Researchers used microarrays to study gene expression of cells in the ’00s in a transcriptome-wide manner. While RNA-seq has become the preferred method for genome-wide transcriptomics due to decreasing sequencing costs, microarrays are still used for their relative simplicity of analysis. Furthermore, there are a large number of existing microarray data sets that are still relevant for analysis. The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce the techniques of analyzing gene expression microarray data.
Set working directory:
setwd("C:/Users/manso/OneDrive - University of West London/MSc Bioinformatics - UWL/6.BGA - Bioinformatics and Genome Analysis/week 5 - Microarray analysis/practical")
Install necessary packages and load libraries:
celpath = "C:/Users/manso/OneDrive - University of West London/MSc Bioinformatics - UWL/6.BGA - Bioinformatics and Genome Analysis/week 5 - Microarray analysis/practical/Microarray data"
data = ReadAffy(celfile.path = celpath)
data # data is the name of your AffyBatch object
AffyBatch object
size of arrays=536x536 features (21 kb)
cdf=Hu6800 (7129 affyids)
number of samples=6
number of genes=7129
CEL files contain raw intensities for each probe on the array. The data is now an AffyBatch object containing the data from your CEL files.
To view specific items of a simple object: refer to their location using [ ] e.g. - Object[1,2] will retrieve the item on the first row and second column - Object[1:2,] will retrieve all columns of the first two rows
To view an entire column of a data frame: use $ e.g. dataframe$columnname To access slots of complex objects: use object@ followed by the name of the slot.
GSM1688666_MG1999060202AA.CEL.gz GSM1688667_MG2000030311AA.CEL.gz
1 1206.5 2184.0
2 11187.5 43209.5
3 1301.3 2017.0
4 12234.5 43422.0
5 893.3 708.5
GSM1688668_MG1999052812AA.CEL.gz GSM1688669_MG1999052811AA.CEL.gz
1 1007.5 2495.8
2 8083.0 13405.5
3 1126.3 2830.3
4 9114.0 13769.3
5 778.5 1122.5
GSM1688670_MG1999062405AA.CEL.gz GSM1688671_MG1999060203AA.CEL.gz
1 688.3 1112.5
2 8949.3 4943.3
3 667.5 951.0
4 9328.0 4082.8
5 557.3 728.5
GSM1688666_MG1999060202AA.CEL.gz GSM1688667_MG2000030311AA.CEL.gz
542 972.5 679.5
543 1055.5 805.0
544 1757.5 1913.0
545 2134.3 3714.0
546 3055.0 1945.3
GSM1688668_MG1999052812AA.CEL.gz GSM1688669_MG1999052811AA.CEL.gz
542 893.0 2284.5
543 1000.0 2257.3
544 1494.3 3321.5
545 2454.3 5854.3
546 1105.5 4398.8
GSM1688670_MG1999062405AA.CEL.gz GSM1688671_MG1999060203AA.CEL.gz
542 589.8 881.8
543 746.0 912.0
544 713.8 986.8
545 840.0 1331.0
546 873.3 1194.5
Microarray data sets have information about the samples that were hybridized to the arrays, e.g. sample labels. To retrieve phenodata use:
ph = data@phenoData
An object of class 'AnnotatedDataFrame'
sampleNames: GSM1688666_MG1999060202AA.CEL.gz
GSM1688667_MG2000030311AA.CEL.gz ...
GSM1688671_MG1999060203AA.CEL.gz (6 total)
varLabels: sample
varMetadata: labelDescription
Find the names of the columns in varLabels: there is one column named sample:
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
GSM1688666_MG1999060202AA.CEL.gz 1
GSM1688667_MG2000030311AA.CEL.gz 2
GSM1688668_MG1999052812AA.CEL.gz 3
GSM1688669_MG1999052811AA.CEL.gz 4
GSM1688670_MG1999062405AA.CEL.gz 5
GSM1688671_MG1999060203AA.CEL.gz 6
GSM1688666_MG1999060202AA.CEL.gz 1
GSM1688667_MG2000030311AA.CEL.gz 2
GSM1688668_MG1999052812AA.CEL.gz 3
GSM1688669_MG1999052811AA.CEL.gz 4
GSM1688670_MG1999062405AA.CEL.gz 5
GSM1688671_MG1999060203AA.CEL.gz 6
Microarray data sets include information on the probes. AffyBatches have a slot called featureData, a data frame that contains labels for the probes.
feat = data@featureData
An object of class 'AnnotatedDataFrame': none
Microarray data sets include information on the experiment. AffyBatches have a slot for this called experimentData.
exp = data@experimentData
Experiment data
Experimenter name:
Contact information:
No abstract available.
