                                                                         ChEMBL ID
54                                         DataBase of Aberrant 3' Splice Sites name
55                                           DataBase of Aberrant 3' Splice Sites ID
56                                         DataBase of Aberrant 5' Splice Sites name
57                                           DataBase of Aberrant 5' Splice Sites ID
58                                                     EntrezGene transcript name ID
59                                                    European Nucleotide Archive ID
60                                                               Expression Atlas ID
61                                                                         GeneDB ID
62                                                                           HGNC ID
63                                                                       HGNC symbol
64                                                     Human Protein Atlas accession
65                                                            Human Protein Atlas ID
66                                                                  INSDC protein ID
67                                                MEROPS - the Peptidase Database ID
68                                                              MIM gene description
69                                                                MIM gene accession
70                                                            MIM morbid description
71                                                              MIM morbid accession
72                                                                 miRBase accession
73                                                                        miRBase ID
74                                                        miRBase transcript name ID
75                                       NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) description
76                                         NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) accession
77                                                NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) ID
78                                                                            PDB ID
79                                                                       Reactome ID
80                                                                  Reactome gene ID
81                                                            Reactome transcript ID
82                                                                    RefSeq mRNA ID
83                                                          RefSeq mRNA predicted ID
84                                                                   RefSeq ncRNA ID
85                                                         RefSeq ncRNA predicted ID
86                                                                 RefSeq peptide ID
87                                                       RefSeq peptide predicted ID
88                                                                           RFAM ID
89                                                           RFAM transcript name ID
90                                                                     RNAcentral ID
91                                                                Transcript name ID
92                                                                    UCSC Stable ID
93                                                                        UniParc ID
94                                                        UniProtKB Gene Name symbol
95                                                            UniProtKB Gene Name ID
96                                                              UniProtKB isoform ID
97                                                           UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID
98                                                               UniProtKB/TrEMBL ID
99                                                              WikiGene description
100                                                                    WikiGene name
101                                                                      WikiGene ID
102                                                               AFFY HC G110 probe
103                                                              AFFY HG Focus probe
104                                                              AFFY HG U133A probe
105                                                            AFFY HG U133A 2 probe
106                                                              AFFY HG U133B probe
107                                                        AFFY HG U133 Plus 2 probe
108                                                               AFFY HG U95A probe
109                                                             AFFY HG U95Av2 probe
110                                                               AFFY HG U95B probe
111                                                               AFFY HG U95C probe
112                                                               AFFY HG U95D probe
113                                                               AFFY HG U95E probe
114                                                               AFFY HTA 2 0 probe
115                                                    AFFY HT HG U133 Plus PM probe
116                                                        AFFY HuEx 1 0 st v2 probe
117                                                              AFFY HuGeneFL probe
118                                                      AFFY HuGene 1 0 st v1 probe
119                                                      AFFY HuGene 2 0 st v1 probe
120                                                      AFFY HuGene 2 1 st v1 probe
121                                                             AFFY PrimeView probe
122                                                              AFFY U133 X3P probe
123                                                            AGILENT CGH 44b probe
124                                                           AGILENT GPL26966 probe
125                                                            AGILENT GPL6848 probe
126                                              AGILENT SurePrint G3 GE 8x60k probe
127                                           AGILENT SurePrint G3 GE 8x60k v2 probe
128                                                        AGILENT WholeGenome probe
129                                               AGILENT WholeGenome 4x44k v1 probe
130                                               AGILENT WholeGenome 4x44k v2 probe
131                                                          CODELINK CODELINK probe
132                                                     ILLUMINA HumanHT 12 V3 probe
133                                                     ILLUMINA HumanHT 12 V4 probe
134                                                     ILLUMINA HumanRef 8 V3 probe
135                                                      ILLUMINA HumanWG 6 V1 probe
136                                                      ILLUMINA HumanWG 6 V2 probe
137                                                      ILLUMINA HumanWG 6 V3 probe
138                                                           PHALANX OneArray probe
139                                                                           CDD ID
140                                                                        CDD start
141                                                                          CDD end
142                                                                        Gene3D ID
143                                                                     Gene3D start
144                                                                       Gene3D end
145                                                                         HAMAP ID
146                                                                      HAMAP start
147                                                                        HAMAP end
148                                                                       PANTHER ID
149                                                                    PANTHER start
150                                                                      PANTHER end
151                                                                          Pfam ID
152                                                                       Pfam start
153                                                                         Pfam end
154                                                                         PIRSF ID
155                                                                      PIRSF start
156                                                                        PIRSF end
157                                                                        Prints ID
158                                                                     Prints start
159                                                                       Prints end
160                                                              PROSITE patterns ID
161                                                           PROSITE patterns start
162                                                             PROSITE patterns end
163                                                              PROSITE profiles ID
164                                                           PROSITE profiles start
165                                                             PROSITE profiles end
166                                                                          SFLD ID
167                                                                       SFLD start
168                                                                         SFLD end
169                                                                         SMART ID
170                                                                      SMART start
171                                                                        SMART end
172                                                                   Superfamily ID
173                                                                Superfamily start
174                                                                  Superfamily end
175                                                                       TIGRFAM ID
176                                                                    TIGRFAM start
177                                                                      TIGRFAM end
178                                                                      Interpro ID
179                                                       Interpro Short Description
180                                                             Interpro Description
181                                                                   Interpro start
182                                                                     Interpro end
183                                                               AFDB-ENSP mappings
184                                                         AFDB-ENSP mappings start
185                                                           AFDB-ENSP mappings end
186                                                                      MobiDB lite
187                                                                MobiDB lite start
188                                                                  MobiDB lite end
189                                                            Coiled-coils (Ncoils)
190                                                      Coiled-coils (Ncoils) start
191                                                        Coiled-coils (Ncoils) end
192                                                             Low complexity (Seg)
193                                                       Low complexity (Seg) start
194                                                         Low complexity (Seg) end
195                                                                PDB-ENSP mappings
196                                                          PDB-ENSP mappings start
197                                                            PDB-ENSP mappings end
198                                                          Cleavage site (Signalp)
199                                                    Cleavage site (Signalp) start
200                                                      Cleavage site (Signalp) end
201                                                            Transmembrane helices
202                                                      Transmembrane helices start
203                                                        Transmembrane helices end
204                                                                   Gene stable ID
205                                                           Gene stable ID version
206                                                                   Version (gene)
207                                                             Transcript stable ID
208                                                     Transcript stable ID version
209                                                             Version (transcript)
210                                                                Protein stable ID
211                                                        Protein stable ID version
212                                                                Version (protein)
213                                                         Chromosome/scaffold name
214                                                                  Gene start (bp)
215                                                                    Gene end (bp)
216                                                            Transcript start (bp)
217                                                              Transcript end (bp)
218                                                   Transcription start site (TSS)
219                                       Transcript length (including UTRs and CDS)
220                                                                           Strand
221                                                                        Gene name
222                                                              Source of gene name
223                                                                     5' UTR start
224                                                                       5' UTR end
225                                                                     3' UTR start
226                                                                       3' UTR end
227                                                                       CDS Length
228                                                                 Transcript count
229                                                                 Gene description
230                                                                        Gene type
231                                                           Exon region start (bp)
232                                                             Exon region end (bp)
233                                                                Constitutive exon
234                                                          Exon rank in transcript
235                                                                      Start phase
236                                                                        End phase
237                                                                cDNA coding start
238                                                                  cDNA coding end
239                                                             Genomic coding start
240                                                               Genomic coding end
241                                                                   Exon stable ID
242                                                                        CDS start
243                                                                          CDS end
244                                                                   Gene stable ID
245                                                           Gene stable ID version
246                                                                   Version (gene)
247                                                             Transcript stable ID
248                                                     Transcript stable ID version
249                                                             Version (transcript)
250                                                                Protein stable ID
251                                                        Protein stable ID version
252                                                                Version (protein)
253                                                         Chromosome/scaffold name
254                                                                  Gene start (bp)
255                                                                    Gene end (bp)
256                                                                           Strand
257                                                                   Karyotype band
258                                                                        Gene name
259                                                              Source of gene name
260                                                                 Transcript count
261                                                                Gene % GC content
262                                                                 Gene description
263                                    Abingdon island giant tortoise gene stable ID
264                                         Abingdon island giant tortoise gene name
265                   Abingdon island giant tortoise protein or transcript stable ID
266                          Abingdon island giant tortoise chromosome/scaffold name
267                    Abingdon island giant tortoise chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
268                      Abingdon island giant tortoise chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
269                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
270                         Last common ancestor with Abingdon island giant tortoise
271                                     Abingdon island giant tortoise homology type
272          %id. target Abingdon island giant tortoise gene identical to query gene
273          %id. query gene identical to target Abingdon island giant tortoise gene
274                     Abingdon island giant tortoise Gene-order conservation score
275                   Abingdon island giant tortoise Whole-genome alignment coverage
276              Abingdon island giant tortoise orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
277                                                   African ostrich gene stable ID
278                                                        African ostrich gene name
279                                  African ostrich protein or transcript stable ID
280                                         African ostrich chromosome/scaffold name
281                                   African ostrich chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
282                                     African ostrich chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
283                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
284                                        Last common ancestor with African ostrich
285                                                    African ostrich homology type
286                         %id. target African ostrich gene identical to query gene
287                         %id. query gene identical to target African ostrich gene
288                                    African ostrich Gene-order conservation score
289                                  African ostrich Whole-genome alignment coverage
290                             African ostrich orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
291                                                    Algerian mouse gene stable ID
292                                                         Algerian mouse gene name
293                                   Algerian mouse protein or transcript stable ID
294                                          Algerian mouse chromosome/scaffold name
295                                    Algerian mouse chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
296                                      Algerian mouse chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
297                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
298                                         Last common ancestor with Algerian mouse
299                                                     Algerian mouse homology type
300                          %id. target Algerian mouse gene identical to query gene
301                          %id. query gene identical to target Algerian mouse gene
302                                     Algerian mouse Gene-order conservation score
303                                   Algerian mouse Whole-genome alignment coverage
304                              Algerian mouse orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
305                                                            Alpaca gene stable ID
306                                                                 Alpaca gene name
307                                           Alpaca protein or transcript stable ID
308                                                  Alpaca chromosome/scaffold name
309                                            Alpaca chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
310                                              Alpaca chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
311                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
312                                                 Last common ancestor with Alpaca
313                                                             Alpaca homology type
314                                  %id. target Alpaca gene identical to query gene
315                                  %id. query gene identical to target Alpaca gene
316                                             Alpaca Gene-order conservation score
317                                           Alpaca Whole-genome alignment coverage
318                                      Alpaca orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
319                                                     Alpine marmot gene stable ID
320                                                          Alpine marmot gene name
321                                    Alpine marmot protein or transcript stable ID
322                                           Alpine marmot chromosome/scaffold name
323                                     Alpine marmot chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
324                                       Alpine marmot chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
325                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
326                                          Last common ancestor with Alpine marmot
327                                                      Alpine marmot homology type
328                           %id. target Alpine marmot gene identical to query gene
329                           %id. query gene identical to target Alpine marmot gene
330                                      Alpine marmot Gene-order conservation score
331                                    Alpine marmot Whole-genome alignment coverage
332                               Alpine marmot orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
333                                                      Amazon molly gene stable ID
334                                                           Amazon molly gene name
335                                     Amazon molly protein or transcript stable ID
336                                            Amazon molly chromosome/scaffold name
337                                      Amazon molly chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
338                                        Amazon molly chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
339                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
340                                           Last common ancestor with Amazon molly
341                                                       Amazon molly homology type
342                            %id. target Amazon molly gene identical to query gene
343                            %id. query gene identical to target Amazon molly gene
344                                       Amazon molly Gene-order conservation score
345                                     Amazon molly Whole-genome alignment coverage
346                                Amazon molly orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
347                                                    American bison gene stable ID
348                                                         American bison gene name
349                                   American bison protein or transcript stable ID
350                                          American bison chromosome/scaffold name
351                                    American bison chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
352                                      American bison chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
353                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
354                                         Last common ancestor with American bison
355                                                     American bison homology type
356                          %id. target American bison gene identical to query gene
357                          %id. query gene identical to target American bison gene
358                                     American bison Gene-order conservation score
359                                   American bison Whole-genome alignment coverage
360                              American bison orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
361                                               American black bear gene stable ID
362                                                    American black bear gene name
363                              American black bear protein or transcript stable ID
364                                     American black bear chromosome/scaffold name
365                               American black bear chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
366                                 American black bear chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
367                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
368                                    Last common ancestor with American black bear
369                                                American black bear homology type
370                     %id. target American black bear gene identical to query gene
371                     %id. query gene identical to target American black bear gene
372                                American black bear Gene-order conservation score
373                              American black bear Whole-genome alignment coverage
374                         American black bear orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
375                                                     American mink gene stable ID
376                                                          American mink gene name
377                                    American mink protein or transcript stable ID
378                                           American mink chromosome/scaffold name
379                                     American mink chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
380                                       American mink chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
381                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
382                                          Last common ancestor with American mink
383                                                      American mink homology type
384                           %id. target American mink gene identical to query gene
385                           %id. query gene identical to target American mink gene
386                                      American mink Gene-order conservation score
387                                    American mink Whole-genome alignment coverage
388                               American mink orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
389                                                     Arabian camel gene stable ID
390                                                          Arabian camel gene name
391                                    Arabian camel protein or transcript stable ID
392                                           Arabian camel chromosome/scaffold name
393                                     Arabian camel chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
394                                       Arabian camel chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
395                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
396                                          Last common ancestor with Arabian camel
397                                                      Arabian camel homology type
398                           %id. target Arabian camel gene identical to query gene
399                           %id. query gene identical to target Arabian camel gene
400                                      Arabian camel Gene-order conservation score
401                                    Arabian camel Whole-genome alignment coverage
402                               Arabian camel orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
403                                            Arctic ground squirrel gene stable ID
404                                                 Arctic ground squirrel gene name
405                           Arctic ground squirrel protein or transcript stable ID
406                                  Arctic ground squirrel chromosome/scaffold name
407                            Arctic ground squirrel chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
408                              Arctic ground squirrel chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
409                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
410                                 Last common ancestor with Arctic ground squirrel
411                                             Arctic ground squirrel homology type
412                  %id. target Arctic ground squirrel gene identical to query gene
413                  %id. query gene identical to target Arctic ground squirrel gene
414                             Arctic ground squirrel Gene-order conservation score
415                           Arctic ground squirrel Whole-genome alignment coverage
416                      Arctic ground squirrel orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
417                                    Argentine black and white tegu gene stable ID
418                                         Argentine black and white tegu gene name
419                   Argentine black and white tegu protein or transcript stable ID
420                          Argentine black and white tegu chromosome/scaffold name
421                    Argentine black and white tegu chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
422                      Argentine black and white tegu chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
423                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
424                         Last common ancestor with Argentine black and white tegu
425                                     Argentine black and white tegu homology type
426          %id. target Argentine black and white tegu gene identical to query gene
427          %id. query gene identical to target Argentine black and white tegu gene
428                     Argentine black and white tegu Gene-order conservation score
429                   Argentine black and white tegu Whole-genome alignment coverage
430              Argentine black and white tegu orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
431                                                         Armadillo gene stable ID
432                                                              Armadillo gene name
433                                        Armadillo protein or transcript stable ID
434                                               Armadillo chromosome/scaffold name
435                                         Armadillo chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
436                                           Armadillo chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
437                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
438                                              Last common ancestor with Armadillo
439                                                          Armadillo homology type
440                               %id. target Armadillo gene identical to query gene
441                               %id. query gene identical to target Armadillo gene
442                                          Armadillo Gene-order conservation score
443                                        Armadillo Whole-genome alignment coverage
444                                   Armadillo orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
445                                                  Asian bonytongue gene stable ID
446                                                       Asian bonytongue gene name
447                                 Asian bonytongue protein or transcript stable ID
448                                        Asian bonytongue chromosome/scaffold name
449                                  Asian bonytongue chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
450                                    Asian bonytongue chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
451                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
