Biopython Sequence Objects

Beatriz Manso

The Biopython programming language is an open-source application programming interface (API) used both in bioinformatics software development and in everyday scripts to perform common bioinformatics tasks.

Install Biopython in the Anaconda Powershell using the following command:

conda install -c conda-forge biopython

1.Set working directory using 'os' module:

2.Import "Seq" from the Bio.Seq module

3.Make a new seq object by using a new sequence

4.Upload Fasta file and store as a seq object

5.Extract seq object from seq record and store it in a variable

6.Seq objects can be searched to find the first instance of a substring using the method find()

7. Seq objects can be searched to count the non-overlapping instances of a substring using the method count()

8.The complement and reverse complement can be obtained of a nucelotide sequence

9. Transcribe DNA sequence into RNA

10. Transcribe RNA sequence into DNA

11. RNA and DNA can be translated into protein