Information is available on: preprocessing
ph@data[ ,1] = c("wt1","wt2","wt3","mut1","mut2","mut3")
An object of class 'AnnotatedDataFrame'
sampleNames: GSM1688666_MG1999060202AA.CEL.gz
GSM1688667_MG2000030311AA.CEL.gz ...
GSM1688671_MG1999060203AA.CEL.gz (6 total)
varLabels: sample
varMetadata: labelDescription
In this dataset we have 2 groups of 3 replicates: 3 WT controls and 3 mutants
If we had 3 groups of 3 replicates:
ph@data[ ,1] = c("control1","control2","control3","iso1","iso2","iso3","swim1","swim2","swim3")
Microarray pictures can show large inconsistencies on individual arrays. If you have a set of small arrays, e.g., 6 arrays and you want to plot them on a single plot, you can use the following code for the plotting:
If we have 3 groups of 3 replicates and want to plot them on a single plot:
Histograms are plotted as a quality control check to determine if normalisation is required. We will plot the distribution of log base 2 intensities (log2(PMij) for array i and probe j) of perfect match probes for comparison of probe intensity behaviour between different arrays. If we see differences in shape or centre of the distributions, it means that normalization is required.
op = par(mfrow = c(2,3))
for(i in 1:6){hist(data[,i],lwd=2,which='pm',ylab='Density',xlab='Log2
intensities',main='Histogram of raw data')
Boxplots and histograms show the same differences in probe intensity behavior between arrays. In order to perform meaningful statistical analysis and inferences from the data, you need to ensure that all the samples are comparable. To examine and compare the overall distribution of log transformed PM intensities between the samples you can use a histogram but you will get a clearer view with a box plot.
The which argument allows you to specify if you want to use: • perfect match probes only: which=‘pm’ • mismatch probes only: which=‘mm’ • both: which=‘both’ Since the use of MM probes is highly controversial, we will work with PM probes only. The col argument specifies the color of the boxes, the names argument the labels on the X-axis.
pmexp = pm(data)
Create two empty vectors that will serve as the two columns of the data frame: - one to store the sample names in, called sampleNames - one to store the log intensities in , called logs
If there’s 3 groups of 3 replicates, the code is as follows:
= vector()
sampleNames = vector()
logs 15
for (i in 1:9)
{= c(sampleNames,rep(ph@data[i,1],dim(pmexp)[1]))
sampleNames = c(logs,log2(pmexp[,i])) logs
After we have filled the vectors with the data we need, we combine sample names and log intensities into a single data frame:
logData = data.frame(logInt=logs,sampleName=sampleNames)
#Now we create the plot
dataBox = ggplot(logData,aes(sampleName,logInt))
dataBox + geom_boxplot()
Use same code as for raw intensities but use the normalized intensities as input (data.matrix) instead of the raw data:
sampleNames = vector()
normlogs = vector()
for (i in 1:6)
sampleNames = c(sampleNames,rep(ph@data[i,1],dim(data.matrix)[1]))
normlogs = c(normlogs,data.matrix[,i])
If you have 3 groups of 3 samples, the code is as follows:
After filling the vectors with data, we combine sample names and normalized intensities into a single data frame:
normData = data.frame(norm_logInt=normlogs,sampleName=sampleNames)
dataBox = ggplot(normData, aes(sampleName,norm_logInt))
dataBox + geom_boxplot() + ylim(2,16) + ggtitle("after normalization")
dataBox = ggplot(logData,aes(sampleName,logInt))
dataBox + geom_boxplot() + ylim(2,16) + ggtitle("before normalization")