452                                       Last common ancestor with Asian bonytongue
453                                                   Asian bonytongue homology type
454                        %id. target Asian bonytongue gene identical to query gene
455                        %id. query gene identical to target Asian bonytongue gene
456                                   Asian bonytongue Gene-order conservation score
457                                 Asian bonytongue Whole-genome alignment coverage
458                            Asian bonytongue orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
459                                                      Atlantic cod gene stable ID
460                                                           Atlantic cod gene name
461                                     Atlantic cod protein or transcript stable ID
462                                            Atlantic cod chromosome/scaffold name
463                                      Atlantic cod chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
464                                        Atlantic cod chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
465                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
466                                           Last common ancestor with Atlantic cod
467                                                       Atlantic cod homology type
468                            %id. target Atlantic cod gene identical to query gene
469                            %id. query gene identical to target Atlantic cod gene
470                                       Atlantic cod Gene-order conservation score
471                                Atlantic cod orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
472                                                  Atlantic herring gene stable ID
473                                                       Atlantic herring gene name
474                                 Atlantic herring protein or transcript stable ID
475                                        Atlantic herring chromosome/scaffold name
476                                  Atlantic herring chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
477                                    Atlantic herring chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
478                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
479                                       Last common ancestor with Atlantic herring
480                                                   Atlantic herring homology type
481                        %id. target Atlantic herring gene identical to query gene
482                        %id. query gene identical to target Atlantic herring gene
483                                   Atlantic herring Gene-order conservation score
484                                 Atlantic herring Whole-genome alignment coverage
485                            Atlantic herring orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
486                                                   Atlantic salmon gene stable ID
487                                                        Atlantic salmon gene name
488                                  Atlantic salmon protein or transcript stable ID
489                                         Atlantic salmon chromosome/scaffold name
490                                   Atlantic salmon chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
491                                     Atlantic salmon chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
492                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
493                                        Last common ancestor with Atlantic salmon
494                                                    Atlantic salmon homology type
495                         %id. target Atlantic salmon gene identical to query gene
496                         %id. query gene identical to target Atlantic salmon gene
497                                    Atlantic salmon Gene-order conservation score
498                             Atlantic salmon orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
499                                    Australian saltwater crocodile gene stable ID
500                                         Australian saltwater crocodile gene name
501                   Australian saltwater crocodile protein or transcript stable ID
502                          Australian saltwater crocodile chromosome/scaffold name
503                    Australian saltwater crocodile chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
504                      Australian saltwater crocodile chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
505                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
506                         Last common ancestor with Australian saltwater crocodile
507                                     Australian saltwater crocodile homology type
508          %id. target Australian saltwater crocodile gene identical to query gene
509          %id. query gene identical to target Australian saltwater crocodile gene
510                     Australian saltwater crocodile Gene-order conservation score
511                   Australian saltwater crocodile Whole-genome alignment coverage
512              Australian saltwater crocodile orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
513                                                     Ballan wrasse gene stable ID
514                                                          Ballan wrasse gene name
515                                    Ballan wrasse protein or transcript stable ID
516                                           Ballan wrasse chromosome/scaffold name
517                                     Ballan wrasse chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
518                                       Ballan wrasse chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
519                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
520                                          Last common ancestor with Ballan wrasse
521                                                      Ballan wrasse homology type
522                           %id. target Ballan wrasse gene identical to query gene
523                           %id. query gene identical to target Ballan wrasse gene
524                                      Ballan wrasse Gene-order conservation score
525                                    Ballan wrasse Whole-genome alignment coverage
526                               Ballan wrasse orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
527                                                  Barramundi perch gene stable ID
528                                                       Barramundi perch gene name
529                                 Barramundi perch protein or transcript stable ID
530                                        Barramundi perch chromosome/scaffold name
531                                  Barramundi perch chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
532                                    Barramundi perch chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
533                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
534                                       Last common ancestor with Barramundi perch
535                                                   Barramundi perch homology type
536                        %id. target Barramundi perch gene identical to query gene
537                        %id. query gene identical to target Barramundi perch gene
538                                   Barramundi perch Gene-order conservation score
539                                 Barramundi perch Whole-genome alignment coverage
540                            Barramundi perch orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
541                                                      Beluga whale gene stable ID
542                                                           Beluga whale gene name
543                                     Beluga whale protein or transcript stable ID
544                                            Beluga whale chromosome/scaffold name
545                                      Beluga whale chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
546                                        Beluga whale chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
547                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
548                                           Last common ancestor with Beluga whale
549                                                       Beluga whale homology type
550                            %id. target Beluga whale gene identical to query gene
551                            %id. query gene identical to target Beluga whale gene
552                                       Beluga whale Gene-order conservation score
553                                     Beluga whale Whole-genome alignment coverage
554                                Beluga whale orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
555                                                Bicolor damselfish gene stable ID
556                                                     Bicolor damselfish gene name
557                               Bicolor damselfish protein or transcript stable ID
558                                      Bicolor damselfish chromosome/scaffold name
559                                Bicolor damselfish chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
560                                  Bicolor damselfish chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
561                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
562                                     Last common ancestor with Bicolor damselfish
563                                                 Bicolor damselfish homology type
564                      %id. target Bicolor damselfish gene identical to query gene
565                      %id. query gene identical to target Bicolor damselfish gene
566                                 Bicolor damselfish Gene-order conservation score
567                               Bicolor damselfish Whole-genome alignment coverage
568                          Bicolor damselfish orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
569                                           Black snub-nosed monkey gene stable ID
570                                                Black snub-nosed monkey gene name
571                          Black snub-nosed monkey protein or transcript stable ID
572                                 Black snub-nosed monkey chromosome/scaffold name
573                           Black snub-nosed monkey chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
574                             Black snub-nosed monkey chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
575                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
576                                Last common ancestor with Black snub-nosed monkey
577                                            Black snub-nosed monkey homology type
578                 %id. target Black snub-nosed monkey gene identical to query gene
579                 %id. query gene identical to target Black snub-nosed monkey gene
580                            Black snub-nosed monkey Gene-order conservation score
581                          Black snub-nosed monkey Whole-genome alignment coverage
582                     Black snub-nosed monkey orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
583                                                        Blue whale gene stable ID
584                                                             Blue whale gene name
585                                       Blue whale protein or transcript stable ID
586                                              Blue whale chromosome/scaffold name
587                                        Blue whale chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
588                                          Blue whale chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
589                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
590                                             Last common ancestor with Blue whale
591                                                         Blue whale homology type
592                              %id. target Blue whale gene identical to query gene
593                              %id. query gene identical to target Blue whale gene
594                                         Blue whale Gene-order conservation score
595                                       Blue whale Whole-genome alignment coverage
596                                  Blue whale orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
597                                             Blue-ringed sea krait gene stable ID
598                                                  Blue-ringed sea krait gene name
599                            Blue-ringed sea krait protein or transcript stable ID
600                                   Blue-ringed sea krait chromosome/scaffold name
601                             Blue-ringed sea krait chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
602                               Blue-ringed sea krait chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
603                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
604                                  Last common ancestor with Blue-ringed sea krait
605                                              Blue-ringed sea krait homology type
606                   %id. target Blue-ringed sea krait gene identical to query gene
607                   %id. query gene identical to target Blue-ringed sea krait gene
608                              Blue-ringed sea krait Gene-order conservation score
609                            Blue-ringed sea krait Whole-genome alignment coverage
610                       Blue-ringed sea krait orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
611                                          Bolivian squirrel monkey gene stable ID
612                                               Bolivian squirrel monkey gene name
613                         Bolivian squirrel monkey protein or transcript stable ID
614                                Bolivian squirrel monkey chromosome/scaffold name
615                          Bolivian squirrel monkey chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
616                            Bolivian squirrel monkey chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
617                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
618                               Last common ancestor with Bolivian squirrel monkey
619                                           Bolivian squirrel monkey homology type
620                %id. target Bolivian squirrel monkey gene identical to query gene
621                %id. query gene identical to target Bolivian squirrel monkey gene
622                           Bolivian squirrel monkey Gene-order conservation score
623                         Bolivian squirrel monkey Whole-genome alignment coverage
624                    Bolivian squirrel monkey orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
625                                                            Bonobo gene stable ID
626                                                                 Bonobo gene name
627                                           Bonobo protein or transcript stable ID
628                                                  Bonobo chromosome/scaffold name
629                                            Bonobo chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
630                                              Bonobo chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
631                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
632                                                 Last common ancestor with Bonobo
633                                                             Bonobo homology type
634                                  %id. target Bonobo gene identical to query gene
635                                  %id. query gene identical to target Bonobo gene
636                                             Bonobo Gene-order conservation score
637                                           Bonobo Whole-genome alignment coverage
638                                      Bonobo orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
639                                                       Brown trout gene stable ID
640                                                            Brown trout gene name
641                                      Brown trout protein or transcript stable ID
642                                             Brown trout chromosome/scaffold name
643                                       Brown trout chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
644                                         Brown trout chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
645                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
646                                            Last common ancestor with Brown trout
647                                                        Brown trout homology type
648                             %id. target Brown trout gene identical to query gene
649                             %id. query gene identical to target Brown trout gene
650                                        Brown trout Gene-order conservation score
651                                      Brown trout Whole-genome alignment coverage
652                                 Brown trout orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
653                                             Burton's mouthbrooder gene stable ID
654                                                  Burton's mouthbrooder gene name
655                            Burton's mouthbrooder protein or transcript stable ID
656                                   Burton's mouthbrooder chromosome/scaffold name
657                             Burton's mouthbrooder chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
658                               Burton's mouthbrooder chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
659                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
660                                  Last common ancestor with Burton's mouthbrooder
661                                              Burton's mouthbrooder homology type
662                   %id. target Burton's mouthbrooder gene identical to query gene
663                   %id. query gene identical to target Burton's mouthbrooder gene
664                              Burton's mouthbrooder Gene-order conservation score
665                            Burton's mouthbrooder Whole-genome alignment coverage
666                       Burton's mouthbrooder orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
667                                                          Bushbaby gene stable ID
668                                                               Bushbaby gene name
669                                         Bushbaby protein or transcript stable ID
670                                                Bushbaby chromosome/scaffold name
671                                          Bushbaby chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
672                                            Bushbaby chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
673                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
674                                               Last common ancestor with Bushbaby
675                                                           Bushbaby homology type
676                                %id. target Bushbaby gene identical to query gene
677                                %id. query gene identical to target Bushbaby gene
678                                           Bushbaby Gene-order conservation score
679                                         Bushbaby Whole-genome alignment coverage
680                                    Bushbaby orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
681                                                    C.intestinalis gene stable ID
682                                                         C.intestinalis gene name
683                                   C.intestinalis protein or transcript stable ID
684                                          C.intestinalis chromosome/scaffold name
685                                    C.intestinalis chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
686                                      C.intestinalis chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
687                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
688                                         Last common ancestor with C.intestinalis
689                                                     C.intestinalis homology type
690                          %id. target C.intestinalis gene identical to query gene
691                          %id. query gene identical to target C.intestinalis gene
692                                   C.intestinalis Whole-genome alignment coverage
693                              C.intestinalis orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
694                                                        C.savignyi gene stable ID
695                                                             C.savignyi gene name
696                                       C.savignyi protein or transcript stable ID
697                                              C.savignyi chromosome/scaffold name
698                                        C.savignyi chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
699                                          C.savignyi chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
700                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
701                                             Last common ancestor with C.savignyi
702                                                         C.savignyi homology type
703                              %id. target C.savignyi gene identical to query gene
704                              %id. query gene identical to target C.savignyi gene
705                                       C.savignyi Whole-genome alignment coverage
706                                  C.savignyi orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
707                               Caenorhabditis elegans (PRJNA13758) gene stable ID
708                                    Caenorhabditis elegans (PRJNA13758) gene name
709              Caenorhabditis elegans (PRJNA13758) protein or transcript stable ID
710                     Caenorhabditis elegans (PRJNA13758) chromosome/scaffold name
711               Caenorhabditis elegans (PRJNA13758) chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
712                 Caenorhabditis elegans (PRJNA13758) chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
713                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
714                    Last common ancestor with Caenorhabditis elegans (PRJNA13758)
715                                Caenorhabditis elegans (PRJNA13758) homology type
716     %id. target Caenorhabditis elegans (PRJNA13758) gene identical to query gene
717     %id. query gene identical to target Caenorhabditis elegans (PRJNA13758) gene
718         Caenorhabditis elegans (PRJNA13758) orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
719                                                          Capuchin gene stable ID
720                                                               Capuchin gene name
721                                         Capuchin protein or transcript stable ID
722                                                Capuchin chromosome/scaffold name
723                                          Capuchin chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
724                                            Capuchin chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
725                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
726                                               Last common ancestor with Capuchin
727                                                           Capuchin homology type
728                                %id. target Capuchin gene identical to query gene
729                                %id. query gene identical to target Capuchin gene
730                                           Capuchin Gene-order conservation score
731                                         Capuchin Whole-genome alignment coverage
732                                    Capuchin orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
733                                                               Cat gene stable ID
734                                                                    Cat gene name
735                                              Cat protein or transcript stable ID
736                                                     Cat chromosome/scaffold name
737                                               Cat chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
738                                                 Cat chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
739                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
740                                                    Last common ancestor with Cat
741                                                                Cat homology type
742                                     %id. target Cat gene identical to query gene
743                                     %id. query gene identical to target Cat gene
744                                                Cat Gene-order conservation score
745                                              Cat Whole-genome alignment coverage
746                                         Cat orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
747                                                   Chacoan peccary gene stable ID
748                                                        Chacoan peccary gene name
749                                  Chacoan peccary protein or transcript stable ID
750                                         Chacoan peccary chromosome/scaffold name
751                                   Chacoan peccary chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
752                                     Chacoan peccary chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
753                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
754                                        Last common ancestor with Chacoan peccary
755                                                    Chacoan peccary homology type
756                         %id. target Chacoan peccary gene identical to query gene
757                         %id. query gene identical to target Chacoan peccary gene
758                                    Chacoan peccary Gene-order conservation score
759                                  Chacoan peccary Whole-genome alignment coverage
760                             Chacoan peccary orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
761                                               Channel bull blenny gene stable ID
762                                                    Channel bull blenny gene name
763                              Channel bull blenny protein or transcript stable ID
764                                     Channel bull blenny chromosome/scaffold name
765                               Channel bull blenny chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
766                                 Channel bull blenny chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
767                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
768                                    Last common ancestor with Channel bull blenny
769                                                Channel bull blenny homology type
770                     %id. target Channel bull blenny gene identical to query gene
771                     %id. query gene identical to target Channel bull blenny gene
772                                Channel bull blenny Gene-order conservation score
773                              Channel bull blenny Whole-genome alignment coverage
774                         Channel bull blenny orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
775                                                   Channel catfish gene stable ID
776                                                        Channel catfish gene name
777                                  Channel catfish protein or transcript stable ID
778                                         Channel catfish chromosome/scaffold name
779                                   Channel catfish chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
780                                     Channel catfish chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
781                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
782                                        Last common ancestor with Channel catfish
783                                                    Channel catfish homology type
784                         %id. target Channel catfish gene identical to query gene
785                         %id. query gene identical to target Channel catfish gene
786                                    Channel catfish Gene-order conservation score
787                                  Channel catfish Whole-genome alignment coverage
788                             Channel catfish orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
789                                                           Chicken gene stable ID
790                                                                Chicken gene name
791                                          Chicken protein or transcript stable ID
792                                                 Chicken chromosome/scaffold name
793                                           Chicken chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
794                                             Chicken chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
795                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
796                                                Last common ancestor with Chicken
797                                                            Chicken homology type
798                                 %id. target Chicken gene identical to query gene
799                                 %id. query gene identical to target Chicken gene
800                                            Chicken Gene-order conservation score
801                                          Chicken Whole-genome alignment coverage
802                                     Chicken orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
803                                                        Chimpanzee gene stable ID
804                                                             Chimpanzee gene name
805                                       Chimpanzee protein or transcript stable ID
806                                              Chimpanzee chromosome/scaffold name
807                                        Chimpanzee chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
808                                          Chimpanzee chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
809                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
810                                             Last common ancestor with Chimpanzee
811                                                         Chimpanzee homology type
812                              %id. target Chimpanzee gene identical to query gene
813                              %id. query gene identical to target Chimpanzee gene
814                                         Chimpanzee Gene-order conservation score
815                                       Chimpanzee Whole-genome alignment coverage
816                                  Chimpanzee orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
817                                           Chinese hamster CHOK1GS gene stable ID
818                                                Chinese hamster CHOK1GS gene name
819                          Chinese hamster CHOK1GS protein or transcript stable ID
820                                 Chinese hamster CHOK1GS chromosome/scaffold name
821                           Chinese hamster CHOK1GS chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
822                             Chinese hamster CHOK1GS chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
823                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
824                                Last common ancestor with Chinese hamster CHOK1GS
825                                            Chinese hamster CHOK1GS homology type
826                 %id. target Chinese hamster CHOK1GS gene identical to query gene
827                 %id. query gene identical to target Chinese hamster CHOK1GS gene
828                            Chinese hamster CHOK1GS Gene-order conservation score
829                          Chinese hamster CHOK1GS Whole-genome alignment coverage
830                     Chinese hamster CHOK1GS orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
831                                                    Chinese medaka gene stable ID
832                                                         Chinese medaka gene name
833                                   Chinese medaka protein or transcript stable ID
834                                          Chinese medaka chromosome/scaffold name
835                                    Chinese medaka chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
836                                      Chinese medaka chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
837                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
838                                         Last common ancestor with Chinese medaka
839                                                     Chinese medaka homology type
840                          %id. target Chinese medaka gene identical to query gene
841                          %id. query gene identical to target Chinese medaka gene
842                                     Chinese medaka Gene-order conservation score
843                                   Chinese medaka Whole-genome alignment coverage
844                              Chinese medaka orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
845                                          Chinese softshell turtle gene stable ID
846                                               Chinese softshell turtle gene name
847                         Chinese softshell turtle protein or transcript stable ID
848                                Chinese softshell turtle chromosome/scaffold name
849                          Chinese softshell turtle chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
850                            Chinese softshell turtle chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
851                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
852                               Last common ancestor with Chinese softshell turtle
853                                           Chinese softshell turtle homology type
854                %id. target Chinese softshell turtle gene identical to query gene
855                %id. query gene identical to target Chinese softshell turtle gene
856                           Chinese softshell turtle Gene-order conservation score
857                         Chinese softshell turtle Whole-genome alignment coverage
858                    Chinese softshell turtle orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
859                                                    Chinook salmon gene stable ID
860                                                         Chinook salmon gene name
861                                   Chinook salmon protein or transcript stable ID
862                                          Chinook salmon chromosome/scaffold name
863                                    Chinook salmon chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
864                                      Chinook salmon chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
865                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
866                                         Last common ancestor with Chinook salmon
867                                                     Chinook salmon homology type
868                          %id. target Chinook salmon gene identical to query gene
869                          %id. query gene identical to target Chinook salmon gene
870                                     Chinook salmon Gene-order conservation score
871                                   Chinook salmon Whole-genome alignment coverage
872                              Chinook salmon orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
873                                                    Climbing perch gene stable ID
874                                                         Climbing perch gene name
875                                   Climbing perch protein or transcript stable ID
876                                          Climbing perch chromosome/scaffold name
877                                    Climbing perch chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
878                                      Climbing perch chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
879                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
880                                         Last common ancestor with Climbing perch
881                                                     Climbing perch homology type
882                          %id. target Climbing perch gene identical to query gene
883                          %id. query gene identical to target Climbing perch gene
884                                     Climbing perch Gene-order conservation score
885                              Climbing perch orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
886                                                 Clown anemonefish gene stable ID
887                                                      Clown anemonefish gene name
888                                Clown anemonefish protein or transcript stable ID
889                                       Clown anemonefish chromosome/scaffold name
890                                 Clown anemonefish chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
891                                   Clown anemonefish chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
892                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
893                                      Last common ancestor with Clown anemonefish
894                                                  Clown anemonefish homology type
895                       %id. target Clown anemonefish gene identical to query gene
896                       %id. query gene identical to target Clown anemonefish gene
897                                  Clown anemonefish Gene-order conservation score
898                                Clown anemonefish Whole-genome alignment coverage
899                           Clown anemonefish orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
900                                                        Coelacanth gene stable ID
901                                                             Coelacanth gene name
902                                       Coelacanth protein or transcript stable ID
903                                              Coelacanth chromosome/scaffold name
904                                        Coelacanth chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
905                                          Coelacanth chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
906                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
907                                             Last common ancestor with Coelacanth
908                                                         Coelacanth homology type
909                              %id. target Coelacanth gene identical to query gene
910                              %id. query gene identical to target Coelacanth gene
911                                         Coelacanth Gene-order conservation score
912                                       Coelacanth Whole-genome alignment coverage
913                                  Coelacanth orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
914                                                       Coho salmon gene stable ID
915                                                            Coho salmon gene name
916                                      Coho salmon protein or transcript stable ID
917                                             Coho salmon chromosome/scaffold name
918                                       Coho salmon chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
919                                         Coho salmon chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
920                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
921                                            Last common ancestor with Coho salmon
922                                                        Coho salmon homology type
923                             %id. target Coho salmon gene identical to query gene
924                             %id. query gene identical to target Coho salmon gene
925                                        Coho salmon Gene-order conservation score
926                                      Coho salmon Whole-genome alignment coverage
927                                 Coho salmon orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
928                                               Collared flycatcher gene stable ID
929                                                    Collared flycatcher gene name
930                              Collared flycatcher protein or transcript stable ID
931                                     Collared flycatcher chromosome/scaffold name
932                               Collared flycatcher chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
933                                 Collared flycatcher chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
934                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
935                                    Last common ancestor with Collared flycatcher
936                                                Collared flycatcher homology type
937                     %id. target Collared flycatcher gene identical to query gene
938                     %id. query gene identical to target Collared flycatcher gene
939                                Collared flycatcher Gene-order conservation score
940                         Collared flycatcher orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
941                                                     Common canary gene stable ID
942                                                          Common canary gene name
943                                    Common canary protein or transcript stable ID
944                                           Common canary chromosome/scaffold name
945                                     Common canary chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
946                                       Common canary chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
947                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
948                                          Last common ancestor with Common canary
949                                                      Common canary homology type
950                           %id. target Common canary gene identical to query gene
951                           %id. query gene identical to target Common canary gene
952                                      Common canary Gene-order conservation score
953                                    Common canary Whole-genome alignment coverage
954                               Common canary orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
955                                                       Common carp gene stable ID
956                                                            Common carp gene name
957                                      Common carp protein or transcript stable ID
958                                             Common carp chromosome/scaffold name
959                                       Common carp chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
960                                         Common carp chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
961                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
962                                            Last common ancestor with Common carp
963                                                        Common carp homology type
964                             %id. target Common carp gene identical to query gene
965                             %id. query gene identical to target Common carp gene
966                                        Common carp Gene-order conservation score
967                                 Common carp orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
968                                                Common wall lizard gene stable ID
969                                                     Common wall lizard gene name
970                               Common wall lizard protein or transcript stable ID
971                                      Common wall lizard chromosome/scaffold name
972                                Common wall lizard chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
973                                  Common wall lizard chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
974                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
975                                     Last common ancestor with Common wall lizard
976                                                 Common wall lizard homology type
977                      %id. target Common wall lizard gene identical to query gene
978                      %id. query gene identical to target Common wall lizard gene
979                                 Common wall lizard Gene-order conservation score
980                               Common wall lizard Whole-genome alignment coverage
981                          Common wall lizard orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
982                                                     Common wombat gene stable ID
983                                                          Common wombat gene name
984                                    Common wombat protein or transcript stable ID
985                                           Common wombat chromosome/scaffold name
986                                     Common wombat chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
987                                       Common wombat chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
988                                                   Query protein or transcript ID
989                                          Last common ancestor with Common wombat
990                                                      Common wombat homology type
991                           %id. target Common wombat gene identical to query gene
992                           %id. query gene identical to target Common wombat gene
993                                      Common wombat Gene-order conservation score
994                                    Common wombat Whole-genome alignment coverage
995                               Common wombat orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
996                                                 Coquerel's sifaka gene stable ID
997                                                      Coquerel's sifaka gene name
998                                Coquerel's sifaka protein or transcript stable ID
999                                       Coquerel's sifaka chromosome/scaffold name
1000                                Coquerel's sifaka chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1001                                  Coquerel's sifaka chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1002                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1003                                     Last common ancestor with Coquerel's sifaka
1004                                                 Coquerel's sifaka homology type
1005                      %id. target Coquerel's sifaka gene identical to query gene
1006                      %id. query gene identical to target Coquerel's sifaka gene
1007                                 Coquerel's sifaka Gene-order conservation score
1008                               Coquerel's sifaka Whole-genome alignment coverage
1009                          Coquerel's sifaka orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1010                                                              Cow gene stable ID
1011                                                                   Cow gene name
1012                                             Cow protein or transcript stable ID
1013                                                    Cow chromosome/scaffold name
1014                                              Cow chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1015                                                Cow chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1016                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1017                                                   Last common ancestor with Cow
1018                                                               Cow homology type
1019                                    %id. target Cow gene identical to query gene
1020                                    %id. query gene identical to target Cow gene
1021                                               Cow Gene-order conservation score
1022                                             Cow Whole-genome alignment coverage
1023                                        Cow orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1024                                              Crab-eating macaque gene stable ID
1025                                                   Crab-eating macaque gene name
1026                             Crab-eating macaque protein or transcript stable ID
1027                                    Crab-eating macaque chromosome/scaffold name
1028                              Crab-eating macaque chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1029                                Crab-eating macaque chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1030                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1031                                   Last common ancestor with Crab-eating macaque
1032                                               Crab-eating macaque homology type
1033                    %id. target Crab-eating macaque gene identical to query gene
1034                    %id. query gene identical to target Crab-eating macaque gene
1035                               Crab-eating macaque Gene-order conservation score
1036                             Crab-eating macaque Whole-genome alignment coverage
1037                        Crab-eating macaque orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1038                                                             Degu gene stable ID
1039                                                                  Degu gene name
1040                                            Degu protein or transcript stable ID
1041                                                   Degu chromosome/scaffold name
1042                                             Degu chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1043                                               Degu chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1044                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1045                                                  Last common ancestor with Degu
1046                                                              Degu homology type
1047                                   %id. target Degu gene identical to query gene
1048                                   %id. query gene identical to target Degu gene
1049                                              Degu Gene-order conservation score
1050                                            Degu Whole-genome alignment coverage
1051                                       Degu orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1052                                                 Denticle herring gene stable ID
1053                                                      Denticle herring gene name
1054                                Denticle herring protein or transcript stable ID
1055                                       Denticle herring chromosome/scaffold name
1056                                 Denticle herring chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1057                                   Denticle herring chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1058                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1059                                      Last common ancestor with Denticle herring
1060                                                  Denticle herring homology type
1061                       %id. target Denticle herring gene identical to query gene
1062                       %id. query gene identical to target Denticle herring gene
1063                                  Denticle herring Gene-order conservation score
1064                                Denticle herring Whole-genome alignment coverage
1065                           Denticle herring orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1066                                                            Dingo gene stable ID
1067                                                                 Dingo gene name
1068                                           Dingo protein or transcript stable ID
1069                                                  Dingo chromosome/scaffold name
1070                                            Dingo chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1071                                              Dingo chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1072                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1073                                                 Last common ancestor with Dingo
1074                                                             Dingo homology type
1075                                  %id. target Dingo gene identical to query gene
1076                                  %id. query gene identical to target Dingo gene
1077                                             Dingo Gene-order conservation score
1078                                           Dingo Whole-genome alignment coverage
1079                                      Dingo orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1080                                                              Dog gene stable ID
1081                                                                   Dog gene name
1082                                             Dog protein or transcript stable ID
1083                                                    Dog chromosome/scaffold name
1084                                              Dog chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1085                                                Dog chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1086                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1087                                                   Last common ancestor with Dog
1088                                                               Dog homology type
1089                                    %id. target Dog gene identical to query gene
1090                                    %id. query gene identical to target Dog gene
1091                                               Dog Gene-order conservation score
1092                                             Dog Whole-genome alignment coverage
1093                                        Dog orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1094                                                          Dolphin gene stable ID
1095                                                               Dolphin gene name
1096                                         Dolphin protein or transcript stable ID
1097                                                Dolphin chromosome/scaffold name
1098                                          Dolphin chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1099                                            Dolphin chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1100                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1101                                               Last common ancestor with Dolphin
1102                                                           Dolphin homology type
1103                                %id. target Dolphin gene identical to query gene
1104                                %id. query gene identical to target Dolphin gene
1105                                           Dolphin Gene-order conservation score
1106                                         Dolphin Whole-genome alignment coverage
1107                                    Dolphin orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1108                                                     Domestic yak gene stable ID
1109                                                          Domestic yak gene name
1110                                    Domestic yak protein or transcript stable ID
1111                                           Domestic yak chromosome/scaffold name
1112                                     Domestic yak chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1113                                       Domestic yak chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1114                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1115                                          Last common ancestor with Domestic yak
1116                                                      Domestic yak homology type
1117                           %id. target Domestic yak gene identical to query gene
1118                           %id. query gene identical to target Domestic yak gene
1119                                      Domestic yak Gene-order conservation score
1120                                    Domestic yak Whole-genome alignment coverage
1121                               Domestic yak orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1122                                                           Donkey gene stable ID
1123                                                                Donkey gene name
1124                                          Donkey protein or transcript stable ID
1125                                                 Donkey chromosome/scaffold name
1126                                           Donkey chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1127                                             Donkey chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1128                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1129                                                Last common ancestor with Donkey
1130                                                            Donkey homology type
1131                                 %id. target Donkey gene identical to query gene
1132                                 %id. query gene identical to target Donkey gene
1133                                            Donkey Gene-order conservation score
1134                                          Donkey Whole-genome alignment coverage
1135                                     Donkey orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1136                                                            Drill gene stable ID
1137                                                                 Drill gene name
1138                                           Drill protein or transcript stable ID
1139                                                  Drill chromosome/scaffold name
1140                                            Drill chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1141                                              Drill chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1142                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1143                                                 Last common ancestor with Drill
1144                                                             Drill homology type
1145                                  %id. target Drill gene identical to query gene
1146                                  %id. query gene identical to target Drill gene
1147                                             Drill Gene-order conservation score
1148                                           Drill Whole-genome alignment coverage
1149                                      Drill orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1150                                          Drosophila melanogaster gene stable ID
1151                                               Drosophila melanogaster gene name
1152                         Drosophila melanogaster protein or transcript stable ID
1153                                Drosophila melanogaster chromosome/scaffold name
1154                          Drosophila melanogaster chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1155                            Drosophila melanogaster chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1156                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1157                               Last common ancestor with Drosophila melanogaster
1158                                           Drosophila melanogaster homology type
1159                %id. target Drosophila melanogaster gene identical to query gene
1160                %id. query gene identical to target Drosophila melanogaster gene
1161                    Drosophila melanogaster orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1162                                                             Duck gene stable ID
1163                                                                  Duck gene name
1164                                            Duck protein or transcript stable ID
1165                                                   Duck chromosome/scaffold name
1166                                             Duck chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1167                                               Duck chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1168                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1169                                                  Last common ancestor with Duck
1170                                                              Duck homology type
1171                                   %id. target Duck gene identical to query gene
1172                                   %id. query gene identical to target Duck gene
1173                                              Duck Gene-order conservation score
1174                                            Duck Whole-genome alignment coverage
1175                                       Duck orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1176                                              Eastern brown snake gene stable ID
1177                                                   Eastern brown snake gene name
1178                             Eastern brown snake protein or transcript stable ID
1179                                    Eastern brown snake chromosome/scaffold name
1180                              Eastern brown snake chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1181                                Eastern brown snake chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1182                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1183                                   Last common ancestor with Eastern brown snake
1184                                               Eastern brown snake homology type
1185                    %id. target Eastern brown snake gene identical to query gene
1186                    %id. query gene identical to target Eastern brown snake gene
1187                               Eastern brown snake Gene-order conservation score
1188                             Eastern brown snake Whole-genome alignment coverage
1189                        Eastern brown snake orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1190                                                    Eastern happy gene stable ID
1191                                                         Eastern happy gene name
1192                                   Eastern happy protein or transcript stable ID
1193                                          Eastern happy chromosome/scaffold name
1194                                    Eastern happy chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1195                                      Eastern happy chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1196                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1197                                         Last common ancestor with Eastern happy
1198                                                     Eastern happy homology type
1199                          %id. target Eastern happy gene identical to query gene
1200                          %id. query gene identical to target Eastern happy gene
1201                                     Eastern happy Gene-order conservation score
1202                                   Eastern happy Whole-genome alignment coverage
1203                              Eastern happy orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1204                                                     Electric eel gene stable ID
1205                                                          Electric eel gene name
1206                                    Electric eel protein or transcript stable ID
1207                                           Electric eel chromosome/scaffold name
1208                                     Electric eel chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1209                                       Electric eel chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1210                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1211                                          Last common ancestor with Electric eel
1212                                                      Electric eel homology type
1213                           %id. target Electric eel gene identical to query gene
1214                           %id. query gene identical to target Electric eel gene
1215                                      Electric eel Gene-order conservation score
1216                                    Electric eel Whole-genome alignment coverage
1217                               Electric eel orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1218                                                         Elephant gene stable ID
1219                                                              Elephant gene name
1220                                        Elephant protein or transcript stable ID
1221                                               Elephant chromosome/scaffold name
1222                                         Elephant chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1223                                           Elephant chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1224                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1225                                              Last common ancestor with Elephant
1226                                                          Elephant homology type
1227                               %id. target Elephant gene identical to query gene
1228                               %id. query gene identical to target Elephant gene
1229                                          Elephant Gene-order conservation score
1230                                        Elephant Whole-genome alignment coverage
1231                                   Elephant orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1232                                                   Elephant shark gene stable ID
1233                                                        Elephant shark gene name
1234                                  Elephant shark protein or transcript stable ID
1235                                         Elephant shark chromosome/scaffold name
1236                                   Elephant shark chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1237                                     Elephant shark chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1238                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1239                                        Last common ancestor with Elephant shark
1240                                                    Elephant shark homology type
1241                         %id. target Elephant shark gene identical to query gene
1242                         %id. query gene identical to target Elephant shark gene
1243                                  Elephant shark Whole-genome alignment coverage
1244                             Elephant shark orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1245                                            Eurasian red squirrel gene stable ID
1246                                                 Eurasian red squirrel gene name
1247                           Eurasian red squirrel protein or transcript stable ID
1248                                  Eurasian red squirrel chromosome/scaffold name
1249                            Eurasian red squirrel chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1250                              Eurasian red squirrel chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1251                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1252                                 Last common ancestor with Eurasian red squirrel
1253                                             Eurasian red squirrel homology type
1254                  %id. target Eurasian red squirrel gene identical to query gene
1255                  %id. query gene identical to target Eurasian red squirrel gene
1256                             Eurasian red squirrel Gene-order conservation score
1257                           Eurasian red squirrel Whole-genome alignment coverage
1258                      Eurasian red squirrel orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1259                                                 European seabass gene stable ID
1260                                                      European seabass gene name
1261                                European seabass protein or transcript stable ID
1262                                       European seabass chromosome/scaffold name
1263                                 European seabass chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1264                                   European seabass chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1265                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1266                                      Last common ancestor with European seabass
1267                                                  European seabass homology type
1268                       %id. target European seabass gene identical to query gene
1269                       %id. query gene identical to target European seabass gene
1270                                  European seabass Gene-order conservation score
1271                           European seabass orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1272                                                           Ferret gene stable ID
1273                                                                Ferret gene name
1274                                          Ferret protein or transcript stable ID
1275                                                 Ferret chromosome/scaffold name
1276                                           Ferret chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1277                                             Ferret chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1278                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1279                                                Last common ancestor with Ferret
1280                                                            Ferret homology type
1281                                 %id. target Ferret gene identical to query gene
1282                                 %id. query gene identical to target Ferret gene
1283                                            Ferret Gene-order conservation score
1284                                          Ferret Whole-genome alignment coverage
1285                                     Ferret orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1286                                                             Fugu gene stable ID
1287                                                                  Fugu gene name
1288                                            Fugu protein or transcript stable ID
1289                                                   Fugu chromosome/scaffold name
1290                                             Fugu chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1291                                               Fugu chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1292                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1293                                                  Last common ancestor with Fugu
1294                                                              Fugu homology type
1295                                   %id. target Fugu gene identical to query gene
1296                                   %id. query gene identical to target Fugu gene
1297                                              Fugu Gene-order conservation score
1298                                            Fugu Whole-genome alignment coverage
1299                                       Fugu orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1300                                                      Giant panda gene stable ID
1301                                                           Giant panda gene name
1302                                     Giant panda protein or transcript stable ID
1303                                            Giant panda chromosome/scaffold name
1304                                      Giant panda chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1305                                        Giant panda chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1306                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1307                                           Last common ancestor with Giant panda
1308                                                       Giant panda homology type
1309                            %id. target Giant panda gene identical to query gene
1310                            %id. query gene identical to target Giant panda gene
1311                                       Giant panda Gene-order conservation score
1312                                Giant panda orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1313                                                           Gibbon gene stable ID
1314                                                                Gibbon gene name
1315                                          Gibbon protein or transcript stable ID
1316                                                 Gibbon chromosome/scaffold name
1317                                           Gibbon chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1318                                             Gibbon chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1319                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1320                                                Last common ancestor with Gibbon
1321                                                            Gibbon homology type
1322                                 %id. target Gibbon gene identical to query gene
1323                                 %id. query gene identical to target Gibbon gene
1324                                            Gibbon Gene-order conservation score
1325                                          Gibbon Whole-genome alignment coverage
1326                                     Gibbon orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1327                                                Gilthead seabream gene stable ID
1328                                                     Gilthead seabream gene name
1329                               Gilthead seabream protein or transcript stable ID
1330                                      Gilthead seabream chromosome/scaffold name
1331                                Gilthead seabream chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1332                                  Gilthead seabream chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1333                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1334                                     Last common ancestor with Gilthead seabream
1335                                                 Gilthead seabream homology type
1336                      %id. target Gilthead seabream gene identical to query gene
1337                      %id. query gene identical to target Gilthead seabream gene
1338                                 Gilthead seabream Gene-order conservation score
1339                               Gilthead seabream Whole-genome alignment coverage
1340                          Gilthead seabream orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1341                                                             Goat gene stable ID
1342                                                                  Goat gene name
1343                                            Goat protein or transcript stable ID
1344                                                   Goat chromosome/scaffold name
1345                                             Goat chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1346                                               Goat chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1347                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1348                                                  Last common ancestor with Goat
1349                                                              Goat homology type
1350                                   %id. target Goat gene identical to query gene
1351                                   %id. query gene identical to target Goat gene
1352                                              Goat Gene-order conservation score
1353                                            Goat Whole-genome alignment coverage
1354                                       Goat orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1355                                                   Golden Hamster gene stable ID
1356                                                        Golden Hamster gene name
1357                                  Golden Hamster protein or transcript stable ID
1358                                         Golden Hamster chromosome/scaffold name
1359                                   Golden Hamster chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1360                                     Golden Hamster chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1361                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1362                                        Last common ancestor with Golden Hamster
1363                                                    Golden Hamster homology type
1364                         %id. target Golden Hamster gene identical to query gene
1365                         %id. query gene identical to target Golden Hamster gene
1366                                    Golden Hamster Gene-order conservation score
1367                                  Golden Hamster Whole-genome alignment coverage
1368                             Golden Hamster orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1369                                                     Golden eagle gene stable ID
1370                                                          Golden eagle gene name
1371                                    Golden eagle protein or transcript stable ID
1372                                           Golden eagle chromosome/scaffold name
1373                                     Golden eagle chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1374                                       Golden eagle chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1375                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1376                                          Last common ancestor with Golden eagle
1377                                                      Golden eagle homology type
1378                           %id. target Golden eagle gene identical to query gene
1379                           %id. query gene identical to target Golden eagle gene
1380                                      Golden eagle Gene-order conservation score
1381                                    Golden eagle Whole-genome alignment coverage
1382                               Golden eagle orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1383                                         Golden snub-nosed monkey gene stable ID
1384                                              Golden snub-nosed monkey gene name
1385                        Golden snub-nosed monkey protein or transcript stable ID
1386                               Golden snub-nosed monkey chromosome/scaffold name
1387                         Golden snub-nosed monkey chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1388                           Golden snub-nosed monkey chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1389                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1390                              Last common ancestor with Golden snub-nosed monkey
1391                                          Golden snub-nosed monkey homology type
1392               %id. target Golden snub-nosed monkey gene identical to query gene
1393               %id. query gene identical to target Golden snub-nosed monkey gene
1394                          Golden snub-nosed monkey Gene-order conservation score
1395                        Golden snub-nosed monkey Whole-genome alignment coverage
1396                   Golden snub-nosed monkey orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1397                                               Golden-line barbel gene stable ID
1398                                                    Golden-line barbel gene name
1399                              Golden-line barbel protein or transcript stable ID
1400                                     Golden-line barbel chromosome/scaffold name
1401                               Golden-line barbel chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1402                                 Golden-line barbel chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1403                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1404                                    Last common ancestor with Golden-line barbel
1405                                                Golden-line barbel homology type
1406                     %id. target Golden-line barbel gene identical to query gene
1407                     %id. query gene identical to target Golden-line barbel gene
1408                                Golden-line barbel Gene-order conservation score
1409                              Golden-line barbel Whole-genome alignment coverage
1410                         Golden-line barbel orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1411                                                         Goldfish gene stable ID
1412                                                              Goldfish gene name
1413                                        Goldfish protein or transcript stable ID
1414                                               Goldfish chromosome/scaffold name
1415                                         Goldfish chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1416                                           Goldfish chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1417                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1418                                              Last common ancestor with Goldfish
1419                                                          Goldfish homology type
1420                               %id. target Goldfish gene identical to query gene
1421                               %id. query gene identical to target Goldfish gene
1422                                          Goldfish Gene-order conservation score
1423                                        Goldfish Whole-genome alignment coverage
1424                                   Goldfish orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1425                                       Goodes thornscrub tortoise gene stable ID
1426                                            Goodes thornscrub tortoise gene name
1427                      Goodes thornscrub tortoise protein or transcript stable ID
1428                             Goodes thornscrub tortoise chromosome/scaffold name
1429                       Goodes thornscrub tortoise chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1430                         Goodes thornscrub tortoise chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1431                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1432                            Last common ancestor with Goodes thornscrub tortoise
1433                                        Goodes thornscrub tortoise homology type
1434             %id. target Goodes thornscrub tortoise gene identical to query gene
1435             %id. query gene identical to target Goodes thornscrub tortoise gene
1436                        Goodes thornscrub tortoise Gene-order conservation score
1437                      Goodes thornscrub tortoise Whole-genome alignment coverage
1438                 Goodes thornscrub tortoise orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1439                                                          Gorilla gene stable ID
1440                                                               Gorilla gene name
1441                                         Gorilla protein or transcript stable ID
1442                                                Gorilla chromosome/scaffold name
1443                                          Gorilla chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1444                                            Gorilla chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1445                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1446                                               Last common ancestor with Gorilla
1447                                                           Gorilla homology type
1448                                %id. target Gorilla gene identical to query gene
1449                                %id. query gene identical to target Gorilla gene
1450                                           Gorilla Gene-order conservation score
1451                                         Gorilla Whole-genome alignment coverage
1452                                    Gorilla orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1453                                                        Great Tit gene stable ID
1454                                                             Great Tit gene name
1455                                       Great Tit protein or transcript stable ID
1456                                              Great Tit chromosome/scaffold name
1457                                        Great Tit chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1458                                          Great Tit chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1459                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1460                                             Last common ancestor with Great Tit
1461                                                         Great Tit homology type
1462                              %id. target Great Tit gene identical to query gene
1463                              %id. query gene identical to target Great Tit gene
1464                                         Great Tit Gene-order conservation score
1465                                       Great Tit Whole-genome alignment coverage
1466                                  Great Tit orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1467                                                Greater amberjack gene stable ID
1468                                                     Greater amberjack gene name
1469                               Greater amberjack protein or transcript stable ID
1470                                      Greater amberjack chromosome/scaffold name
1471                                Greater amberjack chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1472                                  Greater amberjack chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1473                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1474                                     Last common ancestor with Greater amberjack
1475                                                 Greater amberjack homology type
1476                      %id. target Greater amberjack gene identical to query gene
1477                      %id. query gene identical to target Greater amberjack gene
1478                                 Greater amberjack Gene-order conservation score
1479                               Greater amberjack Whole-genome alignment coverage
1480                          Greater amberjack orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1481                                             Greater bamboo lemur gene stable ID
1482                                                  Greater bamboo lemur gene name
1483                            Greater bamboo lemur protein or transcript stable ID
1484                                   Greater bamboo lemur chromosome/scaffold name
1485                             Greater bamboo lemur chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1486                               Greater bamboo lemur chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1487                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1488                                  Last common ancestor with Greater bamboo lemur
1489                                              Greater bamboo lemur homology type
1490                   %id. target Greater bamboo lemur gene identical to query gene
1491                   %id. query gene identical to target Greater bamboo lemur gene
1492                              Greater bamboo lemur Gene-order conservation score
1493                            Greater bamboo lemur Whole-genome alignment coverage
1494                       Greater bamboo lemur orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1495                                            Greater horseshoe bat gene stable ID
1496                                                 Greater horseshoe bat gene name
1497                           Greater horseshoe bat protein or transcript stable ID
1498                                  Greater horseshoe bat chromosome/scaffold name
1499                            Greater horseshoe bat chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1500                              Greater horseshoe bat chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1501                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1502                                 Last common ancestor with Greater horseshoe bat
1503                                             Greater horseshoe bat homology type
1504                  %id. target Greater horseshoe bat gene identical to query gene
1505                  %id. query gene identical to target Greater horseshoe bat gene
1506                             Greater horseshoe bat Gene-order conservation score
1507                           Greater horseshoe bat Whole-genome alignment coverage
1508                      Greater horseshoe bat orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1509                                                      Green anole gene stable ID
1510                                                           Green anole gene name
1511                                     Green anole protein or transcript stable ID
1512                                            Green anole chromosome/scaffold name
1513                                      Green anole chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1514                                        Green anole chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1515                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1516                                           Last common ancestor with Green anole
1517                                                       Green anole homology type
1518                            %id. target Green anole gene identical to query gene
1519                            %id. query gene identical to target Green anole gene
1520                                       Green anole Gene-order conservation score
1521                                Green anole orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1522                                                       Guinea Pig gene stable ID
1523                                                            Guinea Pig gene name
1524                                      Guinea Pig protein or transcript stable ID
1525                                             Guinea Pig chromosome/scaffold name
1526                                       Guinea Pig chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1527                                         Guinea Pig chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1528                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1529                                            Last common ancestor with Guinea Pig
1530                                                        Guinea Pig homology type
1531                             %id. target Guinea Pig gene identical to query gene
1532                             %id. query gene identical to target Guinea Pig gene
1533                                        Guinea Pig Gene-order conservation score
1534                                      Guinea Pig Whole-genome alignment coverage
1535                                 Guinea Pig orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1536                                                            Guppy gene stable ID
1537                                                                 Guppy gene name
1538                                           Guppy protein or transcript stable ID
1539                                                  Guppy chromosome/scaffold name
1540                                            Guppy chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1541                                              Guppy chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1542                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1543                                                 Last common ancestor with Guppy
1544                                                             Guppy homology type
1545                                  %id. target Guppy gene identical to query gene
1546                                  %id. query gene identical to target Guppy gene
1547                                             Guppy Gene-order conservation score
1548                                           Guppy Whole-genome alignment coverage
1549                                      Guppy orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1550                                                          Hagfish gene stable ID
1551                                                               Hagfish gene name
1552                                         Hagfish protein or transcript stable ID
1553                                                Hagfish chromosome/scaffold name
1554                                          Hagfish chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1555                                            Hagfish chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1556                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1557                                               Last common ancestor with Hagfish
1558                                                           Hagfish homology type
1559                                %id. target Hagfish gene identical to query gene
1560                                %id. query gene identical to target Hagfish gene
1561                                         Hagfish Whole-genome alignment coverage
1562                                    Hagfish orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1563                                                         Hedgehog gene stable ID
1564                                                              Hedgehog gene name
1565                                        Hedgehog protein or transcript stable ID
1566                                               Hedgehog chromosome/scaffold name
1567                                         Hedgehog chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1568                                           Hedgehog chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1569                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1570                                              Last common ancestor with Hedgehog
1571                                                          Hedgehog homology type
1572                               %id. target Hedgehog gene identical to query gene
1573                               %id. query gene identical to target Hedgehog gene
1574                                          Hedgehog Gene-order conservation score
1575                                        Hedgehog Whole-genome alignment coverage
1576                                   Hedgehog orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1577                                                            Horse gene stable ID
1578                                                                 Horse gene name
1579                                           Horse protein or transcript stable ID
1580                                                  Horse chromosome/scaffold name
1581                                            Horse chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1582                                              Horse chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1583                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1584                                                 Last common ancestor with Horse
1585                                                             Horse homology type
1586                                  %id. target Horse gene identical to query gene
1587                                  %id. query gene identical to target Horse gene
1588                                             Horse Gene-order conservation score
1589                                           Horse Whole-genome alignment coverage
1590                                      Horse orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1591                                                           Huchen gene stable ID
1592                                                                Huchen gene name
1593                                          Huchen protein or transcript stable ID
1594                                                 Huchen chromosome/scaffold name
1595                                           Huchen chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1596                                             Huchen chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1597                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1598                                                Last common ancestor with Huchen
1599                                                            Huchen homology type
1600                                 %id. target Huchen gene identical to query gene
1601                                 %id. query gene identical to target Huchen gene
1602                                            Huchen Gene-order conservation score
1603                                          Huchen Whole-genome alignment coverage
1604                                     Huchen orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1605                                             Hybrid - Bos Indicus gene stable ID
1606                                                  Hybrid - Bos Indicus gene name
1607                            Hybrid - Bos Indicus protein or transcript stable ID
1608                                   Hybrid - Bos Indicus chromosome/scaffold name
1609                             Hybrid - Bos Indicus chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1610                               Hybrid - Bos Indicus chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1611                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1612                                  Last common ancestor with Hybrid - Bos Indicus
1613                                              Hybrid - Bos Indicus homology type
1614                   %id. target Hybrid - Bos Indicus gene identical to query gene
1615                   %id. query gene identical to target Hybrid - Bos Indicus gene
1616                              Hybrid - Bos Indicus Gene-order conservation score
1617                            Hybrid - Bos Indicus Whole-genome alignment coverage
1618                       Hybrid - Bos Indicus orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1619                                                            Hyrax gene stable ID
1620                                                                 Hyrax gene name
1621                                           Hyrax protein or transcript stable ID
1622                                                  Hyrax chromosome/scaffold name
1623                                            Hyrax chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1624                                              Hyrax chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1625                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1626                                                 Last common ancestor with Hyrax
1627                                                             Hyrax homology type
1628                                  %id. target Hyrax gene identical to query gene
1629                                  %id. query gene identical to target Hyrax gene
1630                                             Hyrax Gene-order conservation score
1631                                           Hyrax Whole-genome alignment coverage
1632                                      Hyrax orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1633                                                     Indian cobra gene stable ID
1634                                                          Indian cobra gene name
1635                                    Indian cobra protein or transcript stable ID
1636                                           Indian cobra chromosome/scaffold name
1637                                     Indian cobra chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1638                                       Indian cobra chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1639                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1640                                          Last common ancestor with Indian cobra
1641                                                      Indian cobra homology type
1642                           %id. target Indian cobra gene identical to query gene
1643                           %id. query gene identical to target Indian cobra gene
1644                                      Indian cobra Gene-order conservation score
1645                                    Indian cobra Whole-genome alignment coverage
1646                               Indian cobra orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1647                                                    Indian medaka gene stable ID
1648                                                         Indian medaka gene name
1649                                   Indian medaka protein or transcript stable ID
1650                                          Indian medaka chromosome/scaffold name
1651                                    Indian medaka chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1652                                      Indian medaka chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1653                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1654                                         Last common ancestor with Indian medaka
1655                                                     Indian medaka homology type
1656                          %id. target Indian medaka gene identical to query gene
1657                          %id. query gene identical to target Indian medaka gene
1658                                     Indian medaka Gene-order conservation score
1659                                   Indian medaka Whole-genome alignment coverage
1660                              Indian medaka orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1661                                             Japanese medaka HdrR gene stable ID
1662                                                  Japanese medaka HdrR gene name
1663                            Japanese medaka HdrR protein or transcript stable ID
1664                                   Japanese medaka HdrR chromosome/scaffold name
1665                             Japanese medaka HdrR chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1666                               Japanese medaka HdrR chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1667                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1668                                  Last common ancestor with Japanese medaka HdrR
1669                                              Japanese medaka HdrR homology type
1670                   %id. target Japanese medaka HdrR gene identical to query gene
1671                   %id. query gene identical to target Japanese medaka HdrR gene
1672                              Japanese medaka HdrR Gene-order conservation score
1673                            Japanese medaka HdrR Whole-genome alignment coverage
1674                       Japanese medaka HdrR orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1675                                                   Japanese quail gene stable ID
1676                                                        Japanese quail gene name
1677                                  Japanese quail protein or transcript stable ID
1678                                         Japanese quail chromosome/scaffold name
1679                                   Japanese quail chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1680                                     Japanese quail chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1681                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1682                                        Last common ancestor with Japanese quail
1683                                                    Japanese quail homology type
1684                         %id. target Japanese quail gene identical to query gene
1685                         %id. query gene identical to target Japanese quail gene
1686                                    Japanese quail Gene-order conservation score
1687                                  Japanese quail Whole-genome alignment coverage
1688                             Japanese quail orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1689                                                Javanese ricefish gene stable ID
1690                                                     Javanese ricefish gene name
1691                               Javanese ricefish protein or transcript stable ID
1692                                      Javanese ricefish chromosome/scaffold name
1693                                Javanese ricefish chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1694                                  Javanese ricefish chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1695                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1696                                     Last common ancestor with Javanese ricefish
1697                                                 Javanese ricefish homology type
1698                      %id. target Javanese ricefish gene identical to query gene
1699                      %id. query gene identical to target Javanese ricefish gene
1700                                 Javanese ricefish Gene-order conservation score
1701                               Javanese ricefish Whole-genome alignment coverage
1702                          Javanese ricefish orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1703                                                           Kakapo gene stable ID
1704                                                                Kakapo gene name
1705                                          Kakapo protein or transcript stable ID
1706                                                 Kakapo chromosome/scaffold name
1707                                           Kakapo chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1708                                             Kakapo chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1709                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1710                                                Last common ancestor with Kakapo
1711                                                            Kakapo homology type
1712                                 %id. target Kakapo gene identical to query gene
1713                                 %id. query gene identical to target Kakapo gene
1714                                            Kakapo Gene-order conservation score
1715                                          Kakapo Whole-genome alignment coverage
1716                                     Kakapo orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1717                                                     Kangaroo rat gene stable ID
1718                                                          Kangaroo rat gene name
1719                                    Kangaroo rat protein or transcript stable ID
1720                                           Kangaroo rat chromosome/scaffold name
1721                                     Kangaroo rat chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1722                                       Kangaroo rat chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1723                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1724                                          Last common ancestor with Kangaroo rat
1725                                                      Kangaroo rat homology type
1726                           %id. target Kangaroo rat gene identical to query gene
1727                           %id. query gene identical to target Kangaroo rat gene
1728                                      Kangaroo rat Gene-order conservation score
1729                                    Kangaroo rat Whole-genome alignment coverage
1730                               Kangaroo rat orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1731                                                            Koala gene stable ID
1732                                                                 Koala gene name
1733                                           Koala protein or transcript stable ID
1734                                                  Koala chromosome/scaffold name
1735                                            Koala chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1736                                              Koala chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1737                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1738                                                 Last common ancestor with Koala
1739                                                             Koala homology type
1740                                  %id. target Koala gene identical to query gene
1741                                  %id. query gene identical to target Koala gene
1742                                             Koala Gene-order conservation score
1743                                           Koala Whole-genome alignment coverage
1744                                      Koala orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1745                                                          Lamprey gene stable ID
1746                                                               Lamprey gene name
1747                                         Lamprey protein or transcript stable ID
1748                                                Lamprey chromosome/scaffold name
1749                                          Lamprey chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1750                                            Lamprey chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1751                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1752                                               Last common ancestor with Lamprey
1753                                                           Lamprey homology type
1754                                %id. target Lamprey gene identical to query gene
1755                                %id. query gene identical to target Lamprey gene
1756                                         Lamprey Whole-genome alignment coverage
1757                                    Lamprey orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1758                                             Large yellow croaker gene stable ID
1759                                                  Large yellow croaker gene name
1760                            Large yellow croaker protein or transcript stable ID
1761                                   Large yellow croaker chromosome/scaffold name
1762                             Large yellow croaker chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1763                               Large yellow croaker chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1764                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1765                                  Last common ancestor with Large yellow croaker
1766                                              Large yellow croaker homology type
1767                   %id. target Large yellow croaker gene identical to query gene
1768                   %id. query gene identical to target Large yellow croaker gene
1769                              Large yellow croaker Gene-order conservation score
1770                            Large yellow croaker Whole-genome alignment coverage
1771                       Large yellow croaker orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1772                                               Leishan spiny toad gene stable ID
1773                                                    Leishan spiny toad gene name
1774                              Leishan spiny toad protein or transcript stable ID
1775                                     Leishan spiny toad chromosome/scaffold name
1776                               Leishan spiny toad chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1777                                 Leishan spiny toad chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1778                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1779                                    Last common ancestor with Leishan spiny toad
1780                                                Leishan spiny toad homology type
1781                     %id. target Leishan spiny toad gene identical to query gene
1782                     %id. query gene identical to target Leishan spiny toad gene
1783                                Leishan spiny toad Gene-order conservation score
1784                              Leishan spiny toad Whole-genome alignment coverage
1785                         Leishan spiny toad orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1786                                                          Leopard gene stable ID
1787                                                               Leopard gene name
1788                                         Leopard protein or transcript stable ID
1789                                                Leopard chromosome/scaffold name
1790                                          Leopard chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1791                                            Leopard chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1792                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1793                                               Last common ancestor with Leopard
1794                                                           Leopard homology type
1795                                %id. target Leopard gene identical to query gene
1796                                %id. query gene identical to target Leopard gene
1797                                           Leopard Gene-order conservation score
1798                                         Leopard Whole-genome alignment coverage
1799                                    Leopard orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1800                                           Lesser Egyptian jerboa gene stable ID
1801                                                Lesser Egyptian jerboa gene name
1802                          Lesser Egyptian jerboa protein or transcript stable ID
1803                                 Lesser Egyptian jerboa chromosome/scaffold name
1804                           Lesser Egyptian jerboa chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1805                             Lesser Egyptian jerboa chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1806                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1807                                Last common ancestor with Lesser Egyptian jerboa
1808                                            Lesser Egyptian jerboa homology type
1809                 %id. target Lesser Egyptian jerboa gene identical to query gene
1810                 %id. query gene identical to target Lesser Egyptian jerboa gene
1811                            Lesser Egyptian jerboa Gene-order conservation score
1812                          Lesser Egyptian jerboa Whole-genome alignment coverage
1813                     Lesser Egyptian jerboa orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1814                                           Lesser hedgehog tenrec gene stable ID
1815                                                Lesser hedgehog tenrec gene name
1816                          Lesser hedgehog tenrec protein or transcript stable ID
1817                                 Lesser hedgehog tenrec chromosome/scaffold name
1818                           Lesser hedgehog tenrec chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1819                             Lesser hedgehog tenrec chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1820                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1821                                Last common ancestor with Lesser hedgehog tenrec
1822                                            Lesser hedgehog tenrec homology type
1823                 %id. target Lesser hedgehog tenrec gene identical to query gene
1824                 %id. query gene identical to target Lesser hedgehog tenrec gene
1825                            Lesser hedgehog tenrec Gene-order conservation score
1826                          Lesser hedgehog tenrec Whole-genome alignment coverage
1827                     Lesser hedgehog tenrec orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1828                                                             Lion gene stable ID
1829                                                                  Lion gene name
1830                                            Lion protein or transcript stable ID
1831                                                   Lion chromosome/scaffold name
1832                                             Lion chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1833                                               Lion chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1834                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1835                                                  Last common ancestor with Lion
1836                                                              Lion homology type
1837                                   %id. target Lion gene identical to query gene
1838                                   %id. query gene identical to target Lion gene
1839                                              Lion Gene-order conservation score
1840                                            Lion Whole-genome alignment coverage
1841                                       Lion orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1842                                           Long-tailed chinchilla gene stable ID
1843                                                Long-tailed chinchilla gene name
1844                          Long-tailed chinchilla protein or transcript stable ID
1845                                 Long-tailed chinchilla chromosome/scaffold name
1846                           Long-tailed chinchilla chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1847                             Long-tailed chinchilla chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1848                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1849                                Last common ancestor with Long-tailed chinchilla
1850                                            Long-tailed chinchilla homology type
1851                 %id. target Long-tailed chinchilla gene identical to query gene
1852                 %id. query gene identical to target Long-tailed chinchilla gene
1853                            Long-tailed chinchilla Gene-order conservation score
1854                          Long-tailed chinchilla Whole-genome alignment coverage
1855                     Long-tailed chinchilla orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1856                                                         Lumpfish gene stable ID
1857                                                              Lumpfish gene name
1858                                        Lumpfish protein or transcript stable ID
1859                                               Lumpfish chromosome/scaffold name
1860                                         Lumpfish chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1861                                           Lumpfish chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1862                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1863                                              Last common ancestor with Lumpfish
1864                                                          Lumpfish homology type
1865                               %id. target Lumpfish gene identical to query gene
1866                               %id. query gene identical to target Lumpfish gene
1867                                          Lumpfish Gene-order conservation score
1868                                        Lumpfish Whole-genome alignment coverage
1869                                   Lumpfish orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1870                                                 Lyretail cichlid gene stable ID
1871                                                      Lyretail cichlid gene name
1872                                Lyretail cichlid protein or transcript stable ID
1873                                       Lyretail cichlid chromosome/scaffold name
1874                                 Lyretail cichlid chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1875                                   Lyretail cichlid chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1876                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1877                                      Last common ancestor with Lyretail cichlid
1878                                                  Lyretail cichlid homology type
1879                       %id. target Lyretail cichlid gene identical to query gene
1880                       %id. query gene identical to target Lyretail cichlid gene
1881                                  Lyretail cichlid Gene-order conservation score
1882                                Lyretail cichlid Whole-genome alignment coverage
1883                           Lyretail cichlid orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1884                                                Ma's night monkey gene stable ID
1885                                                     Ma's night monkey gene name
1886                               Ma's night monkey protein or transcript stable ID
1887                                      Ma's night monkey chromosome/scaffold name
1888                                Ma's night monkey chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1889                                  Ma's night monkey chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1890                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1891                                     Last common ancestor with Ma's night monkey
1892                                                 Ma's night monkey homology type
1893                      %id. target Ma's night monkey gene identical to query gene
1894                      %id. query gene identical to target Ma's night monkey gene
1895                                 Ma's night monkey Gene-order conservation score
1896                               Ma's night monkey Whole-genome alignment coverage
1897                          Ma's night monkey orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1898                                                          Macaque gene stable ID
1899                                                               Macaque gene name
1900                                         Macaque protein or transcript stable ID
1901                                                Macaque chromosome/scaffold name
1902                                          Macaque chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1903                                            Macaque chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1904                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1905                                               Last common ancestor with Macaque
1906                                                           Macaque homology type
1907                                %id. target Macaque gene identical to query gene
1908                                %id. query gene identical to target Macaque gene
1909                                           Macaque Gene-order conservation score
1910                                         Macaque Whole-genome alignment coverage
1911                                    Macaque orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1912                                             Mainland tiger snake gene stable ID
1913                                                  Mainland tiger snake gene name
1914                            Mainland tiger snake protein or transcript stable ID
1915                                   Mainland tiger snake chromosome/scaffold name
1916                             Mainland tiger snake chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1917                               Mainland tiger snake chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1918                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1919                                  Last common ancestor with Mainland tiger snake
1920                                              Mainland tiger snake homology type
1921                   %id. target Mainland tiger snake gene identical to query gene
1922                   %id. query gene identical to target Mainland tiger snake gene
1923                              Mainland tiger snake Gene-order conservation score
1924                            Mainland tiger snake Whole-genome alignment coverage
1925                       Mainland tiger snake orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1926                                            Makobe Island cichlid gene stable ID
1927                                                 Makobe Island cichlid gene name
1928                           Makobe Island cichlid protein or transcript stable ID
1929                                  Makobe Island cichlid chromosome/scaffold name
1930                            Makobe Island cichlid chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1931                              Makobe Island cichlid chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1932                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1933                                 Last common ancestor with Makobe Island cichlid
1934                                             Makobe Island cichlid homology type
1935                  %id. target Makobe Island cichlid gene identical to query gene
1936                  %id. query gene identical to target Makobe Island cichlid gene
1937                             Makobe Island cichlid Gene-order conservation score
1938                           Makobe Island cichlid Whole-genome alignment coverage
1939                      Makobe Island cichlid orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1940                                                 Mangrove rivulus gene stable ID
1941                                                      Mangrove rivulus gene name
1942                                Mangrove rivulus protein or transcript stable ID
1943                                       Mangrove rivulus chromosome/scaffold name
1944                                 Mangrove rivulus chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1945                                   Mangrove rivulus chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1946                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1947                                      Last common ancestor with Mangrove rivulus
1948                                                  Mangrove rivulus homology type
1949                       %id. target Mangrove rivulus gene identical to query gene
1950                       %id. query gene identical to target Mangrove rivulus gene
1951                                  Mangrove rivulus Gene-order conservation score
1952                                Mangrove rivulus Whole-genome alignment coverage
1953                           Mangrove rivulus orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1954                                              Medium ground-finch gene stable ID
1955                                                   Medium ground-finch gene name
1956                             Medium ground-finch protein or transcript stable ID
1957                                    Medium ground-finch chromosome/scaffold name
1958                              Medium ground-finch chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1959                                Medium ground-finch chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1960                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1961                                   Last common ancestor with Medium ground-finch
1962                                               Medium ground-finch homology type
1963                    %id. target Medium ground-finch gene identical to query gene
1964                    %id. query gene identical to target Medium ground-finch gene
1965                               Medium ground-finch Gene-order conservation score
1966                             Medium ground-finch Whole-genome alignment coverage
1967                        Medium ground-finch orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1968                                                          Megabat gene stable ID
1969                                                               Megabat gene name
1970                                         Megabat protein or transcript stable ID
1971                                                Megabat chromosome/scaffold name
1972                                          Megabat chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1973                                            Megabat chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1974                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1975                                               Last common ancestor with Megabat
1976                                                           Megabat homology type
1977                                %id. target Megabat gene identical to query gene
1978                                %id. query gene identical to target Megabat gene
1979                                           Megabat Gene-order conservation score
1980                                         Megabat Whole-genome alignment coverage
1981                                    Megabat orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1982                                                    Mexican tetra gene stable ID
1983                                                         Mexican tetra gene name
1984                                   Mexican tetra protein or transcript stable ID
1985                                          Mexican tetra chromosome/scaffold name
1986                                    Mexican tetra chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
1987                                      Mexican tetra chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
1988                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
1989                                         Last common ancestor with Mexican tetra
1990                                                     Mexican tetra homology type
1991                          %id. target Mexican tetra gene identical to query gene
1992                          %id. query gene identical to target Mexican tetra gene
1993                                     Mexican tetra Gene-order conservation score
1994                                   Mexican tetra Whole-genome alignment coverage
1995                              Mexican tetra orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
1996                                                         Microbat gene stable ID
1997                                                              Microbat gene name
1998                                        Microbat protein or transcript stable ID
1999                                               Microbat chromosome/scaffold name
2000                                         Microbat chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2001                                           Microbat chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2002                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2003                                              Last common ancestor with Microbat
2004                                                          Microbat homology type
2005                               %id. target Microbat gene identical to query gene
2006                               %id. query gene identical to target Microbat gene
2007                                          Microbat Gene-order conservation score
2008                                        Microbat Whole-genome alignment coverage
2009                                   Microbat orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2010                                                    Midas cichlid gene stable ID
2011                                                         Midas cichlid gene name
2012                                   Midas cichlid protein or transcript stable ID
2013                                          Midas cichlid chromosome/scaffold name
2014                                    Midas cichlid chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2015                                      Midas cichlid chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2016                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2017                                         Last common ancestor with Midas cichlid
2018                                                     Midas cichlid homology type
2019                          %id. target Midas cichlid gene identical to query gene
2020                          %id. query gene identical to target Midas cichlid gene
2021                                     Midas cichlid Gene-order conservation score
2022                                   Midas cichlid Whole-genome alignment coverage
2023                              Midas cichlid orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2024                                                            Mouse gene stable ID
2025                                                                 Mouse gene name
2026                                           Mouse protein or transcript stable ID
2027                                                  Mouse chromosome/scaffold name
2028                                            Mouse chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2029                                              Mouse chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2030                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2031                                                 Last common ancestor with Mouse
2032                                                             Mouse homology type
2033                                  %id. target Mouse gene identical to query gene
2034                                  %id. query gene identical to target Mouse gene
2035                                             Mouse Gene-order conservation score
2036                                           Mouse Whole-genome alignment coverage
2037                                      Mouse orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2038                                                      Mouse Lemur gene stable ID
2039                                                           Mouse Lemur gene name
2040                                     Mouse Lemur protein or transcript stable ID
2041                                            Mouse Lemur chromosome/scaffold name
2042                                      Mouse Lemur chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2043                                        Mouse Lemur chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2044                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2045                                           Last common ancestor with Mouse Lemur
2046                                                       Mouse Lemur homology type
2047                            %id. target Mouse Lemur gene identical to query gene
2048                            %id. query gene identical to target Mouse Lemur gene
2049                                       Mouse Lemur Gene-order conservation score
2050                                     Mouse Lemur Whole-genome alignment coverage
2051                                Mouse Lemur orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2052                                                        Mummichog gene stable ID
2053                                                             Mummichog gene name
2054                                       Mummichog protein or transcript stable ID
2055                                              Mummichog chromosome/scaffold name
2056                                        Mummichog chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2057                                          Mummichog chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2058                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2059                                             Last common ancestor with Mummichog
2060                                                         Mummichog homology type
2061                              %id. target Mummichog gene identical to query gene
2062                              %id. query gene identical to target Mummichog gene
2063                                         Mummichog Gene-order conservation score
2064                                       Mummichog Whole-genome alignment coverage
2065                                  Mummichog orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2066                                            Naked mole-rat female gene stable ID
2067                                                 Naked mole-rat female gene name
2068                           Naked mole-rat female protein or transcript stable ID
2069                                  Naked mole-rat female chromosome/scaffold name
2070                            Naked mole-rat female chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2071                              Naked mole-rat female chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2072                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2073                                 Last common ancestor with Naked mole-rat female
2074                                             Naked mole-rat female homology type
2075                  %id. target Naked mole-rat female gene identical to query gene
2076                  %id. query gene identical to target Naked mole-rat female gene
2077                             Naked mole-rat female Gene-order conservation score
2078                           Naked mole-rat female Whole-genome alignment coverage
2079                      Naked mole-rat female orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2080                                                          Narwhal gene stable ID
2081                                                               Narwhal gene name
2082                                         Narwhal protein or transcript stable ID
2083                                                Narwhal chromosome/scaffold name
2084                                          Narwhal chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2085                                            Narwhal chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2086                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2087                                               Last common ancestor with Narwhal
2088                                                           Narwhal homology type
2089                                %id. target Narwhal gene identical to query gene
2090                                %id. query gene identical to target Narwhal gene
2091                                           Narwhal Gene-order conservation score
2092                                         Narwhal Whole-genome alignment coverage
2093                                    Narwhal orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2094                                                     Nile tilapia gene stable ID
2095                                                          Nile tilapia gene name
2096                                    Nile tilapia protein or transcript stable ID
2097                                           Nile tilapia chromosome/scaffold name
2098                                     Nile tilapia chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2099                                       Nile tilapia chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2100                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2101                                          Last common ancestor with Nile tilapia
2102                                                      Nile tilapia homology type
2103                           %id. target Nile tilapia gene identical to query gene
2104                           %id. query gene identical to target Nile tilapia gene
2105                                      Nile tilapia Gene-order conservation score
2106                                    Nile tilapia Whole-genome alignment coverage
2107                               Nile tilapia orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2108                                     Northern American deer mouse gene stable ID
2109                                          Northern American deer mouse gene name
2110                    Northern American deer mouse protein or transcript stable ID
2111                           Northern American deer mouse chromosome/scaffold name
2112                     Northern American deer mouse chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2113                       Northern American deer mouse chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2114                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2115                          Last common ancestor with Northern American deer mouse
2116                                      Northern American deer mouse homology type
2117           %id. target Northern American deer mouse gene identical to query gene
2118           %id. query gene identical to target Northern American deer mouse gene
2119                      Northern American deer mouse Gene-order conservation score
2120                    Northern American deer mouse Whole-genome alignment coverage
2121               Northern American deer mouse orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2122                                                    Northern pike gene stable ID
2123                                                         Northern pike gene name
2124                                   Northern pike protein or transcript stable ID
2125                                          Northern pike chromosome/scaffold name
2126                                    Northern pike chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2127                                      Northern pike chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2128                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2129                                         Last common ancestor with Northern pike
2130                                                     Northern pike homology type
2131                          %id. target Northern pike gene identical to query gene
2132                          %id. query gene identical to target Northern pike gene
2133                                     Northern pike Gene-order conservation score
2134                                   Northern pike Whole-genome alignment coverage
2135                              Northern pike orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2136                                                     Olive baboon gene stable ID
2137                                                          Olive baboon gene name
2138                                    Olive baboon protein or transcript stable ID
2139                                           Olive baboon chromosome/scaffold name
2140                                     Olive baboon chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2141                                       Olive baboon chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2142                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2143                                          Last common ancestor with Olive baboon
2144                                                      Olive baboon homology type
2145                           %id. target Olive baboon gene identical to query gene
2146                           %id. query gene identical to target Olive baboon gene
2147                                      Olive baboon Gene-order conservation score
2148                                    Olive baboon Whole-genome alignment coverage
2149                               Olive baboon orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2150                                                          Opossum gene stable ID
2151                                                               Opossum gene name
2152                                         Opossum protein or transcript stable ID
2153                                                Opossum chromosome/scaffold name
2154                                          Opossum chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2155                                            Opossum chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2156                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2157                                               Last common ancestor with Opossum
2158                                                           Opossum homology type
2159                                %id. target Opossum gene identical to query gene
2160                                %id. query gene identical to target Opossum gene
2161                                           Opossum Gene-order conservation score
2162                                         Opossum Whole-genome alignment coverage
2163                                    Opossum orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2164                                                 Orange clownfish gene stable ID
2165                                                      Orange clownfish gene name
2166                                Orange clownfish protein or transcript stable ID
2167                                       Orange clownfish chromosome/scaffold name
2168                                 Orange clownfish chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2169                                   Orange clownfish chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2170                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2171                                      Last common ancestor with Orange clownfish
2172                                                  Orange clownfish homology type
2173                       %id. target Orange clownfish gene identical to query gene
2174                       %id. query gene identical to target Orange clownfish gene
2175                                  Orange clownfish Gene-order conservation score
2176                                Orange clownfish Whole-genome alignment coverage
2177                           Orange clownfish orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2178                                                   Painted turtle gene stable ID
2179                                                        Painted turtle gene name
2180                                  Painted turtle protein or transcript stable ID
2181                                         Painted turtle chromosome/scaffold name
2182                                   Painted turtle chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2183                                     Painted turtle chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2184                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2185                                        Last common ancestor with Painted turtle
2186                                                    Painted turtle homology type
2187                         %id. target Painted turtle gene identical to query gene
2188                         %id. query gene identical to target Painted turtle gene
2189                                    Painted turtle Gene-order conservation score
2190                                  Painted turtle Whole-genome alignment coverage
2191                             Painted turtle orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2192                                         Paramormyrops kingsleyae gene stable ID
2193                                              Paramormyrops kingsleyae gene name
2194                        Paramormyrops kingsleyae protein or transcript stable ID
2195                               Paramormyrops kingsleyae chromosome/scaffold name
2196                         Paramormyrops kingsleyae chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2197                           Paramormyrops kingsleyae chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2198                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2199                              Last common ancestor with Paramormyrops kingsleyae
2200                                          Paramormyrops kingsleyae homology type
2201               %id. target Paramormyrops kingsleyae gene identical to query gene
2202               %id. query gene identical to target Paramormyrops kingsleyae gene
2203                          Paramormyrops kingsleyae Gene-order conservation score
2204                        Paramormyrops kingsleyae Whole-genome alignment coverage
2205                   Paramormyrops kingsleyae orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2206                                                              Pig gene stable ID
2207                                                                   Pig gene name
2208                                             Pig protein or transcript stable ID
2209                                                    Pig chromosome/scaffold name
2210                                              Pig chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2211                                                Pig chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2212                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2213                                                   Last common ancestor with Pig
2214                                                               Pig homology type
2215                                    %id. target Pig gene identical to query gene
2216                                    %id. query gene identical to target Pig gene
2217                                               Pig Gene-order conservation score
2218                                             Pig Whole-genome alignment coverage
2219                                        Pig orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2220                                               Pig-tailed macaque gene stable ID
2221                                                    Pig-tailed macaque gene name
2222                              Pig-tailed macaque protein or transcript stable ID
2223                                     Pig-tailed macaque chromosome/scaffold name
2224                               Pig-tailed macaque chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2225                                 Pig-tailed macaque chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2226                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2227                                    Last common ancestor with Pig-tailed macaque
2228                                                Pig-tailed macaque homology type
2229                     %id. target Pig-tailed macaque gene identical to query gene
2230                     %id. query gene identical to target Pig-tailed macaque gene
2231                                Pig-tailed macaque Gene-order conservation score
2232                              Pig-tailed macaque Whole-genome alignment coverage
2233                         Pig-tailed macaque orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2234                                                             Pika gene stable ID
2235                                                                  Pika gene name
2236                                            Pika protein or transcript stable ID
2237                                                   Pika chromosome/scaffold name
2238                                             Pika chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2239                                               Pika chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2240                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2241                                                  Last common ancestor with Pika
2242                                                              Pika homology type
2243                                   %id. target Pika gene identical to query gene
2244                                   %id. query gene identical to target Pika gene
2245                                              Pika Gene-order conservation score
2246                                            Pika Whole-genome alignment coverage
2247                                       Pika orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2248                                                       Pike-perch gene stable ID
2249                                                            Pike-perch gene name
2250                                      Pike-perch protein or transcript stable ID
2251                                             Pike-perch chromosome/scaffold name
2252                                       Pike-perch chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2253                                         Pike-perch chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2254                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2255                                            Last common ancestor with Pike-perch
2256                                                        Pike-perch homology type
2257                             %id. target Pike-perch gene identical to query gene
2258                             %id. query gene identical to target Pike-perch gene
2259                                        Pike-perch Gene-order conservation score
2260                                      Pike-perch Whole-genome alignment coverage
2261                                 Pike-perch orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2262                                             Pinecone soldierfish gene stable ID
2263                                                  Pinecone soldierfish gene name
2264                            Pinecone soldierfish protein or transcript stable ID
2265                                   Pinecone soldierfish chromosome/scaffold name
2266                             Pinecone soldierfish chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2267                               Pinecone soldierfish chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2268                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2269                                  Last common ancestor with Pinecone soldierfish
2270                                              Pinecone soldierfish homology type
2271                   %id. target Pinecone soldierfish gene identical to query gene
2272                   %id. query gene identical to target Pinecone soldierfish gene
2273                              Pinecone soldierfish Gene-order conservation score
2274                            Pinecone soldierfish Whole-genome alignment coverage
2275                       Pinecone soldierfish orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2276                                                Pink-footed goose gene stable ID
2277                                                     Pink-footed goose gene name
2278                               Pink-footed goose protein or transcript stable ID
2279                                      Pink-footed goose chromosome/scaffold name
2280                                Pink-footed goose chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2281                                  Pink-footed goose chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2282                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2283                                     Last common ancestor with Pink-footed goose
2284                                                 Pink-footed goose homology type
2285                      %id. target Pink-footed goose gene identical to query gene
2286                      %id. query gene identical to target Pink-footed goose gene
2287                                 Pink-footed goose Gene-order conservation score
2288                               Pink-footed goose Whole-genome alignment coverage
2289                          Pink-footed goose orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2290                                                        Platyfish gene stable ID
2291                                                             Platyfish gene name
2292                                       Platyfish protein or transcript stable ID
2293                                              Platyfish chromosome/scaffold name
2294                                        Platyfish chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2295                                          Platyfish chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2296                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2297                                             Last common ancestor with Platyfish
2298                                                         Platyfish homology type
2299                              %id. target Platyfish gene identical to query gene
2300                              %id. query gene identical to target Platyfish gene
2301                                         Platyfish Gene-order conservation score
2302                                       Platyfish Whole-genome alignment coverage
2303                                  Platyfish orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2304                                                         Platypus gene stable ID
2305                                                              Platypus gene name
2306                                        Platypus protein or transcript stable ID
2307                                               Platypus chromosome/scaffold name
2308                                         Platypus chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2309                                           Platypus chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2310                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2311                                              Last common ancestor with Platypus
2312                                                          Platypus homology type
2313                               %id. target Platypus gene identical to query gene
2314                               %id. query gene identical to target Platypus gene
2315                                          Platypus Gene-order conservation score
2316                                        Platypus Whole-genome alignment coverage
2317                                   Platypus orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2318                                                       Polar bear gene stable ID
2319                                                            Polar bear gene name
2320                                      Polar bear protein or transcript stable ID
2321                                             Polar bear chromosome/scaffold name
2322                                       Polar bear chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2323                                         Polar bear chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2324                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2325                                            Last common ancestor with Polar bear
2326                                                        Polar bear homology type
2327                             %id. target Polar bear gene identical to query gene
2328                             %id. query gene identical to target Polar bear gene
2329                                        Polar bear Gene-order conservation score
2330                                      Polar bear Whole-genome alignment coverage
2331                                 Polar bear orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2332                                                     Prairie vole gene stable ID
2333                                                          Prairie vole gene name
2334                                    Prairie vole protein or transcript stable ID
2335                                           Prairie vole chromosome/scaffold name
2336                                     Prairie vole chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2337                                       Prairie vole chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2338                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2339                                          Last common ancestor with Prairie vole
2340                                                      Prairie vole homology type
2341                           %id. target Prairie vole gene identical to query gene
2342                           %id. query gene identical to target Prairie vole gene
2343                                      Prairie vole Gene-order conservation score
2344                                    Prairie vole Whole-genome alignment coverage
2345                               Prairie vole orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2346                                                           Rabbit gene stable ID
2347                                                                Rabbit gene name
2348                                          Rabbit protein or transcript stable ID
2349                                                 Rabbit chromosome/scaffold name
2350                                           Rabbit chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2351                                             Rabbit chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2352                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2353                                                Last common ancestor with Rabbit
2354                                                            Rabbit homology type
2355                                 %id. target Rabbit gene identical to query gene
2356                                 %id. query gene identical to target Rabbit gene
2357                                            Rabbit Gene-order conservation score
2358                                          Rabbit Whole-genome alignment coverage
2359                                     Rabbit orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2360                                                    Rainbow trout gene stable ID
2361                                                         Rainbow trout gene name
2362                                   Rainbow trout protein or transcript stable ID
2363                                          Rainbow trout chromosome/scaffold name
2364                                    Rainbow trout chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2365                                      Rainbow trout chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2366                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2367                                         Last common ancestor with Rainbow trout
2368                                                     Rainbow trout homology type
2369                          %id. target Rainbow trout gene identical to query gene
2370                          %id. query gene identical to target Rainbow trout gene
2371                                     Rainbow trout Gene-order conservation score
2372                              Rainbow trout orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2373                                                              Rat gene stable ID
2374                                                                   Rat gene name
2375                                             Rat protein or transcript stable ID
2376                                                    Rat chromosome/scaffold name
2377                                              Rat chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2378                                                Rat chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2379                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2380                                                   Last common ancestor with Rat
2381                                                               Rat homology type
2382                                    %id. target Rat gene identical to query gene
2383                                    %id. query gene identical to target Rat gene
2384                                               Rat Gene-order conservation score
2385                                             Rat Whole-genome alignment coverage
2386                                        Rat orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2387                                                          Red fox gene stable ID
2388                                                               Red fox gene name
2389                                         Red fox protein or transcript stable ID
2390                                                Red fox chromosome/scaffold name
2391                                          Red fox chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2392                                            Red fox chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2393                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2394                                               Last common ancestor with Red fox
2395                                                           Red fox homology type
2396                                %id. target Red fox gene identical to query gene
2397                                %id. query gene identical to target Red fox gene
2398                                           Red fox Gene-order conservation score
2399                                         Red fox Whole-genome alignment coverage
2400                                    Red fox orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2401                                              Red-bellied piranha gene stable ID
2402                                                   Red-bellied piranha gene name
2403                             Red-bellied piranha protein or transcript stable ID
2404                                    Red-bellied piranha chromosome/scaffold name
2405                              Red-bellied piranha chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2406                                Red-bellied piranha chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2407                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2408                                   Last common ancestor with Red-bellied piranha
2409                                               Red-bellied piranha homology type
2410                    %id. target Red-bellied piranha gene identical to query gene
2411                    %id. query gene identical to target Red-bellied piranha gene
2412                               Red-bellied piranha Gene-order conservation score
2413                             Red-bellied piranha Whole-genome alignment coverage
2414                        Red-bellied piranha orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2415                                                         Reedfish gene stable ID
2416                                                              Reedfish gene name
2417                                        Reedfish protein or transcript stable ID
2418                                               Reedfish chromosome/scaffold name
2419                                         Reedfish chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2420                                           Reedfish chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2421                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2422                                              Last common ancestor with Reedfish
2423                                                          Reedfish homology type
2424                               %id. target Reedfish gene identical to query gene
2425                               %id. query gene identical to target Reedfish gene
2426                                          Reedfish Gene-order conservation score
2427                                        Reedfish Whole-genome alignment coverage
2428                                   Reedfish orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2429                                                     Ryukyu mouse gene stable ID
2430                                                          Ryukyu mouse gene name
2431                                    Ryukyu mouse protein or transcript stable ID
2432                                           Ryukyu mouse chromosome/scaffold name
2433                                     Ryukyu mouse chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2434                                       Ryukyu mouse chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2435                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2436                                          Last common ancestor with Ryukyu mouse
2437                                                      Ryukyu mouse homology type
2438                           %id. target Ryukyu mouse gene identical to query gene
2439                           %id. query gene identical to target Ryukyu mouse gene
2440                                      Ryukyu mouse Gene-order conservation score
2441                                    Ryukyu mouse Whole-genome alignment coverage
2442                               Ryukyu mouse orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2443                                         Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene stable ID
2444                                              Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene name
2445                        Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein or transcript stable ID
2446                               Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome/scaffold name
2447                         Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2448                           Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2449                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2450                              Last common ancestor with Saccharomyces cerevisiae
2451                                          Saccharomyces cerevisiae homology type
2452               %id. target Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene identical to query gene
2453               %id. query gene identical to target Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene
2454                   Saccharomyces cerevisiae orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2455                                                    Sailfin molly gene stable ID
2456                                                         Sailfin molly gene name
2457                                   Sailfin molly protein or transcript stable ID
2458                                          Sailfin molly chromosome/scaffold name
2459                                    Sailfin molly chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2460                                      Sailfin molly chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2461                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2462                                         Last common ancestor with Sailfin molly
2463                                                     Sailfin molly homology type
2464                          %id. target Sailfin molly gene identical to query gene
2465                          %id. query gene identical to target Sailfin molly gene
2466                                     Sailfin molly Gene-order conservation score
2467                                   Sailfin molly Whole-genome alignment coverage
2468                              Sailfin molly orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2469                                                            Sheep gene stable ID
2470                                                                 Sheep gene name
2471                                           Sheep protein or transcript stable ID
2472                                                  Sheep chromosome/scaffold name
2473                                            Sheep chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2474                                              Sheep chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2475                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2476                                                 Last common ancestor with Sheep
2477                                                             Sheep homology type
2478                                  %id. target Sheep gene identical to query gene
2479                                  %id. query gene identical to target Sheep gene
2480                                             Sheep Gene-order conservation score
2481                                           Sheep Whole-genome alignment coverage
2482                                      Sheep orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2483                                                Sheepshead minnow gene stable ID
2484                                                     Sheepshead minnow gene name
2485                               Sheepshead minnow protein or transcript stable ID
2486                                      Sheepshead minnow chromosome/scaffold name
2487                                Sheepshead minnow chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2488                                  Sheepshead minnow chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2489                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2490                                     Last common ancestor with Sheepshead minnow
2491                                                 Sheepshead minnow homology type
2492                      %id. target Sheepshead minnow gene identical to query gene
2493                      %id. query gene identical to target Sheepshead minnow gene
2494                                 Sheepshead minnow Gene-order conservation score
2495                               Sheepshead minnow Whole-genome alignment coverage
2496                          Sheepshead minnow orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2497                                                            Shrew gene stable ID
2498                                                                 Shrew gene name
2499                                           Shrew protein or transcript stable ID
2500                                                  Shrew chromosome/scaffold name
2501                                            Shrew chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2502                                              Shrew chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2503                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2504                                                 Last common ancestor with Shrew
2505                                                             Shrew homology type
2506                                  %id. target Shrew gene identical to query gene
2507                                  %id. query gene identical to target Shrew gene
2508                                             Shrew Gene-order conservation score
2509                                           Shrew Whole-genome alignment coverage
2510                                      Shrew orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2511                                                      Shrew mouse gene stable ID
2512                                                           Shrew mouse gene name
2513                                     Shrew mouse protein or transcript stable ID
2514                                            Shrew mouse chromosome/scaffold name
2515                                      Shrew mouse chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2516                                        Shrew mouse chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2517                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2518                                           Last common ancestor with Shrew mouse
2519                                                       Shrew mouse homology type
2520                            %id. target Shrew mouse gene identical to query gene
2521                            %id. query gene identical to target Shrew mouse gene
2522                                       Shrew mouse Gene-order conservation score
2523                                     Shrew mouse Whole-genome alignment coverage
2524                                Shrew mouse orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2525                                            Siamese fighting fish gene stable ID
2526                                                 Siamese fighting fish gene name
2527                           Siamese fighting fish protein or transcript stable ID
2528                                  Siamese fighting fish chromosome/scaffold name
2529                            Siamese fighting fish chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2530                              Siamese fighting fish chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2531                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2532                                 Last common ancestor with Siamese fighting fish
2533                                             Siamese fighting fish homology type
2534                  %id. target Siamese fighting fish gene identical to query gene
2535                  %id. query gene identical to target Siamese fighting fish gene
2536                             Siamese fighting fish Gene-order conservation score
2537                           Siamese fighting fish Whole-genome alignment coverage
2538                      Siamese fighting fish orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2539                                               Siberian musk deer gene stable ID
2540                                                    Siberian musk deer gene name
2541                              Siberian musk deer protein or transcript stable ID
2542                                     Siberian musk deer chromosome/scaffold name
2543                               Siberian musk deer chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2544                                 Siberian musk deer chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2545                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2546                                    Last common ancestor with Siberian musk deer
2547                                                Siberian musk deer homology type
2548                     %id. target Siberian musk deer gene identical to query gene
2549                     %id. query gene identical to target Siberian musk deer gene
2550                                Siberian musk deer Gene-order conservation score
2551                              Siberian musk deer Whole-genome alignment coverage
2552                         Siberian musk deer orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2553                                                            Sloth gene stable ID
2554                                                                 Sloth gene name
2555                                           Sloth protein or transcript stable ID
2556                                                  Sloth chromosome/scaffold name
2557                                            Sloth chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2558                                              Sloth chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2559                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2560                                                 Last common ancestor with Sloth
2561                                                             Sloth homology type
2562                                  %id. target Sloth gene identical to query gene
2563                                  %id. query gene identical to target Sloth gene
2564                                             Sloth Gene-order conservation score
2565                                           Sloth Whole-genome alignment coverage
2566                                      Sloth orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2567                                                   Sooty mangabey gene stable ID
2568                                                        Sooty mangabey gene name
2569                                  Sooty mangabey protein or transcript stable ID
2570                                         Sooty mangabey chromosome/scaffold name
2571                                   Sooty mangabey chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2572                                     Sooty mangabey chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2573                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2574                                        Last common ancestor with Sooty mangabey
2575                                                    Sooty mangabey homology type
2576                         %id. target Sooty mangabey gene identical to query gene
2577                         %id. query gene identical to target Sooty mangabey gene
2578                                    Sooty mangabey Gene-order conservation score
2579                                  Sooty mangabey Whole-genome alignment coverage
2580                             Sooty mangabey orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2581                                                      Sperm whale gene stable ID
2582                                                           Sperm whale gene name
2583                                     Sperm whale protein or transcript stable ID
2584                                            Sperm whale chromosome/scaffold name
2585                                      Sperm whale chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2586                                        Sperm whale chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2587                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2588                                           Last common ancestor with Sperm whale
2589                                                       Sperm whale homology type
2590                            %id. target Sperm whale gene identical to query gene
2591                            %id. query gene identical to target Sperm whale gene
2592                                       Sperm whale Gene-order conservation score
2593                                     Sperm whale Whole-genome alignment coverage
2594                                Sperm whale orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2595                                                    Spiny chromis gene stable ID
2596                                                         Spiny chromis gene name
2597                                   Spiny chromis protein or transcript stable ID
2598                                          Spiny chromis chromosome/scaffold name
2599                                    Spiny chromis chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2600                                      Spiny chromis chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2601                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2602                                         Last common ancestor with Spiny chromis
2603                                                     Spiny chromis homology type
2604                          %id. target Spiny chromis gene identical to query gene
2605                          %id. query gene identical to target Spiny chromis gene
2606                                     Spiny chromis Gene-order conservation score
2607                                   Spiny chromis Whole-genome alignment coverage
2608                              Spiny chromis orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2609                                                      Spotted gar gene stable ID
2610                                                           Spotted gar gene name
2611                                     Spotted gar protein or transcript stable ID
2612                                            Spotted gar chromosome/scaffold name
2613                                      Spotted gar chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2614                                        Spotted gar chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2615                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2616                                           Last common ancestor with Spotted gar
2617                                                       Spotted gar homology type
2618                            %id. target Spotted gar gene identical to query gene
2619                            %id. query gene identical to target Spotted gar gene
2620                                       Spotted gar Gene-order conservation score
2621                                     Spotted gar Whole-genome alignment coverage
2622                                Spotted gar orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2623                                                         Squirrel gene stable ID
2624                                                              Squirrel gene name
2625                                        Squirrel protein or transcript stable ID
2626                                               Squirrel chromosome/scaffold name
2627                                         Squirrel chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2628                                           Squirrel chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2629                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2630                                              Last common ancestor with Squirrel
2631                                                          Squirrel homology type
2632                               %id. target Squirrel gene identical to query gene
2633                               %id. query gene identical to target Squirrel gene
2634                                          Squirrel Gene-order conservation score
2635                                        Squirrel Whole-genome alignment coverage
2636                                   Squirrel orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2637                                                     Steppe mouse gene stable ID
2638                                                          Steppe mouse gene name
2639                                    Steppe mouse protein or transcript stable ID
2640                                           Steppe mouse chromosome/scaffold name
2641                                     Steppe mouse chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2642                                       Steppe mouse chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2643                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2644                                          Last common ancestor with Steppe mouse
2645                                                      Steppe mouse homology type
2646                           %id. target Steppe mouse gene identical to query gene
2647                           %id. query gene identical to target Steppe mouse gene
2648                                      Steppe mouse Gene-order conservation score
2649                                    Steppe mouse Whole-genome alignment coverage
2650                               Steppe mouse orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2651                                                      Stickleback gene stable ID
2652                                                           Stickleback gene name
2653                                     Stickleback protein or transcript stable ID
2654                                            Stickleback chromosome/scaffold name
2655                                      Stickleback chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2656                                        Stickleback chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2657                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2658                                           Last common ancestor with Stickleback
2659                                                       Stickleback homology type
2660                            %id. target Stickleback gene identical to query gene
2661                            %id. query gene identical to target Stickleback gene
2662                                       Stickleback Gene-order conservation score
2663                                     Stickleback Whole-genome alignment coverage
2664                                Stickleback orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2665                                               Sumatran orangutan gene stable ID
2666                                                    Sumatran orangutan gene name
2667                              Sumatran orangutan protein or transcript stable ID
2668                                     Sumatran orangutan chromosome/scaffold name
2669                               Sumatran orangutan chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2670                                 Sumatran orangutan chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2671                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2672                                    Last common ancestor with Sumatran orangutan
2673                                                Sumatran orangutan homology type
2674                     %id. target Sumatran orangutan gene identical to query gene
2675                     %id. query gene identical to target Sumatran orangutan gene
2676                                Sumatran orangutan Gene-order conservation score
2677                              Sumatran orangutan Whole-genome alignment coverage
2678                         Sumatran orangutan orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2679                                                          Tarsier gene stable ID
2680                                                               Tarsier gene name
2681                                         Tarsier protein or transcript stable ID
2682                                                Tarsier chromosome/scaffold name
2683                                          Tarsier chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2684                                            Tarsier chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2685                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2686                                               Last common ancestor with Tarsier
2687                                                           Tarsier homology type
2688                                %id. target Tarsier gene identical to query gene
2689                                %id. query gene identical to target Tarsier gene
2690                                           Tarsier Gene-order conservation score
2691                                         Tarsier Whole-genome alignment coverage
2692                                    Tarsier orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2693                                                  Tasmanian devil gene stable ID
2694                                                       Tasmanian devil gene name
2695                                 Tasmanian devil protein or transcript stable ID
2696                                        Tasmanian devil chromosome/scaffold name
2697                                  Tasmanian devil chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2698                                    Tasmanian devil chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2699                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2700                                       Last common ancestor with Tasmanian devil
2701                                                   Tasmanian devil homology type
2702                        %id. target Tasmanian devil gene identical to query gene
2703                        %id. query gene identical to target Tasmanian devil gene
2704                                   Tasmanian devil Gene-order conservation score
2705                            Tasmanian devil orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2706                                                        Tetraodon gene stable ID
2707                                                             Tetraodon gene name
2708                                       Tetraodon protein or transcript stable ID
2709                                              Tetraodon chromosome/scaffold name
2710                                        Tetraodon chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2711                                          Tetraodon chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2712                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2713                                             Last common ancestor with Tetraodon
2714                                                         Tetraodon homology type
2715                              %id. target Tetraodon gene identical to query gene
2716                              %id. query gene identical to target Tetraodon gene
2717                                         Tetraodon Gene-order conservation score
2718                                       Tetraodon Whole-genome alignment coverage
2719                                  Tetraodon orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2720                                            Three-toed box turtle gene stable ID
2721                                                 Three-toed box turtle gene name
2722                           Three-toed box turtle protein or transcript stable ID
2723                                  Three-toed box turtle chromosome/scaffold name
2724                            Three-toed box turtle chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2725                              Three-toed box turtle chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2726                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2727                                 Last common ancestor with Three-toed box turtle
2728                                             Three-toed box turtle homology type
2729                  %id. target Three-toed box turtle gene identical to query gene
2730                  %id. query gene identical to target Three-toed box turtle gene
2731                             Three-toed box turtle Gene-order conservation score
2732                           Three-toed box turtle Whole-genome alignment coverage
2733                      Three-toed box turtle orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2734                                                            Tiger gene stable ID
2735                                                                 Tiger gene name
2736                                           Tiger protein or transcript stable ID
2737                                                  Tiger chromosome/scaffold name
2738                                            Tiger chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2739                                              Tiger chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2740                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2741                                                 Last common ancestor with Tiger
2742                                                             Tiger homology type
2743                                  %id. target Tiger gene identical to query gene
2744                                  %id. query gene identical to target Tiger gene
2745                                             Tiger Gene-order conservation score
2746                                           Tiger Whole-genome alignment coverage
2747                                      Tiger orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2748                                              Tiger tail seahorse gene stable ID
2749                                                   Tiger tail seahorse gene name
2750                             Tiger tail seahorse protein or transcript stable ID
2751                                    Tiger tail seahorse chromosome/scaffold name
2752                              Tiger tail seahorse chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2753                                Tiger tail seahorse chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2754                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2755                                   Last common ancestor with Tiger tail seahorse
2756                                               Tiger tail seahorse homology type
2757                    %id. target Tiger tail seahorse gene identical to query gene
2758                    %id. query gene identical to target Tiger tail seahorse gene
2759                               Tiger tail seahorse Gene-order conservation score
2760                             Tiger tail seahorse Whole-genome alignment coverage
2761                        Tiger tail seahorse orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2762                                                      Tongue sole gene stable ID
2763                                                           Tongue sole gene name
2764                                     Tongue sole protein or transcript stable ID
2765                                            Tongue sole chromosome/scaffold name
2766                                      Tongue sole chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2767                                        Tongue sole chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2768                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2769                                           Last common ancestor with Tongue sole
2770                                                       Tongue sole homology type
2771                            %id. target Tongue sole gene identical to query gene
2772                            %id. query gene identical to target Tongue sole gene
2773                                       Tongue sole Gene-order conservation score
2774                                     Tongue sole Whole-genome alignment coverage
2775                                Tongue sole orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2776                                                       Tree Shrew gene stable ID
2777                                                            Tree Shrew gene name
2778                                      Tree Shrew protein or transcript stable ID
2779                                             Tree Shrew chromosome/scaffold name
2780                                       Tree Shrew chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2781                                         Tree Shrew chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2782                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2783                                            Last common ancestor with Tree Shrew
2784                                                        Tree Shrew homology type
2785                             %id. target Tree Shrew gene identical to query gene
2786                             %id. query gene identical to target Tree Shrew gene
2787                                        Tree Shrew Gene-order conservation score
2788                                      Tree Shrew Whole-genome alignment coverage
2789                                 Tree Shrew orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2790                                             Tropical clawed frog gene stable ID
2791                                                  Tropical clawed frog gene name
2792                            Tropical clawed frog protein or transcript stable ID
2793                                   Tropical clawed frog chromosome/scaffold name
2794                             Tropical clawed frog chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2795                               Tropical clawed frog chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2796                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2797                                  Last common ancestor with Tropical clawed frog
2798                                              Tropical clawed frog homology type
2799                   %id. target Tropical clawed frog gene identical to query gene
2800                   %id. query gene identical to target Tropical clawed frog gene
2801                              Tropical clawed frog Gene-order conservation score
2802                            Tropical clawed frog Whole-genome alignment coverage
2803                       Tropical clawed frog orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2804                                                          Tuatara gene stable ID
2805                                                               Tuatara gene name
2806                                         Tuatara protein or transcript stable ID
2807                                                Tuatara chromosome/scaffold name
2808                                          Tuatara chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2809                                            Tuatara chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2810                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2811                                               Last common ancestor with Tuatara
2812                                                           Tuatara homology type
2813                                %id. target Tuatara gene identical to query gene
2814                                %id. query gene identical to target Tuatara gene
2815                                           Tuatara Gene-order conservation score
2816                                         Tuatara Whole-genome alignment coverage
2817                                    Tuatara orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2818                                                           Turbot gene stable ID
2819                                                                Turbot gene name
2820                                          Turbot protein or transcript stable ID
2821                                                 Turbot chromosome/scaffold name
2822                                           Turbot chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2823                                             Turbot chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2824                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2825                                                Last common ancestor with Turbot
2826                                                            Turbot homology type
2827                                 %id. target Turbot gene identical to query gene
2828                                 %id. query gene identical to target Turbot gene
2829                                            Turbot Gene-order conservation score
2830                                     Turbot orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2831                                                           Turkey gene stable ID
2832                                                                Turkey gene name
2833                                          Turkey protein or transcript stable ID
2834                                                 Turkey chromosome/scaffold name
2835                                           Turkey chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2836                                             Turkey chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2837                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2838                                                Last common ancestor with Turkey
2839                                                            Turkey homology type
2840                                 %id. target Turkey gene identical to query gene
2841                                 %id. query gene identical to target Turkey gene
2842                                            Turkey Gene-order conservation score
2843                                     Turkey orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2844                                              Turquoise killifish gene stable ID
2845                                                   Turquoise killifish gene name
2846                             Turquoise killifish protein or transcript stable ID
2847                                    Turquoise killifish chromosome/scaffold name
2848                              Turquoise killifish chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2849                                Turquoise killifish chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2850                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2851                                   Last common ancestor with Turquoise killifish
2852                                               Turquoise killifish homology type
2853                    %id. target Turquoise killifish gene identical to query gene
2854                    %id. query gene identical to target Turquoise killifish gene
2855                               Turquoise killifish Gene-order conservation score
2856                             Turquoise killifish Whole-genome alignment coverage
2857                        Turquoise killifish orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2858                           Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat gene stable ID
2859                                Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat gene name
2860          Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat protein or transcript stable ID
2861                 Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat chromosome/scaffold name
2862           Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2863             Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2864                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2865                Last common ancestor with Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat
2866                            Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat homology type
2867 %id. target Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat gene identical to query gene
2868 %id. query gene identical to target Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat gene
2869            Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat Gene-order conservation score
2870          Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat Whole-genome alignment coverage
2871     Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2872                                                          Vaquita gene stable ID
2873                                                               Vaquita gene name
2874                                         Vaquita protein or transcript stable ID
2875                                                Vaquita chromosome/scaffold name
2876                                          Vaquita chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2877                                            Vaquita chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2878                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2879                                               Last common ancestor with Vaquita
2880                                                           Vaquita homology type
2881                                %id. target Vaquita gene identical to query gene
2882                                %id. query gene identical to target Vaquita gene
2883                                           Vaquita Gene-order conservation score
2884                                         Vaquita Whole-genome alignment coverage
2885                                    Vaquita orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2886                                                       Vervet-AGM gene stable ID
2887                                                            Vervet-AGM gene name
2888                                      Vervet-AGM protein or transcript stable ID
2889                                             Vervet-AGM chromosome/scaffold name
2890                                       Vervet-AGM chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2891                                         Vervet-AGM chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2892                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2893                                            Last common ancestor with Vervet-AGM
2894                                                        Vervet-AGM homology type
2895                             %id. target Vervet-AGM gene identical to query gene
2896                             %id. query gene identical to target Vervet-AGM gene
2897                                        Vervet-AGM Gene-order conservation score
2898                                      Vervet-AGM Whole-genome alignment coverage
2899                                 Vervet-AGM orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2900                                                          Wallaby gene stable ID
2901                                                               Wallaby gene name
2902                                         Wallaby protein or transcript stable ID
2903                                                Wallaby chromosome/scaffold name
2904                                          Wallaby chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2905                                            Wallaby chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2906                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2907                                               Last common ancestor with Wallaby
2908                                                           Wallaby homology type
2909                                %id. target Wallaby gene identical to query gene
2910                                %id. query gene identical to target Wallaby gene
2911                                           Wallaby Gene-order conservation score
2912                                         Wallaby Whole-genome alignment coverage
2913                                    Wallaby orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2914                                        White-tufted-ear marmoset gene stable ID
2915                                             White-tufted-ear marmoset gene name
2916                       White-tufted-ear marmoset protein or transcript stable ID
2917                              White-tufted-ear marmoset chromosome/scaffold name
2918                        White-tufted-ear marmoset chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2919                          White-tufted-ear marmoset chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2920                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2921                             Last common ancestor with White-tufted-ear marmoset
2922                                         White-tufted-ear marmoset homology type
2923              %id. target White-tufted-ear marmoset gene identical to query gene
2924              %id. query gene identical to target White-tufted-ear marmoset gene
2925                         White-tufted-ear marmoset Gene-order conservation score
2926                       White-tufted-ear marmoset Whole-genome alignment coverage
2927                  White-tufted-ear marmoset orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2928                                                         Wild yak gene stable ID
2929                                                              Wild yak gene name
2930                                        Wild yak protein or transcript stable ID
2931                                               Wild yak chromosome/scaffold name
2932                                         Wild yak chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2933                                           Wild yak chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2934                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2935                                              Last common ancestor with Wild yak
2936                                                          Wild yak homology type
2937                               %id. target Wild yak gene identical to query gene
2938                               %id. query gene identical to target Wild yak gene
2939                                          Wild yak Gene-order conservation score
2940                                        Wild yak Whole-genome alignment coverage
2941                                   Wild yak orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2942                                                     Yarkand deer gene stable ID
2943                                                          Yarkand deer gene name
2944                                    Yarkand deer protein or transcript stable ID
2945                                           Yarkand deer chromosome/scaffold name
2946                                     Yarkand deer chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2947                                       Yarkand deer chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2948                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2949                                          Last common ancestor with Yarkand deer
2950                                                      Yarkand deer homology type
2951                           %id. target Yarkand deer gene identical to query gene
2952                           %id. query gene identical to target Yarkand deer gene
2953                                      Yarkand deer Gene-order conservation score
2954                                    Yarkand deer Whole-genome alignment coverage
2955                               Yarkand deer orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2956                                             Yellowtail amberjack gene stable ID
2957                                                  Yellowtail amberjack gene name
2958                            Yellowtail amberjack protein or transcript stable ID
2959                                   Yellowtail amberjack chromosome/scaffold name
2960                             Yellowtail amberjack chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2961                               Yellowtail amberjack chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2962                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2963                                  Last common ancestor with Yellowtail amberjack
2964                                              Yellowtail amberjack homology type
2965                   %id. target Yellowtail amberjack gene identical to query gene
2966                   %id. query gene identical to target Yellowtail amberjack gene
2967                              Yellowtail amberjack Gene-order conservation score
2968                            Yellowtail amberjack Whole-genome alignment coverage
2969                       Yellowtail amberjack orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2970                                                      Zebra finch gene stable ID
2971                                                           Zebra finch gene name
2972                                     Zebra finch protein or transcript stable ID
2973                                            Zebra finch chromosome/scaffold name
2974                                      Zebra finch chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2975                                        Zebra finch chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2976                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2977                                           Last common ancestor with Zebra finch
2978                                                       Zebra finch homology type
2979                            %id. target Zebra finch gene identical to query gene
2980                            %id. query gene identical to target Zebra finch gene
2981                                       Zebra finch Gene-order conservation score
2982                                     Zebra finch Whole-genome alignment coverage
2983                                Zebra finch orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2984                                                      Zebra mbuna gene stable ID
2985                                                           Zebra mbuna gene name
2986                                     Zebra mbuna protein or transcript stable ID
2987                                            Zebra mbuna chromosome/scaffold name
2988                                      Zebra mbuna chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
2989                                        Zebra mbuna chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
2990                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
2991                                           Last common ancestor with Zebra mbuna
2992                                                       Zebra mbuna homology type
2993                            %id. target Zebra mbuna gene identical to query gene
2994                            %id. query gene identical to target Zebra mbuna gene
2995                                       Zebra mbuna Gene-order conservation score
2996                                     Zebra mbuna Whole-genome alignment coverage
2997                                Zebra mbuna orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
2998                                                        Zebrafish gene stable ID
2999                                                             Zebrafish gene name
3000                                       Zebrafish protein or transcript stable ID
3001                                              Zebrafish chromosome/scaffold name
3002                                        Zebrafish chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
3003                                          Zebrafish chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
3004                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
3005                                             Last common ancestor with Zebrafish
3006                                                         Zebrafish homology type
3007                              %id. target Zebrafish gene identical to query gene
3008                              %id. query gene identical to target Zebrafish gene
3009                                         Zebrafish Gene-order conservation score
3010                                       Zebrafish Whole-genome alignment coverage
3011                                  Zebrafish orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
3012                                                      Zig-zag eel gene stable ID
3013                                                           Zig-zag eel gene name
3014                                     Zig-zag eel protein or transcript stable ID
3015                                            Zig-zag eel chromosome/scaffold name
3016                                      Zig-zag eel chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
3017                                        Zig-zag eel chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
3018                                                  Query protein or transcript ID
3019                                           Last common ancestor with Zig-zag eel
3020                                                       Zig-zag eel homology type
3021                            %id. target Zig-zag eel gene identical to query gene
3022                            %id. query gene identical to target Zig-zag eel gene
3023                                       Zig-zag eel Gene-order conservation score
3024                                Zig-zag eel orthology confidence [0 low, 1 high]
3025                                                  Human paralogue gene stable ID
3026                                            Human paralogue associated gene name
3027                                        Human paralogue protein or transcript ID
3028                                        Human paralogue chromosome/scaffold name
3029                                  Human paralogue chromosome/scaffold start (bp)
3030                                    Human paralogue chromosome/scaffold end (bp)
3031                                        Paralogue query protein or transcript ID
3032                                       Paralogue last common ancestor with Human
3033                                                   Human paralogue homology type
3034                        Paralogue %id. target Human gene identical to query gene
3035                        Paralogue %id. query gene identical to target Human gene
3036                                                                  Gene stable ID
3037                                                          Gene stable ID version
3038                                                                  Version (gene)
3039                                                            Transcript stable ID
3040                                                    Transcript stable ID version
3041                                                            Version (transcript)
3042                                                               Protein stable ID
3043                                                       Protein stable ID version
3044                                                               Version (protein)
3045                                                        Chromosome/scaffold name
3046                                                                 Gene start (bp)
3047                                                                   Gene end (bp)
3048                                                                          Strand
3049                                                                  Karyotype band
3050                                                                       Gene name
3051                                                             Source of gene name
3052                                                                Transcript count
3053                                                               Gene % GC content
3054                                                                Gene description
3055                                                                    Variant name
3056                                                                  Variant source
3057                                                      Variant source description
3058                                                                 Variant alleles
3059                                                     Variant supporting evidence
3060                                                                       Mapweight
3061                                                                    Minor allele
3062                                                          Minor allele frequency
3063                                                              Minor allele count
3064                                                           Clinical significance
3065                                                        Transcript location (bp)
3066                                                       Variant chromosome Strand
3067                                                           Protein location (aa)
3068                                         chromosome/scaffold position start (bp)
3069                                           Chromosome/scaffold position end (bp)
3070                                                             PolyPhen prediction
3071                                                                  PolyPhen score
3072                                                                 SIFT prediction
3073                                                                      SIFT score
3074                                                          Distance to transcript
3075                                                                       CDS start
3076                                                                         CDS end
3077                                                                  Protein allele
3078                                                             Variant consequence
3079                                                     Consequence specific allele
3080                                                                  Gene stable ID
3081                                                          Gene stable ID version
3082                                                                  Version (gene)
3083                                                            Transcript stable ID
3084                                                    Transcript stable ID version
3085                                                            Version (transcript)
3086                                                               Protein stable ID
3087                                                       Protein stable ID version
3088                                                               Version (protein)
3089                                                        Chromosome/scaffold name
3090                                                                 Gene start (bp)
3091                                                                   Gene end (bp)
3092                                                                          Strand
3093                                                                  Karyotype band
3094                                                                       Gene name
3095                                                             Source of gene name
3096                                                                Transcript count
3097                                                               Gene % GC content
3098                                                                Gene description
3099                                                                    Variant name
3100                                                                  Variant source
3101                                                      Variant source description
3102                                                                 Variant alleles
3103                                                     Variant supporting evidence
3104                                                                       Mapweight
3105                                                        Transcript location (bp)
3106                                              Variant chromosome/scaffold strand
3107                                                           Protein location (aa)
3108                                         Chromosome/scaffold position start (bp)
3109                                           Chromosome/scaffold position end (bp)
3110                                                          Distance to transcript
3111                                                                       CDS start
3112                                                                         CDS end
3113                                                             Variant consequence
3114                                                     Consequence specific allele
3115                                                          Unspliced (Transcript)
3116                                                                Unspliced (Gene)
3117                                                              Flank (Transcript)
3118                                                                    Flank (Gene)
3119                                                Flank-coding region (Transcript)
3120                                                      Flank-coding region (Gene)
3121                                                                          5' UTR
3122                                                                          3' UTR
3123                                                                  Exon sequences
3124                                                                  cDNA sequences
3125                                                                 Coding sequence
3126                                                                         Peptide
3127                                                                  upstream_flank
3128                                                                downstream_flank
3129                                                                  Gene stable ID
3130                                                          Gene stable ID version
3131                                                                Gene description
3132                                                                       Gene name
3133                                                             Source of gene name
3134                                                        Chromosome/scaffold name
3135                                                                 Gene start (bp)
3136                                                                   Gene end (bp)
3137                                                                       Gene type
3138                                                                  Version (gene)
3139                                                                      UniParc ID
3140                                                         UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID
3141                                                             UniProtKB/TrEMBL ID
3142                                                         CDS start (within cDNA)
3143                                                           CDS end (within cDNA)
3144                                                                    5' UTR start
3145                                                                      5' UTR end
3146                                                                    3' UTR start
3147                                                                      3' UTR end
3148                                                            Transcript stable ID
3149                                                    Transcript stable ID version
3150                                                               Protein stable ID
3151                                                       Protein stable ID version
3152                                                                 Transcript type
3153                                                            Version (transcript)
3154                                                               Version (protein)
3155                                                                          Strand
3156                                                           Transcript start (bp)
3157                                                             Transcript end (bp)
3158                                                  Transcription start site (TSS)
3159                                      Transcript length (including UTRs and CDS)
3160                                                                      CDS Length
3161                                                                       CDS start
3162                                                                         CDS end
3163                                                                  Exon stable ID
3164                                                          Exon region start (bp)
3165                                                            Exon region end (bp)
3166                                                                          Strand
3167                                                         Exon rank in transcript
3168                                                                     Start phase
3169                                                                       End phase
3170                                                               cDNA coding start
3171                                                                 cDNA coding end
3172                                                            Genomic coding start
3173                                                              Genomic coding end
3174                                                               Constitutive exon
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3163    sequences
3164    sequences
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Select a small set of globin gene symbols

globinsymbols <- c("HBB","HBA2","HBE","HBF")

Search and send the results to object called myinterpro

myinterpro <-
filters="hgnc_symbol",values=globinsymbols, mart=ensembl)

   interpro    interpro_description
1 IPR000971                  Globin
2 IPR002337  Haemoglobin, beta-type
3 IPR009050 Globin-like superfamily
4 IPR012292      Globin/Protoglobin
6 IPR002338 Haemoglobin, alpha-type
7 IPR002339         Haemoglobin, pi

Find gene symbol in a region of interest

Example. find gene symbol in 100,000 base pairs on chromosome 11 and for the genes that are proteinā€coding, which have predicted transmembrane regions:

      values=list(11,5200000,5300000), mart=ensembl)
  hgnc_symbol   tmhmm
1      OR51V1 TMhelix
2         HBB        
3         HBD        
4         HBD TMhelix
5        HBG1        
7        HBG2        
8        HBE1        

There are 8 genes in the specified region of chromosome 11 which OR51V1 and HBD genes have predicted transmembrane regions.

Access NCBI Entrez databases from the command line using EDirect.

First, set it up (on Linux, Windows or Mac machines). Then, extract the largest human proteins in the FASTA format. Try the following command, in which the $ symbol indicates a UNIX prompt

esearch -db protein -query "1000000:1500000 [MLWT] AND human [ORGN]" | efetch -format fasta > myresults.txt

After the command runs you will find a file called myresults.txt with your desired sequence.